The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Tear Gas, Water Cannons Use By Police In Germany As Leftist Neo-Nazis, Riot

Protests by left wing trouble makers trying to halt a PEGIDA anti - immigrant march turned nasty when PEGIDA members continued their peaceful march after the demonstrators (who have no legal authority but only the authoritarian left's self righteousness to back them up) demanded that they disperse. For left wing nutters it is only ever a short step from screaming, with faces contorted with anger, vile and hate filled insults to throwing bricks and petrol bombs.

One thing you might have noticed if you’ve followed the short history of Germany’s migrant “miracle” is that citizens’ celebratory mood (characterized initially by the “sweets, toys, and hugs” refugees from Syria received upon arriving in Germany after completing the increasingly arduous Balkan route) has gradually been replaced by a creeping skepticism towards the asylum seekers and towards the “iron chancellor’s” open-door policy for refugees.

Just two days ago, we highlighted the following graphics from WSJ which has been called the scariest chart for Angela Merkel, (TIME magazine’s recently crowned person of the year - WTF were they thinking?):

Wall Street Journal charts the fall in Merkel's popularity as immigration rose in two infographics

the daily stirrer

Wall Street Journal charts the fall in Merkel's poularity as imigration rose in two infographics

Even before the Paris attacks that rocked the EU nations and awoke people to the fact that jihadists are arriving in europe and being welcomed as refugees or asylum seekers, the subsequent bomb scare in Hanover and the shootings in San Bernadion, USA, the tide of public opinion was turning against the hand wringing sentimentality of the leftist 'YTooman rights' brigade.

In Germany people had simply not understood what the sheer numbers of arrivals meant or how such low quality migrants would affect Germany's orderly society until they came face to face with the influx and started to read of rapes and violence committed by newly arrives 'refugees' who though they were coming to bring Europeans Sharia Law, forced marriage, ritual vagina mulitation and the civilized notion that it is OK to rape girls and women who go out without an accompanying male.

There are still large parts of the German electorate, the affluent professional and managerial class emotional cripples who only ever do anything in order to be seen doing it, that support Merkel’s 'open doors' approach, it’s simply to say that reality is beginning to sink in regarding what it means to take in one million people in the space of just six months even when you are a country whose entire population is 81 million. Think then how little Macedonia is faring as a tide of migrants lands on their shores, demanding shelter, food, warmth, free iPads and virgins (yes these cupid stunts are from such backward places they think any post pubescent girl who has not been sold into marriage is fair game.)

Some political groups in Germany have been against the open-door approach from the start. PEGIDA (which stands for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West), has regained much if not all of the momentum the movement lost earlier this year when it's founder Lutz Bachmann posted a picture of himself dressed as Hitler on Facebook with the caption “He’s Back” (read more about recent PEGIDA rallies here).

On Saturday, we got the latest example of social and political unrest in Germany when an attempt by leftists to disrupt right wing demonstrations turned violent. As RT reports, “about 150 members of different far-right organizations marched through the southern part of Leipzig. They included the neo-Nazi party Die Rechte (the Right), xenophobic organization Offensive für Deutschland (OfD) (Offensive for Germany), and a division of the PEGIDA movement called Thugida.”

Things apparently turned ugly when rabid leftist protestant pastor and youth worker Lothar Konig, 61, showed up with his "loudspeaker van" and began to incite the brainwashed Marxist sheeple to violently break up the PEGIDA protest.

So, as is usually (invariably) the case in the UK it was not 'neo-Nazis' and 'right wing extremists' that started the violence but the loony left who have no logical argument to back up their Leninist dogma and so fall back on the politics of hate. The leftists would argue that any time neo-Nazis stage a march they're bound to cause trouble due simply to the fact that they identify which a movement that's had... how should we put this... a rather checkered history in Germany. This is bollocks of course, when the left's rent a mob start breaking up the peacful protests of organisations like PEGIDA, extremist groups are bound to oppose the left's traditional anti - democracy brutality.

It has now emerged that the majority of people arrested during the 'neo-Nazi' march in Leipzig, Germany on Saturday were left wing counter-demonstrators, who threw rocks and fireworks at police and lit fires in the street.

