Sunday, June 26, 2022

America’s Energy Crisis: Subsidised Wind & Solar Main Reason For Record Power Prices



Failure’s an orphan, success has a thousand fathers, but subsidised wind and solar are central to the energy disaster playing out in America, Europe and Australia.

Faced with rocketing power prices and an angry proletariat, the political classes have amped up their deceptive rhetoric, with wild and fantastic claims that the only way to rein in runaway power costs is to add even more chaotically unreliable and heavily subsidised wind and solar power. A little like throwing gasoline on a raging fire.

Not renowned for his grip on reality, or relationship with the truth, America’s President, the hapless Joe Biden has taken the lead in the stakes for America’s annual Pinocchio awards, as Francis Menton explains below.

When President Biden talks, there may or may not be any connection between what he says and the real world. Yes, you need to give every politician some leeway, since most of what any politician says will fall in the general realm of political exaggeration or hyperbole. But even within the disreputable category of politicians, Biden can take the lack of connection with reality to a whole new level.

You may have your own favorite among Biden’s preposterous statements. For me, the very most preposterous is one that he has been making repeatedly for the past several months, namely that his energy plans, including expansion of wind and solar electricity generation together with fossil fuel suppression, will save American families the very specific amount of $500 per year each. This claim has popped up in multiple places and multiple formulations. One example came in the State of the Union speech back in March, where Biden said, “Let’s cut energy costs for families an average of $500 a year by combatting climate change.” ... Continue reading >>>

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                 Energy crisis

Saturday, June 25, 2022

European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses

The European Union was in big trouble long before Britain voted to leave in 2016 (and finally left in 2021), the financial strain of a basketload of economic basket case nations relying on Germany's industrial powerhouse economy to support them was starting to fray the threads of unity that held the then 28 member - state together which the loonytoons green energy poicies and politically correct approach to immigration and other social issues imposed by the technocrats in Brussels were dividing nations internally as well as against each other. But somehow the Brussels elite and their loyal supporters in member state governments managed by a mixture of bullying and manipulation to hold thins together.

But they cannot continue business as usual for much longer it seems. The Russia -Ukraine conflict is taking a toll on the Euro-zone and it could result in finally pushing the Union into the abyss. Every problem emanating from Russia's invasion of Ukraine is amplified for the region which was already struggling economically and politically. Soaring energy prices and out-of-control cost of living increases combined with stagnate growth and a growing trade imbalance with China and India you have the recipe for disaster. And then there is the inevitable runaway inflation that is the inevitable result of the insane money - printing exercise formally known as the COVID pandemic response.

A report publishd by Reuters this month shows the Euro-zone year - on - year inflation rate surged to yet another record high in May to to 8.1% in May from 7.4% in April. Energy costs due to the sanctions imposed on Russia in retaliation for the incursion into Ukraine are no longer the only factor pushing up the figure. Excluding food and energy prices, inflation rose to 4.4% year-on-year from 3.9%. This pressures the European Central Bank to bump up interest rates further. Unfortunately with Germany and several other EU nations being forced to ration domestic fuel, while transport costs have led to problems with food distribution and empty shop shelves, such a move ought to be unthinkable. Europe's economic war with Russia has highlighted just how weak Europe is.

Should Ukraine conflict drag on, as it may with EU and NATO member states supplying the suicidal nutcases in Kiev with high tech military hardware thus enabling them to prolong the war, Russia could completely cut off gas to Europe. Currently it appears Russia intends to keep Europe from restocking its storage facilities, which will cause widespread hardship substantially increase Russia’s leverage in the winter months. In the past three months Russia has cut off gas supply to several European countries that refused to pay for gas in rubles and has also substantially reduced the flow through the Nord Stream. This has cut off supplies to France and reduced flows to Germany by some 60 percent.

With inflation at 4 times the ECB's 2% target, policymakers face the toxic mix of raising rates and a shrinking economy. Trapped between galloping inflation, and political instability due to economic chaos and hoping to tame inflation, ECB President Christine Lagarde is moving to raise rates. Some policymakers and economists doubt small moves will be enough, especially since underlying inflation is showing no signs of abating.

Due to supply chain problems in the wake of the pandemic, then as a result of Russia's war in Ukraine, prices have been soaring across Europe. This suggests the years of of ultra-low inflation are at an end. What many economists tried to blow off as a transitory blip prices has now become embedded in the economy. The fear is that once high energy prices filter through into the general economy, inflation will get entrenched and eventually perpetuate a price-wage spiral.

Data from the European Union's statistics agency, Eurostat shows the euro zone's trading account swung to a record deficit in January from a surplus a year earlier as the cost of imported energy increased. The euro-zone's trade deficit in goods, the difference between exports and imports, was 27.2 billion euros ($30.17 billion) in January, compared with a EUR10.7 billion surplus the same month a year earlier.

