The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Election Victory For Dutch Farmers Protest Party Should Trigger A Political Earthquake In The EU


As reported in this blog's news roundup yesterday (and by France 24, which should silence those people always eager to dismiss us a just a bunch of conspiracy theorists,) the Netherlands faced a political earthquake this week as a farmers’ protest party won key elections, throwing the government’s environmental policies into disarray’.

The Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging or BBB) was founded only four years ago as a protest pary for the purpose of drawing attention to the economically and socially damaging effects of 'Green' policies being implemented by the EU and The Netherlands government. Like most protest parties the BBB remained in obscurity until  a wave of protests earlier this year against Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s plans, in line with EU diktat, to cut nitrogen emissions created by livestock numbers and confiscating farms, as we reported last year. Now it is set to become the biggest party in the Dutch upper house of parliament with 16 or 17 seats. 

What makes this development even more significant is the importance of agriculture, and particularly dairy produce, to the national economy. Are angry Dutch farmers spearheading an uprising against the elites? Their determination in face of what amounts to theft of their generations-long livelihoods has proved it is possible. In the face of increasingly dictatorial and borderline tyrannous action by governments in the liberal democracies we can only hope other countries will now follow suit and throw out the traditional two and three party political hegemonies that have for the past fifty years served the wealthy elites of well and the less privileged majorities so badly.

Questions should now be asked about how the EU, and the supine governments of most member states, thuought they could get away with pursuing this action, not only against the Dutch farmers, for there have also been protests against the attack on farming in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and Belgium that we know of. 

At the same time the Brussels bureaucrats are ignoring the farming disaster on the Spanish coast, where a large proportion of fertile land is covered in poly tunnels so that the supermarkets of northern Europe can be supplied withfresh, out-of-season vegetables and fruit all the year round. Fertilizer has to be added to enrich the soil because forced production of crops has exhausted the soil. There is now growing consensus that there will be another water crisis in the region this summer, not bleause of climate change but because the aquifers have been drained to irrigate these crops.

The BBB victory is obviously a step in the right direction. But the way this political party is being funded has started to circulate on the interwebs. It is said this party is being funded by a company called ReMarkAble (it is lettered like that). 

It is correct that Remarkable does have connection with a big pharma company, Bayer, which also  also has links with agricultural industries as a major producer of pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers etc.

What is being done by the Dutch government in collabouration with the EU is criminal, but not unique. This kind of out unaccountable tyranny is happening because of the apathy of the general public blinded and misdirected by years of scaremongering propaganda .

This tyranny is visible in the US right now with Biden promising the banks that the US taxpayer will act as lender of last resort in the financial crisis we have reported earlier this week. Because we all pay tax one way or another \Dementia Joe's reaction to the crisis will involve a massive transfer of wealth from the poorest in society to the elites. For those families we read of every day in the news who are struggling to put food on the table it is adding insult to injury.

These people won't be removed from power through the ballot box though. To achieve that people will have to follow the French example and get out in the streets and protest, lawfully but noisily. We must make enough noise and create enough drama to ensure mainstream media cannot ignore what is going on nor Big Tech censor it..

The whole system is one built on tyranny and always has been. Only now, thanks to the internet and alt_news web pages are the general public being allowed to see clearly the contempt the elites have for the people who provide wealth and luxuries for them. Now We The People get to see the reality that has been concealed from them throughout their lives.




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