Around 150 PEGIDA supporters were met by many times more left wing and ‘anti-fascist’ protesters, possibly as many as 1000 who were screaming hate messages at the peaceful protestors. Police deployed around 800 officers to keep the mob away from the peaceful marchers.

An official statement said 69 police and several demonstrators were hurt during the weekend’s disturbances. About 50 police vehicles were also damaged and 23 arrests were made.

Left wing protestors set bins alight in the street in an attempt to blockade the route and stop the right wing march, and the majority of those throwing missiles at police were from the counter-demonstration.

"There are also other violations, but mainly it comes down to this charge,” police spokesperson Ricardo Schulz told Die Welt. “There are a number of proceedings against masked people who were throwing stones. This was an excess of violence."

As usual we see that while those called right-wing extremists, fascists and Nazis behave as civilized human beings should, the infantile thugs and bullies who style themselves 'liberal' or 'the left' behave in ways we associate with Hitler's Brownshirts or Sturmabteilung.

READ MORE ON: Germany >> immigration >> PEGIDA >> immigrant >> Muslim >> democracy
German Opposition Party Warns, Nation Is "At The Edge Of Anarchy, Civil War Is Coming"

As the stituation in German society deteriorates each day due to the vast swarm of lawless, uneducated, infidel hating illegal Muslim immigrants that Housfrau Volksfuhrer invited to travel to Germany and replace the established population, social commentators are predicting the country will slide into civil unrest and possibly full scale conflict between supporters of immigration and patriotic Germans
Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel Confronts Facebook's Zuckerberg Over Policing Hate Posts

It has long been recognized that German chancellor Angela Merkel models her leadrship style on those og Hitler and Stalin. What is not so well know is that Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is collaborating with Merkel, Obama, Cameron and other leaders sympathetic to global fascism to introduce censorship of internet content. Avoid Facebook, Zuckerberg is a Jewish Nazi, how sick is that

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Immigration: The Mediterranean Boat People
Immigration and how it degrades hospitals and schools
Democracy Murdered In France
Immigration and benefits
How Hungary made a stand against EU immigration policy disaster
Immigration is marginalising Europe's white working classes
Calais has its very own immigration crisis
Europe is not offering a promised land for immigrants
Sweden's national suicide by immigration
UKIP lead the way in standing up to Euronaziism on immigration
Europe's Immigration crisis omnibus

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Russian Navy clashes with Turkish vessel impeding drill platform convoy in Black Sea

by Ivan Ackerov - Russian corrspondent

Russian coast guard ship involved in incident with Turkish vessel

Tensions increase again today in the middle east as once again, a Turkish vessel manoeuvres in a provocative way by obstructing the free movement of Russian ships in the Black Sea. It is now not just reasonable to conclude Turkey's President Erdogan is acting as Obama's proxy in trying to provoke an act of aggression by the Kremlin that would give Washington they excuse they want to start a shooting war with Russia in a final bid to remove the Assad regime in Syria which has stayed in power due to Vladimir Putin propping it up against the attacks of US sponsored Islamic State rebels.

In the second naval incident involving Russian and Turkish vessels in two days, we have received reports that a Russian missile cruiser and coast guard powerboat were ordered to intervene after a merchant vessel flying the Turkish flag blocked a convoy transporting two drill platforms to a new location in Moscow's territorial waters. (From yesterday's Boggart Abroad: Russian Navy Destroyer "Fires Warning Shots" To Avoid Collision With Turkish Ship)

The decision to relocate the rigs closer to Crimea was caused by the complicated international situation , according to a press release from the Russian Chernomorneftegaz state company which owns the platforms. The current escalation in Turkish belligerence has been caused by Turkey's shooting down of a Russian military aircraft ir retalitation for Russia's outing of President Recep Erdogan and his son Bilal as war criminals profiting hugely from illegal oil trades with the Islamic State terrorists.

While the two rigs were being moved to their new location, a vessel flying the Turkish flag crossed the convoy’s path.

“Acting in violation of regulations for preventing collisions and against the generally-accepted conventions of navigation, the Turkish vessel failed to get out of the way of the convoy. It approached crossways and attempted to stop its course, thus creating potential for a collision,” Chernomorneftegaz said in a statement, stressing that the captain of the Turkish vessel operated radio silence despite requests to respond.