Euro-zone governments are already facing all these problems, the last thing they need is another refugee crisis on a par with the influx of illegal migrants in 2015. This time the invasion is caused by food insecurity across Africa the Middle East and South East Asia and the threat of an energy-scarce winter as 2022 comes to a close. The EU abandoned all structural reforms in 2014 when the ECB started its quantitative easing program (QE) and expanded the balance sheet to record levels. Considering the above, it is difficult to remain optimistic that The European Union is on the right track. Member nations are aware of this and are becoming more inclined to ignore Brussels imposed policies and go their own way.


Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine
Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

Italy Pondering Total Ban On Unvaccinated In The WorkplacesItaly's unelected governments, which has already faced riots and massive resistance to its authoritarian measures to strip away citizens rights and liberties under cover of pretending their actions are necessary steps to deal with the pandemic, now risks plunging the country into greater chaos by mandating vaccines for the workplace.

Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Dont Dictate To Us On Human Rights, Justice Secretary Raab Tells EU
Justice Secretary Dominic Raab told the Conservative Party Conference last month Boris Johnson had given him the task of rewriting the The Human Righrs Act when he moved him from the Foreign Office in September’s reshuffle. This week Raab revealed details on how he plans to block interference from Strasbourg in British matters as part of his remit.

Spain Arrests People Traffickers And Drug Smugglers Crossing From North Africa in Speedboats
Spanish police announced the arrest of 90 people involed in a smuggling rackets that moved both people and drugs from Africa to Europe. The Civil Guard released a statement today stating that the smuggling network regularly moved people and drugs from Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in northern Africa to The Costa del Sol in high powered semi inflatable speedcraft of the type often used to move illegal immigrants from Libya to Italy or Turkey to Greece.

September 2021

Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.


Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to "net zero" will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

Europe's biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling ...

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.

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Friday, June 24, 2022

The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany

 by C J Hopkins, OffGuardian, 24 June 2022

So, the government of New Normal Germany is contemplating forcing everyone to wear medical-looking masks in public from October to Easter on a permanent basis.

Seriously, the fanatical New Normal fascists currently in charge of Germany’s government — mostly the SPD and the Greens — are discussing revising the “Infection Protection Act” in order to grant themselves the authority to continue to rule the country by decree, as they have been doing since the Autumn of 2020, thus instituting a “permanent state of emergency” that overrides the German constitution, indefinitely.

Go ahead, read that paragraph again.

Take a break from the carnage in non-Nazi Ukrainethe show trials in the US congressmonkeypoxmaniaSudden Adult Death SyndromeSudden Bovine Death Syndromefamily-oriented drag queensnon-“vaccine”-related facial paralysis, and Biden falling off his bike, and reflect on what this possibly portends, the dominant country of the European Union dispensing with any semblance of democracy and transforming into a fascist biosecurity police state.

OK, let me try to be more precise, as I don’t want to be arrested for “spreading disinformation” or “delegitimizing the state.”

Germany is not dispensing with the semblance of democracy. No, the German constitution will remain in effect.

It’s just that the revised Infection Protection Act — like the “Enabling Act of 1933,” which granted the Nazi government the authority to issue any edicts it wanted under the guise of “remedying the distress of the people” — will grant the New Normal German government the authority to continue to supersede the constitution and issue whatever edicts it wants under the guise of “protecting the public health”…for example, forcing the German masses to display their conformity to the new official ideology by wearing medical-looking masks on their faces for six or seven months of every year.  

In addition to a ritualized mass-demonstration of mindlessly fascist ideological conformity (a standard feature of all totalitarian systems), this annual October-to-Easter mask-mandate, by simulating the new paranoid “reality” in which humanity is under constant attack by deadly viruses and other “public health threats,” will cement the New Normal ideology into place. ... Continue reading >>>


Europe's biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling ...

Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis
With typical arrogance and condescension towards the people who elected them Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and their respectiive presstitutes are trying to spin the energy crisis Europe and North America are currently facing as somehow being linked to the conflict in Ukraine and therfore blame is being attactched to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Do they really think we are stupid enough to believe such unmitigated bollocks? ...

Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration. Continue reading >>>

Study Reveals That Unjabbed Are Better Informed Than Jabbed
On the day we reported elsewhere that thousands of Germans had taken to the streets to protest against the latest fascistic measures imposed by their federal government Ulrike Guérot, a German political scientist has effectively shown that the so called vaccination opponents were far better informed on the CoVID vaccine effectiveness and adverse affects than the jabbed ones. Continue reading >>>

German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.

Germany's ruling party split over how to respond to AfD
Germany's Christian Democrat party (CDU) is as deeply divided as Britain's Labour Party over how to respond to the upsurge of nationalism. Facing a serious challenge from the nationalist (but not far right please, they are not that,) Alternative for Germany party (AFD) the CDU seems pitifully unprepared for departure of the Chancellor Merkel at a point when Germany its facing most serious political and economic crisis for decades.

Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment
After days of rumours as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed she will step down as the leader of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union that has ruled Germany for two decades, and won't run as the party's candidate to succeed Merkel during the federal election ...


German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West

The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted tTo descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.

Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

French Police Use Teargas As Freedom Convoy Brings Thousands Of Protestors To Paris
Inspired by Canada's freedom Convoy, a sponaneous protest by drivers of heavy trucks against the fasistic and oppressive curtailment of individual freedoms by Prime Minister Trudeau's regime, French truck drivers protesting President Macron's similarly authoritarian measures converged on Paris where they were met by riot police enforcing Macron's ban on protests against government policy ...

Dont Dictate To Us On Human Rights, Justice Secretary Raab Tells EU
Justice Secretary Dominic Raab told the Conservative Party Conference last month Boris Johnson had given him the task of rewriting the The Human Righrs Act when he moved him from the Foreign Office in September’s reshuffle. This week Raab revealed details on how he plans to block interference from Strasbourg in British matters as part of his remit.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

News Summary - 21 June 2022


German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck  said Sunday that the country will limit the use of natural gas for electricity production amid concerns about possible shortages caused by a cut in supplies from Russia.

As a member of the environmentalist Green Party, Habeck pushed through legislation in April to raise Germany’s energy target to 80% renewables. He is also an opponent of nuclear energy.

Habeck said that Germany will try to compensate for the move by increasing the burning of coal, a more polluting fossil fuel.

 “That’s bitter, but it’s simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage,”

The decision comes just days after Russian gas company Gazprom announced that it was sharply reducing supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for technical reasons, but which Habeck said appeared to be politically motivated.


Grooming Gang Leader Served as a Council Welfare Rights Officer While Raping Young Girls

from Breitbart Europe, 21 June 2022


The head of an infamous Pakistani child sex grooming gang has been revealed to have been serving as a welfare rights officer for the local government council, a major child sex abuse report has revealed.

Shabir Ahmed, who led the Muslim Rochdale child rape gang, has been identified as “Offender A” by Sky News in a child sexual exploitation in Oldham report this month, which showed that while he was abusing children, he was employed by the local Labour-run council. Despite the Greater Manchester Police force being aware of allegations against Ahmed and his position as a welfare officer for the council, the police force failed to notify the council.

The convicted paedophile, who was jailed for 22 years for preying on vulnerable girls in the Northern English city of Rochdale, and for raping a young Asian girl 30 times for over a decade, was also revealed to have been dispatched by the council to the Oldham Pakistani Community Centre, where he would have had access to young children.

The report stated that if police had informed his employers of the rape allegations “it may have potentially avoided the tragic abuse of other children.”

Though the report claimed to have found no evidence of a coverup, it said that “some children had been failed by the agencies that were meant to protect them because child protection procedures had not been properly followed.”

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Preprint research report links rare brain disease to COVID-19 vaccines220621

from News Target, 21 June 2022 

                          Preprint research report links rare brain disease to COVID-19 vaccines

French and Swiss neurologists and virologists released a preprint research report in May about a rare brain disease with a high mortality rate that emerged after Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations. However, the original report was recently retracted and resubmitted by the authors.

Before it was deleted, however, the researcher reported a 72-year-old woman developing Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 14 days after her second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Her symptoms persisted until the 10th week before fatal neurodegeneration occurred.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease symptoms can be similar to those of other dementia-like brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The report analyzed 26 cases of a prion diseases after COVID-19 vaccination with Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines. And it was found that there had been a serious deterioration from the time of vaccination to the onset of the disease, with instances of death within three to four months.

This is very surprising because the progression of prion diseases (rare, fatal brain diseases that usually affect humans and animals alike) in the past was generally slow and long-lasting, and rarely ever developed into a severe disease within a few months. This shows that the progression of the disease is a lot different from conventional prion diseases in the past.

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Gizmodo has published a series of leaked Facebook documents that it calls “the Facebook Papers”. They reveal that some Facebook employees are unhappy with the tech giant for not censoring “climate change denial”. Reclaim the Net has more.

In late 2021, one document reportedly shows, there were employees who could not understand why Facebook was not defending “the science of the warming planet” with more strict rules, and were critical of their employer for the inefficiency of the rules that did exist.

The documents, that appear to be logs from internal message boards, show one employee finding a “bug” in the censorship machine, despite the fact a part of Facebook’s policies is to “gently nudge” users toward “more authoritative” sources – a condescending way of saying that users should be prevented from seeing content they want, and instead be corralled and directed toward that often arbitrarily picked by the tech giant.

The “bug” consisted in search returning results that did not “nudge users” or employ other forms of manipulation. For example, when searching “climate change,” Facebook at that time simply returned what was the most viewed content on the subject, and it happened to be a video with over 6.5 million views, titled, “Climate Change Panic Is Not Based on Facts!”

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Ukraine Bans Main Opposition Party, Seizes All Its Assets

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Ukrainian authorities have banned the country’s main opposition party and seized all its assets, once again undermining the narrative that President Zelensky is presiding over a beacon of democracy.

The country’s Ministry of Justice announced the move via Facebook, revealing that the Opposition Platform — For Life had been shut down and its assets, money and property transferred to the state.

