The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Thousands Flood The Streets In Germany As Fury Over Refugee Sex Assaults Reaches Boiling Point

Over the past week, more information has been coming to light about the wave of violence and sexual assaults that occurred across Europe on New Year’s Eve.

What mostly news reports in English speaking countries (including our early posts) initially believed was isolated riot by newly arrived migrants in Cologne’s city center now appears not to have been confined to the German city but was a bloc-wide phenomenon as women in Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, France, Italy, The Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia have come forward to report being molested by what police have eventually admitted were gangs of drunken Mid-East asylum seekers.

"In Sweden, police said at least 15 young women reported being groped by groups of men on New Year's Eve in the city of Kalmar,” AP reports, adding that “in Finland, police said they received tipoffs on New Year's Eve that about 1,000 predominantly Iraqi asylum seekers were intending to gather near the main railway station in Helsinki and harass passing women."

Similar stories are being reported all around Europe.

"Women's groups and many politicians have long been arguing that Germany's sexual assault law is archaic, with loopholes that mean groping and surprise attacks are not necessarily prosecutable unless the woman tries to fight off the attack - which police often advise against," Deutsche Welle notes.

"There have been very many cases that you and I would probably unequivocally describe as rape or sexual assault that haven't come to a conviction, because the women allegedly didn't defend themselves enough," Elke Ferner of the Social Democratic Party's women's group told the broadcaster.

We have taken the view that Europe's ruling elites have betrayed the people of their own nations for the sake of sucking up to that terrorist loving piece of slime in The White House and the globalist financiers ( e.g. George Soros) he serves. The Latest news bulletins from Germany appear to bear out our view. BBC News reports German police have used water cannon and tear gas to disperse people protesting against the German government's failure to act against a tide of immigrant crimes against German citizens that has been gathering momentum throughout the past year.

The protestors have been quick to point out that while they were peacefully protesting when this treatment was handed out, on New Year's Eve police stood by and did nothing as German women were being raped and mauled by immigrant males. So again it seems the German authorities actions can only inflame the situation more.

And again, we see a deeply divided society, with citizens concerned for the freedom and safety of German citizens being branded as right wing extremists for staging a kind of "we told you so" rally and the pro-refugee, anti Europeran German authorities trying to suppress the opinions and curtail the civil liberties of those who complain about the wave of violence, sex crimes and anto social behaviour associated with the immigrants.

Meanwhile, the flow of asylum seekers continues unabated. "We had an average influx of 3,200 refugees per day arriving in Germany, and the numbers are not declining in the last days," Ole Schroeder, the deputy German minister, told a briefing in Brussels.


Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham
Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK

GermanSocialist Idiot Minister: Criticism Of Migrant Rapes Are As Bad As Rapists Themselves
Public hostility to Muslim migrants who raped and sexually assautled German women and attacked German nationals on New Year's Eve increased sharply after a socialist regional politician in the North Rhine - Westphalia federal state appeared to blame Germans for the orgies of violence that took place in Cologne and other German cities as people celebrated the New Year.

Latest Fashion Trend: European Women in Hijab

New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station
Details of the sexual assaults and attacks on peaceful Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early on the morning of January 1, are just now emerging. Not a word on this story was printed in mainstream European newspapers or reported in television and radio news bulletins.

German Anger Boils Over: Shots Fired At German Refugee Home; One Asylum Seeker Hit
Many may have forgotten because of all this - if only temporarily - about Europe's biggest crisis at the moment: the onslaught by over one million refugees, who are desperate to escape from the political disaster that are the result of western interference in the domestic politics of middle eastern countries like broken states of Syria and Iraq.

Sweden's Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe
As we have reported many times over the past year, Sweden has been more hard hit by the crimes and lawlessness of illegal immigrants from primitive third world societies than anywhere else in Europe. Even the Sweden hating socialists cannot ignore the epidemic of rape crimes, assaults and the general contempt for Swedish society, law, culture and traditions that illegal immigrants from Africa and the middle east have expressed through their actions.

Doctors And Engineers? 65 Per Cent Of Syrian Refugees Can’t Even Read Or Write
Statistics released by a senior German academic confirm previous forecasts suggesting the majority of Syrian illegal immigrants refugees arriving in Europe claiming they are asylum seekers or refugees are functionally illiterate and have no hope of obtaining gainful employment.

European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegally began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East

Immigrants set up sharia law zones in European cities
New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station

Swedish Government Review Of White Genocide (Immigration) Policy Concludes That Swedes Don’t Actually Exist ...
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich
Europe is not a promised land for immigrants
Immigration: Soros companies profit from misery and chaos
Sweden's suicide by immigration
Immigration omnibus
Immigration, Germany's crisis
Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... [ Authorsden blog ]

Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?

As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing.

The rising popularity of Sharia courts in the UK is increasing concerns of a parallel justice system emerging. Authorities say they are conducting a review of the process. RT’s Eisa Ali looks at the arguments of those against and in favor of the system. Sharia councils in the UK say they deal strictly with family matters, such as marriage and child custody battles, but there is concern that they constitute a parallel legal system.

“We believe that Sharia courts discriminate against women and especially against Muslim women,” Nazira Mahmari, of the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation, told Russia Today.

“We want all women to have the right to access the mainstream system,” she added. Mahmari says she would like to close down all Sharia courts in the UK.

This view is shared by Robin Tilbrook, the founder of the English Democrats Party, who says the British government should be doing more to tackle the problem.
Read full report at Russia Today >>

"No civilised country can survive the disintegration of its legal system. As Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote over 2000 years ago, "Ever since our ancestors came out of the hills ten thousand years ago to live under the rule of law, it has been understood there can only be one law in a state."

He was and still is right. Suppose we allow this trend to continue beyond civil matter to crimes committed by Muslims in the name of Islam. Should a man be accused of the honour killing of his British born daughter because she dated a Christian boy, a Shaira court would find that he had acted properly.

Are we prepared to tolerate murder in the name of multiculturalism?


Shafilea Ahmed, whose parents were convicted of murder in 2012, in one of the first honour killing cases to be successfully prosecuted in the UK (read more in The Times). Under Sharia Law, the family would not even have faced criminal charges. (Image source)

MAIN KEYWORDS: Britain >> Refugee >> Islam >> Muslim >> Sharia

Former Head Of UK Equalities Commission Admits He Was Wrong To Believe Muslims Would Blend Into Britain

revor Phillips: the sign behind him reads "Working for equality and integration", a cause to wich he devoted a large part of his career but which he has now been forced to abandon because of Muslim racism and intransigence

Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham
Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK
Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham
Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK
Immigrants set up sharia law zones in European cities
New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station

Sesame Street New Hijab-Clad Muppet: ‘Zari’ Is A Feminist From Afghanistan
Swedish Government Review Of White Genocide (Immigration) Policy Concludes That Swedes Don’t Actually Exist ...
Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich
Europe is not a promised land for immigrants
Immigration: Soros companies profit from misery and chaos
Sweden's suicide by immigration
Immigration omnibus
Immigration, Germany's crisis
Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... [ Authorsden blog ]