The outbreak of of the incidents involving Russian and Turkish ships is "an overture to the Turkish intention to raise the issue of renegotiating the Montreux Convention [regulating passage of the foreign ships through the Turkish straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles]," Professor Srdja Trifkovich, foreign affairs editor of the Chronicles Magazine, told RT.

Trifkovich explained that the Montreux Convention (signed in 1936) must be renewed every 20 years, so in 2016 the convention will have to be re-signed.

"Obviously, this would be a handy time for the Turks to start raising tension and to start claiming that the number of incidents – for which they, of course, would blame the Russian side – indicates the need to impose some as yet unknown restrictions on the passage of the Russian warships through the straits," Trifkovich said, stressing that in the past similar incidents had occurred but were quite rare.

Trifkovich noted that an escalation in tensions between Russia-Turkey over the straits would be a serious issue major one, given the fact that having right of way through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits from The Black Sea to The Mediterranean has been an imperative of Russian foreign policy since the 18th century.

The strait issue is particularly sensitive now as Russia is conducting a counter-terrorist operation in Syria. The shortest sea route to Syria passes through the Bosporus and Dardanelles.

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MAIN TAGS: Russia >> Turkey >> Syria >> War >> ISIS
NATO violates treaty to support the Evil Empire
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NATO Warships in the seas Odysseus Sailed Spell Trouble For EU

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France: Left and Right Unite In Desperation To Keep Power

A la gauche, le petit ver Sarkozy, a le droit, le petit crapaud Hollande

France’s Front National (FN), disappointingly but unsurprisingly failed to win a single regional government in French regional elections on Sunday (13 December, 2015) despite being comfortably ahead in the popular vote after last week's first round. Following a smear campaign that branded Front National as right wing extremists and neo - Nazi, and some pretty unsavoury political chicanery between the socialists and conservatives, which made a mockery of french democracy, voters were scared back to traditional parties. The Socialists led by President Francois Hollande (Le petit crapaud) and former President Nociolas Sarkozy (Le petit ver) had ordered their candidates to withdraw from the run off votes and advise supporters to vote for their traditional rivals in orderr to keep FN out of power.

Similar ploys were used by Consrvatives and Labour in the British election to prevent UKIP winning seats where the anti - EU party was doing well, and by Swedens Social Democrats, Christian Democrats and Marxists to stave off an early election that would probably have seen the anti EU Sweden Democrats become the second largest, if not the largest party in Sweden's national assembly.

The leader of the anti-immigration FN, Marine Le Pen, lost out to the centre-right opposition in the northern Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie region after the ruling Socialists pulled out of the race before the second round. Her 26-year-old niece Marion Marechal-Le Pen was also defeated by the centre-right grouping after socialist candidates had withdrawn in the southern region that includes the glitzy resorts of the Cote d’Azur, despite dominating the first round last week.

The FN had topped the vote in six of 13 regions on December 6, but once again suffered in the second round of an election as the establishment parties used bullying and scare tactics to win support from many dissastisfied voters who had declined to cast a vote in the first round. With turnout high on Sunday at around 59 percent, the centre-right grouping appeared to have won at least five of the regions.

It is astonishing how widespread this interchangeable political label thing really is. It has worked since 1992 for Labour and Conservative Parties in Britain, though they make different noises when campaigning the policies in government are as different as bean curd and tofu (It is the same in the USA and Australia and I suspect in Germany, Spain, Italy etc.) Everywhere in the developed world the politically correct consensus seems to hold sway in politics, education, public service and the media. And while the elites have not started burning heretics as the medieval church did, people who challenge the dogma can end up in a lot of trouble.

The loss of national sovereignty since joining the EU and handing over power after power to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels through treaties must have contributed to this melting pot between different factions we call politics these days.

It seems as if the sovereign nations of western Europe are being groomed to become nothing but centrally controlled province of the United States Of Europe. It has seemed so for a long time, as if, eventually, the bankers and corporate money only want to deal with 28 oligarchs, a similar to Putin's Russia - the nation EU leaders spend so much time demonizing.

In the end however, French voters may regret their craven desire to cling to the status quo, the politics of failure. The choice between le petit ver (the little worm), Sarkozy and le petit crapaud (the little toad) Hollande is not really any choice at all.

MAIN TAGS: Democracy >> France >> politics >> election

Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?

Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.
Democracy Murdered In France

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