The party had previously had its operations suspended in March after it was accused of being complicit with Russia and being “anti-Ukrainian.”

The ban means that Zelensky’s main political opposition has been eliminated. The OPPL was the second largest party in the country and its popularity surpassed that of Zelensky’s Servant of the People party last year.

Its leader Viktor Medvedchuk, who claims he is merely looking out for the interests of the Ukrainian people by seeking better relations with Russia, was placed under house arrest last month.

The announcement said the party was suspected of acting to “undermine the sovereignty” of Ukraine, with authorities have already banned 10 other political opposition parties for the same reason.

Last month, President Zelensky signed a bill into law that gave the green light to ban any party that challenged the government’s policy on the Russian invasion, empowering courts to seize assets without the right to appeal.

While opposition parties are being obliterated, Ukrainians who engage in dissent are also being rounded up and arrested by armed men from the Ukraine Security Service.

As we previously highlighted, Ukraine is also attempting to extradite and imprison citizens who live in other European countries if they criticize Zelensky.


Monday, June 20, 2022

Climate Common Sense At Last? The UK Is Prioritizing Energy Security Over Net Zero Promises


After all Boris Johnson's posturing and blustering about his country becoming the world leader in the race to 'Ney Zero', the economically and socially destructive policy that would trash national economies and drive millions into poverty for the sake of winning bragging rights in the climate change scaremongers' club, the U.K. government appears to be making a U turn on its climate promises. Recent developments in energy policy the show significant support for continuing to generate electricity in gas  fired power stations, and opening up several new fossil fuel projects as well as recommissioning oil and gas rigs in the North Sea.. 

Despite having pumped millions into 'sustainable' energy generation technologies (wind and solar,) due to changing conditions in the global economy largely as a result of the Russia / Ukraine war and the economic sanctions imposed on Russia as a punitive measure, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been forced to back an increase in North Sea oil and gas production while the |Department of Energy is even in discussions about extending coal plant operations, having previously pledged that use of coal  in electricity production would end by 2024. 

After the COP26 climate conference last November, president of the summit Alok Sharma, formerly Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, said the U.K. would press governments on their carbon reductiontion promises, in order to hit the goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C. The U.K. took a leading role in the summit, which was held in Glasgow, and will maintain its presidency until COP27 in Egypt later this year. 

It should be pointed out that despite the enormous costs involved in reducing carbon Dioxide emissions, there is no reliable scientific evidence that doing so would half rising temperatures or that global mean temperatures will in fact rise by the predicted amounts. So far ALL the doomsday predictions of the matematical modellers who pass themselves off as 'climate Scientists' have been disastrously wrong. But that point had been made and backed up with evidence in this blog many times before.

As well as setting itself impossible and nonsensical targets for net-zero carbon emissions the U.K. government introduced a target to cut emissions by 78 percent by 2035 and for all of the UK's electricity to come from clean sources by 2035. This idiotic promised to The Green Blob was tied to a plan to increase the generating capacity of offshore wind, but as usual the sciencetits (sic) and politicians overlooked the fact that not only can wind turbines not generate when wind force is too low, they also have to be switched off when the wind strength is too high. So while the government boasts that UK has established itself as a world leader in offshore wind production, the fact that those offshore wind farms cannot generate for around 35% of the time is hidden away on the small print.

With renewables already producing around 20 percent of the country’s electricity but no way of storing it to meet peak demand when the wind is not blowing or is blowing too hard how do they plan to guarantee the steady current required by what the electricity industry calls baseload? T

The government has also introduced wide-spreading decarbonization aims for housing, transport, flights and shipping, food, and industry. But these are just more fairy tale stuff.

Government have  accused ministers of going against their own policies and pledges already this year and of abandoning its net-zero targets, by ingback oil and gas projects in response to the energy crisis caused partly by the Russia / Ukraine situation and partly by the faiure of 'sustainables' to live up to the promises of scientists. 

 In April, the U.K. launched an energy security strategy, which aims for long-term independence from foreign energy sources such as Russia and Saudi Arabia (an unreliable ally at best,) and linked energy security to the decarbonization of the U.K.’s power supply. The strategy then contradicts itself by also identifying oil and gas as key to the meeeting energy needs for the foreseeable future, with plans to boost production in the North Sea, stating “net-zero is a smooth transition, not an immediate extinction, for oil and gas”.

North Sea oil and gas is more reliable option for energy security than importing energy and in the current climate is necessary to meet domestic needs until a new generation of nuclear power stations comes online but the government has not made any moves on nuclear as yet. It may of course be the case that the politicians are reluctant to admit their plan to power a modern nation with the medieval technology of windmills has failed dismally. However, the  United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave a “now or never” warning in April, suggesting that new fossil fuel exploration would jeopardize the Paris agreement target of limiting global heating to 1.5C. It is not clear who these bureaucratic wankers think they are fooling, but with China and India opening new coal fired power plants at an accelerating rate the Paris agreement is defunct anyway.

