USA, Obama's 'wellspring of human rights' helped Saudi Arabia gt on the United Nations Human Rights Council
It is not often that we post material from elsewhere without adding anything of our own. In this case however, there is noting to add.
from The Anti Media
Two years after the controversial appointment of Saudi Arabia to the U.N. Human Rights Council, leaked diplomatic cables have revealed the U.K. was a key player in the election of the Gulf State ─ despite the Saudis’ appalling human rights record.
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) is tasked with the promotion and protection of human rights throughout the world. What’s remarkably under-reported (yet unsurprising) is the claim that notorious human rights abuser, Saudi Arabia, pledged $1 million to UNHRC prior to winning the blood-stained seat.
What is surprising is the next chapter in the farcical saga.
In a classic case of you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours, the leaked cables ─ translated by U.N. Watch ─ allege that a secret vote trading deal was made by Britain and Saudi Arabia to ensure both countries were elected to the council.
Passed to Wikileaks in June, the classified files refer to Saudi talks with British diplomats prior to the November 2013 vote in New York.
One read: “The delegation is honoured to send to the ministry the enclosed memorandum, which the delegation has received from the permanent mission of the United Kingdom asking it for the support and backing of the candidacy of their country to the membership of the human rights council (HRC) for the period 2014-2016, in the elections that will take place in 2013 in the city of New York.”
The leaked files then elaborate on the trading of “support” between the two countries ...
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