Responding to concerns about rising energy prices, which have already sent many into fuel poverty, Boris Johnson says that North Sea oil will be vital in tackling the cost of living, encouraging companies to increase their investments in the energy source.

In May, Johnson stated, “To tackle inflation in the medium-term, you’ve got to deal with supply-side issues.”

Adding, “So we need the energy companies to be putting some more into hydrocarbons, but we also need the whole country to be investing in more low-carbon energy.”

This month, it was revealed that the U.K. government was negotiating with Oil companies about increasing oil and gas production in in the North Sea in response to shortages and spiralling prices. This follows news that regulators approved the Shell Jackdaw natural gas field in the North Sea, having rejected it previously due to environmental concerns. 

Shell’s CEO Ben van Beurden said that the company will commence the Jackdaw project “as well as other similar ones... in fact, we have an interest in six of the UK’s 12 planned exploration wells,”. This is part of the company’s aim to increase its oil and gas market share from 10 percent to 15 percent over the next eight years. Shell is expected to invest $31 billion in U.K. energy before 2030, 75 percent of which will go to cleaner energy sources.

In addition, the government is likely to make a deal with a coal-fired facility in Nottinghamshire to maintain operations for longer than scheduled to ensure the U.K.’s energy security. Negotiations are taking place with French energy company EDF to delay the plant’s closure from October this year to next March. 

But the opposition and the public are taking notice of these recent changes in the government’s approach to energy.

Environmentalist groups and the far left Liberal Democrat party criticized the government this month for approving gas drilling in Surrey Hills, in the South of England, despite environmental risks. The Green loonies and the Lib Dumbs would rather us sit shivering in the dark through future winters than admit the truth, that climate change is not an existential threat and all the doom laden warnings are based not on reality but on evidence from mathematical models of the climate. Environmentalist campaigners suggested that the government has an “obsession” with finding new fossil fuel developments. Greenpeace UK policy director Doug Parr said “with this decision the government is completely undermining local democracy, the planning laws that are supposed to protect our designated landscapes and the climate crisis in one fell swoop.”

I wonder if this self - righteous idiot and his unwashed cronies understand that should we  shut down all fossil fuel powered operations immediately as the tree - huggers are demanding, not a single hospital in Britain could operate, our cities would grind to a halt, and there would be no food in the shops.

It is good to see that for once, instead of pandering to extremists the government is doing the right thing in turning its back on loonytoons climate pledges and policies, in the face of energy shortages and rising prices, we are turning back to oil, gas and even coal, in a bid to ensure the country’s energy security. Next step Boris, get those nukes built.


Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.

Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth
The Daily Sceptic today published an article by retired research scientist James Dent, whose specialist field was hydrology and meteorology. Mr. Dent was involved in research projects aiemd at understanding the factors influencing climate, and their effects on environments, [ ... ] he was the World Meteorology Organisation Chief Technical Advisor to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh, a low lying nation especially prone to flooding ....

Freak Weather Around The World Begs Questions
With Britain and other parts of northern Europe basking in unseasonably warm temperatures which are forecast to last for a few days, while parts of the USA gring to a halt under a blanket of snow dumped by freak storms are, accoring to climate scarmongers, a signal that irreversible warming had arrived, it is perhaps timely for a hot topic from ten years ago, geoengineering came under the microscope again. This report from Global Intel Hub seems a good way to kick off the debate. ... Continue reading >>>

Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments. Continue reading >>>

We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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COP26 Climate Conference - Just Another Elitist Scam To Steal Your Money
If you are one of the people who still relies on mainstream media for information, the 'on - message' news reports coming from the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow this week, and during the build up to the conference, might have convinced you that the entire world (barring a few crazy conspiacy theorists,) is signed up to the 'net zero' agenda and believes that destroying the economies of the developed nations while exporting our jobs, business and prosperity to places like India and China is the only way to save the planet. Continue reading >>>

Forget The Hype About COP26 Saving The Planet, Here's The Reality
As mainstream media heaps praise on the delegates to the COP 26 climate conference because they have managed to agree to save the planet by repeating the same meaningless pledges and setting the same impossible targets as every previous climate conference in the past 20 years has, Boggart Blog brings you a message from a former colleague in Denmark, who tells us of the true consequences of 'gree' policy making in Europe's greenest> Continue reading >>>

Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
The government's current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.

Globalist Elites Now Pushing For Lockdowns Save You From Climate Change
Elite globalists are now proposing that lockdowns be imposed to protect us punters from climate change. Did we ask for this? Did we vote for this?

A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to "net zero" will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

Europe's biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling ...

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.

2 April 2022::UK Energy From Wind Power Down To 3% Of National Need In Past Week
It was a pleasant week in ?Britain last week, the weather settled into a psttern of cold, dry, sunny, almost windless days typical of what we ofen get from December through to April. It was certainly too cold to be outdoors without a coat or thick sweater for long. More significantly ss a result of the lack of wind, electricity generation from wind turbines was negligible, averaging 1.01Gigawatts, or 3% of total demand: Effectively this means that wind farms only run at about 5% of their capacity in such wintery weather.

Climate change Energy green dreams
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Sunday, June 12, 2022

News Summary - 12 June 2022

 Islamists Use 'Woke' Cancel Culture Tactics To Cencor Lady Of Heaven Film

‘The Lady of Heaven’ is currently being pulled from cinema chains because it is considered ‘blasphemous’ by certain Muslims. They have a perfect right to protest, of course: this is a free country. But once again we see the assertion of a right not to be offended, which does not exist in law (despite the belief of one or two police forces). The fact that the film was written, produced and directed by certain other Muslims is neither here nor there: the mobs outside the cinemas are demanding meetings with cinema managers, and those managers are complying with the ‘robust’ mob demands to stop screening the film because it is ‘blasphemous’, and there is no discussion or debate to be had on the matter.

And without any discussion or debate to be had on the matter, the cinema chains are left with a single inference: stop screening ‘The Lady of Heaven’, or else…

And so they have pulled it, to “ensure the safety” of their staff.

‘The Lady of Heaven’ is Islam’s ‘Life of Brian’ moment'

‘The Lady of Heaven’ is not a secularist or profane assault on things that Islam holds sacred: it is a Shi’a perspective on Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed and Khadijah. “Fatimah has been compared to Mary, mother of Jesus, especially in Shia Islam. Muhammad is said to have regarded her as the outstanding woman of all time and the dearest person to him. Fatimah is often viewed as an ultimate archetype for Muslim women and an example of compassion, generosity, and enduring suffering.”

And rather like the way Mary is variously understood among Christian traditions, there are differences within the strands of Islam of how the ‘legend’ of Fatima is or should be understood. ...Continue reading >>>

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New smoking laws would mark the end of our liberty

by Matthew Leish, Daily Telegraph 12 June 2022

This week a new review into government tobacco policy made a number of extraordinary proposals – most controversially to ban tobacco sales to individuals born after a certain year. It would be the understatement of the decade to describe these suggestions as “bonkers”.

They would infantilise future generations as never before, treating every person born after an arbitrary date as if they were a child forever. You could be sent to war, have sex, drink alcohol, get married - but not smoke a cigarette. It might lead to a cosmically absurd situation in which one day a 50-year-old would be forced to ask their 51-year-old mate to purchase a cig on their behalf. Overnight, the ban would create a gigantic illegal market, stripping the Treasury of revenue and handing it straight to criminal gangs.

The review, led by Dr Javed Khan, contains a number of other recommendations “to make England smoke-free by 2030”, from further increases to the UK’s already vast array of regressive sin taxes, to banning smoking in beer gardens, on beaches and in new council estates. So much for supporting the UK pub industry, or even defending the concept of privacy in your own home.

Khan’s nanny statist ideas may only directly impact smokers. But the ideological underpinnings should terrify us all. Historically, the anti-smoking lobby justified interventions to inform and protect the public, especially children - through measures like health warnings, indoor bans to limit second-hand exposure, ending advertising and imposing high tobacco duty to pay for the smoking-associated healthcare costs (though tobacco revenues now far outstrip any cost to the NHS). They have traditionally poo-pooed ‘slippery slope’ arguments which assert that their underlying goal is to ban smoking outright.   ... Continue reading >>>

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European Auto Industry Decries EU Ban On Petrol Cars

via Zero Hedge

Authored by Charles Kennedy via,

The German auto industry is protesting a decision by EU parliament to ban the sale of cars that run on petrol and diesel by 2035, describing it as detrimental to the market and consumers. 

Earlier this week, in Strasbourg, the European Parliament voted to support a ban on the sale of new combustion engine cars beginning in 2035 in line with the bloc’s goal of achieving climate neutrality in 2050. 

The EU Assembly vote comes as the bloc desperately attempts to cut its independence on oil and gas products from Russia. 

In a statement, the German auto industry said the EU Parliament’s decision was “against citizens, against the market, against innovation and against modern technologies”m Euractiv reported... Continue reading >>>

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Just like the Orwellian Ministry of Truth, Big Tech is seizing control over HISTORY and rewriting it

by Ethan Huff, News Target, 12 June 2022

Picture: News Target


A writer and political activist by the name of Danny Haiphong was suspended from Twitter for questioning the official story about the Tiananmen Square massacre incident of 1989.

It is apparently now an offense to speculate that perhaps the mainstream narrative about historical events such as this might be inaccurate, which Haiphong learned the hard way when he was told by Twitter that he had violated the platform’s “rules against abuse and harassment.”

About a year ago in conjunction with the Biden regime’s ongoing censorship efforts, Twitter quietly put new rules in place that prohibit “content that denies that mass murder or other mass casualty events took place, where we can verify that the event occurred, and when the content is shared with abusive intent.”

In a statement, Twitter added that the rule applies to references that insinuate a historical event was a “hoax,” or that its victims or survivors might be “fake or ‘actors,'” the statement said.

“It includes, but is not limited to, events like the Holocaust, school shootings, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters.”  ...  Continue reading >>>



Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Lies of Davos, Runaway Food Prices and Global Starvation

Authored by J. Kim via substack

In mid-2021, corn had already nearly doubled in price and wheat had soared almost 40%. This was well before any of the bankers started blaming Russia for soaring wheat and corn staples because of the Russia invasion of Ukraine at the end of February of this year. This should clearly show the absurd obscenity of the Central Banker narrative of blaming ongoing mass global starvation on the Russians. Over a year ago, I could not have been more explicit in explaining that Central Bankers’ massive devaluations of fiat currency purchasing power along with the establishments’ immoral covid lockdowns were the primary culprits, not those “evil” Russians, were responsible for “imped[ing] the ability of  hundreds of millions around the world that most desperately need to work to purchase food, [thus creating] a lethal combination [of] mass hunger and starvation.”


And if the above referenced chart doesn’t convince you that Central Bankers were the primary cause of life-squeezing inflation around the world well before the Russians invaded Ukraine, then just take a look at another chart I compiled which clearly illustrates the runaway inflation in the US and the incredible shrinking dollar since 1975. Are the Central Bankers going to blame the below runaway prices on the Russians too?


A larger chart of the above is available here


Furthermore, those incredibly naĂŻve and ignorant masses that believe the banker-controlled mass media narratives that the Russians are to blame for mass starvation around the world have little to zero knowledge about the true price mechanisms of major food staples, and instead, believe the garbage they learned in their MBA business programs about this topic.  For example, most among us are unaware that global grain distribution is widely controlled in monopolistic fashion by just four companies - Archer-Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill, and Dreyfus – and due to this monopoly, that these companies can conspire to heavily influence the prices of the world’s major food staples.


In fact, all of these companies retain grain reserves that they could release to ease soaring prices and to help the starving, but for obvious reasons, safeguard and do not publicly disclose this information. Due to the sole purpose of global companies to maximize shareholder value, it behooves these companies to artificially push prices as high as possible at all times, even if such actions lead to mass starvation around the world. Since the data regarding their grain reserves remains unknown, I’m not claiming that these companies engage in this type of immoral behavior, but it’s quite obvious that they would maximize shareholder value by doing so, and doing so quite frequently.


It requires only a modicum of knowledge about industry wide practices to imagine that these four companies employ similar methodologies of  creating artificially higher food prices to the alleged methodologies employed by JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs bankers in artificially driving aluminum prices higher before offloading them for massive profits. For many years, those companies that needed aluminum supply alleged that Wall Street bankers were artificially driving prices up by multiples of a free market price by hoarding aluminum in non-publicly disclosed warehouses and refusing to allow millions of tons of aluminum to enter the market. Other billionaires around the world have done the same with metals and grains, with China’s hoarding of aluminum and soybeans to artificially drive prices higher well documented. Of course, all behavior of this type is morally repugnant, but the mass media continuously compartmentalizes its judgment about such behavior by absolving all Westerners of such behavior while condemning all those in non-NATO nations that do the same. In other words, mass media journalists lack any moral compass and seem to think that moral repugnancy does not cross transnational borders from East to West,  from South to North, and that moral repugnancy only dwells in the Eastern and Southern hemispheres and in developing nations.

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Friday, June 10, 2022

News Summary - 10 June 2022


Ousted Ukrainian Official Breaks Silence, Admits She ‘Exaggerated’ About Mass Rapes by Russian Forces

by Jack Phillips, Epoch Times 10 June 2022


A top Ukrainian official who was ousted over unsubstantiated claims that Russians were committing mass rape admitted she “exaggerated” but did so to convince the West to send more weapons to Ukraine.

Lyudmila Denisova, who had served as the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, was recently removed by the Ukrainian Parliament over what they said were her false claims about mass rapes. The members of Parliament at the time said that her work focusing on alleged sexual assaults by Russian troops “couldn’t be confirmed with evidence … and distracted the global media from Ukraine’s real needs.”

Speaking to a Ukrainian news outlet, Denisova said that the information about rapes that she spread served her goal to obtain more military aid, confirming that “indeed, maybe I exaggerated” some of the rape claims. She did not elaborate.

“When, for example, I spoke in the Italian parliament at the Committee on International Affairs, I heard and saw such fatigue from Ukraine, you know? I talked about terrible things in order to somehow push them to make the decisions that Ukraine and the Ukrainian people need,” she said this week, according to a translation ...Continue reading >>>

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Covid Vaccines Cause a New, Fast-Acting Form of Deadly ‘Mad Cow’ Neurological Condition CJD, Says Leading Virologist

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic, 10 June 2022

Picture via Daily Sceptic

The Covid vaccines appear to be responsible for the emergence of a new, fast-acting form of the deadly neurodegenerative condition Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a study by a leading virologist has found. This is the disease one form of which in cows is Mad Cow disease and it is always fatal.

The findings appear in a pre-print study (not yet peer-reviewed) by world-renowned virologist and AIDS discoverer Dr. Luc Montagnier (who died in February), neurologist Dr. Claire Moret-Chalmin and Dr. Jean Claude Perez.

The study, titled “Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: 26 cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ jab“, reports in detail on 26 of the 50 cases of CJD reported in France and Europe which emerged “very soon after the injection of the first or second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines”. The authors says this is unexpected as “usually this disease takes decades to manifest itself”.

“Why and how can this same fatal disease declare itself so quickly following these injections?” they ask, concluding it is “very likely that we are dealing here with a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease”.

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Does Advertising Matter

by Lionel Shriver in The Spectator

Ms Shriver assesses recent research by the Pull Agency which that the public are heartily sick of woke adverts and find them off-putting and wonders how effective ads are in shaping public consciousness.

Stop! Don’t fast-forward. I love this advert!’ How often do you say that? Considering that some commercial breaks run to five minutes, not often enough. How about, ‘Oh no, not again, I can’t stand this advert’? Mm… nightly?

According to recent research by the Pull Agency, a brand consultancy, promotion that strains to impress consumers with a company’s progressive imprimatur is off-putting. You always suspected it, but now it’s official: woke advertising backfires.

In a survey of 2,000 representative Britons, 68 per cent of respondents were either ‘uneasy’ or ‘unsure’ about brands supporting fashionable left-wing causes such as climate change, BLM, LGBTQ+, diversity, equality, and female body confidence. Fifteen per cent would actively avoid purchasing the products of companies that publicly endorse those causes via ‘woke-washing’. To go out on a limb here, I’d venture that even the 32 per cent of respondents who claimed to want brands to posture politically in their promotions would rather watch Cravendale Milk’s hilarious 2011 advert ‘Cats with Thumbs’ than the trendily humourless Nike advert ten years later, in which a black lesbian student spurns the classics as representing ‘the patriarchy’ to celebrate ‘women of colour’ who ‘fight for social justice’.

When asked what companies should do to be socially responsible, 58 per cent of respondents ticked: ‘Pay their taxes, treat people fairly, respect the environment and not use it as a PR opportunity.’ In other words, rather than lecture us to behave well, behave well yourself; peddle your product, not your unconvincing high-mindedness.   Continue reading >>>

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UK Government says NO to referendum on WHO Pandemic Treaty!

by David Clewes, Unity News Network

The following has just been sent out to signatories of the petition demanding a referendum on the WHO Pandemic Treaty. As you can see it is a case of the Government knows best and the people do not have the right to have a say in it!


The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum”.

Government responded:

To protect lives, the economy and future generations from future pandemics, the UK government supports a new legally-binding instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

COVID-19 has demonstrated that no-one is safe until we are all safe, and that effective global cooperation is needed to better protect the UK and other countries around the world from the detrimental health, social and economic impacts of pandemics and other health threats. The UK supports a new international legally-binding instrument as part of a cooperative and comprehensive approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

At a World Health Assembly Special Session in late 2021, the 194 countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) agreed to launch a process to draft and negotiate a new instrument, through the auspices of WHO, to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The negotiating process will be led by member states, including the UK.

The instrument aims to improve how the world prevents, better prepares for, and responds to future disease outbreaks of pandemic potential at national, regional and global level. It would complement the existing international instruments which the UK has already agreed, such as the International Health Regulations. It would promote greater collective action and accountability.

A treaty is an international agreement concluded between States or with international organisations in written form and governed by international law. The UK is party to a large number of multilateral treaties, including many through the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies such as the WHO. These instruments reflect obligations states have agreed to enter into to further common goals.

The current target date for agreeing the text of the new instrument is at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. Over the next two years the UK aims to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics and will actively shape, develop and negotiate the text. The new instrument would only be adopted by the World Health Assembly if the text achieves a two-thirds vote of the Health Assembly (Article 19 of the WHO Constitution). The Health Assembly is made up of representatives of WHO Member States.

Once adopted, the instrument would only become binding on the UK if and when the UK accepts (ratifies) it in accordance with its constitutional process. In the UK this requires the treaty to be laid before Parliament for a period of 21 sitting days before the Government can ratify it on behalf of the UK.

The Government always carefully considers whether domestic legislation will be required to implement the UK’s international obligations when negotiating a treaty. Not every treaty requires implementing legislation and it is too early to say if that would apply here. However, in all circumstances, the UK’s ability to exercise its sovereignty would remain unchanged and the UK would remain in control of any future domestic decisions about national restrictions or other measures.

If changes to UK law were considered necessary or appropriate to reflect obligations under the treaty, proposals for domestic legislation would go through the usual Parliamentary process and the UK would not ratify the treaty until domestic measures, agreed by Parliament, were in place.

This process of ratification allows scrutiny by elected representatives of both the treaty and any appropriate domestic legislation in accordance with the UK’s constitutional arrangements. The Government does not consider a referendum is necessary, appropriate or in keeping with precedent for such an agreement.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Click this link to view the response online:

This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.


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