The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The left’s identity politics falls apart ahead of US Midterm elections

As the US 2018 midterm elections loom ever larger on the horizon it is clear the US electorate has never been more implacably polarised, while the smearing, lying, backstabbing and name calling have never been more blatant. The Democrats know there is not only control of the Senate and House of Representatives at stake, but the outcome will have a huge influence on the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election when Donald Trump will seek a second term. Win control of both houses, and the Democrats will be able to effectively hamstring Trump’s presidency, win only the House of Representatives and they will be able to make life difficilt for his administration.

 Six months ago it looked as though The Democrats could gain control of both houses but since then they have been determined to show they can repeat hillary clinton’s trick of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The failed attempt to derail the conformation of Supreme Court nomineee Brett Kavanaugh by smearing him with an unsubstantiated accusation of a sexual misdemeanour which allegedly took place 35 years ago and was witnesses by nobody (not even the victim apparently, given her inability to remember accurately and details of the when and where,) seriously backfired on the party. This was followed by the debacle over claims made by 2020 presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren, who in a bid to gain support from minorities said she is a member of the Chreokee nation. Unfortunately Ms. Warren, whose claim dates back to her 2012 senatorial campaign, was pressured into taking a DNA test, and proved to be ten generations away from any Cherokee ansector.

The left’s assumption is that women and minorities Democrats because they perceive supporting the party’s liberal stance as being in their best interest while major cultural events back up that view. This is not entirely true, the Republicans have done as much on civil rights, while before World War 2 The Democrats were the part of slavery and segregation in the southern states , (it’s all documented.) Over the course of the past two weeks, since the conformation of Justice Kavanaugh, and the discrediting of ‘Fauxoontas’ Warren as Trump calls her, the left’s strategy of identity politics as a way to divide and conquer American voters has not only failed catastrophically, it’s backfired.

We saw this play out first with the fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The narrative, created by the left and repeated by allies in the media, quickly became about women. Without distinction, it was declared that all women were on the side of Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

This was not true and it refelcts badly on The Democrats and feminism the assumption that ‘all women’ hold the opinion the liberal narrative on mainstream media assigns them can even be made. Hundreds of women who knew Kavanaugh came out publicly in his defense, saying that he had always behaved properly in female company. Scores of women wearing “I Stand With Brett” and “Women For Kavanaugh” T-shirts gathered on Capitol Hill to show their support for his nomination. Thousands tweeted #HimToo as a way to show support for due process and evidence to back accusations.

After years of pussy hats, #MeToo, college kangaroo courts and entirely spurious gay and trans rights cases, plus some particularly nasty outbreaks of fascist style street violence people don’t buy the liberal message about a right wing ‘war on women,’ the ‘rape culture’ or the need to ‘exterminate white heterosexual males.” These crude scare tactics are repeated at left wing events and rallies designed to grab the votes of women and ethnic / sexual minorities. But Democrats are making a huge miscalculation.

Conservatives are furious at the people purporting to speak for women, furious that what should have been an ordinary parsing of evidence (what little there is after 36 years) was turned into a Kabuki theater campaign ad for the Democratic Party, stressing their trope that the GOP is conducting a so-called war on women,” Stephanie Gutmann wrote in an op-ed for USA Today.

More importantly, this facile assumption that ‘all women’ supported #MeToo because ‘all women’ have faced sexual harassment from every man they meet, that ethnic minorities are constantly beaten down by ‘white racism’ or ‘white privilege’ and that gays are universal victims (when most have good careers and are accepted by most people, has encouraged conservatives to get ready to head to the polls and vote against Democratic Party candidates.

According to a survey conducted by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Polls, enthusiasm among Republican women jumped 12 percent since Kavanaugh was announced in July and that was further solidified during and after his confirmation.

Shortly after Kavanaugh was officially sworn in as a justice, President Trump held a meeting at the White House with rapper and cultural icon Kanye West.

With the cameras rolling, West lavished Trump with praise, talked about prison reform and explained why he loves what the president is doing. “He can speak for me any time he wants,” Trump said from the Oval Office. “He’s a smart cookie. He gets it.”

It was yet another cultural moment that derailed the left’s talking points: African-Americans are Democrats and could never align themselves with a Republican president has been the assumprion for several decades. The meeting was shocked many liberals, particularly those easily triggered snowflakes, the university students and spun many into a panic of egregious and racist insults.

“Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read,” CNN commentator Bakari Sellers said on Don Lemon’s show.

Since West showed support for Trump’s policies earlier this year, the president’s approval among African-American voters has been on the rise.

In a desperate attempt to somehow fit into the left’s narrative on race, the Warren fiasco further alienated minorities Complete with a video and extensive campaign website, the data shows she might be 1/1,024th Native American.

The fallout was swift and painful.

“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America,” Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. released in a statement. “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. … Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”

Warren’s cultural and victim status appropriation not only further hampered her reputation, but threw a bomb into the waning “blue wave” just three weeks ahead of the midterms.

“Argue the substance all you want, but why 22 days before a crucial election where we MUST win house and senate to save America, why did @SenWarren have to do her announcement now? Why can’t Dems ever stay focused???” tweeted Jim Messina, former President Obama’s 2012 campaign manager.

The Democrats obsession with skin color and gender, and their fondness for Islam while they simultaneously denounce Christianity and are positively anti – Semitic (as are their fellow travellers the UK Labour Party,) is as a strategy, falling apart and recent events show why. Nov. 6 is just around the corner and the battle lines for presidential votes are already being drawn. For Democrats, those lines are being crossed as women and minorities vote on interest, not on identity politics.


America’s Liberal Left Enforcing The Fascist Ideals They Preach Staunchly Against?

Last week,White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was kicked out of a Red Hen restaurant in Virginia because the owner, a pussy hat wearing liberal feminist, did not want to serve anyone who worked for the Trump administration. In a separate incident Protesters swarmed around Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s home on Friday. Florida’s Attorney General was confronted and heckled at a showing … Continue reading 


Weinstein scandal: What it tells us about celebs, American politics & Hollywood

The Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal which has rocked the Hollywood establishment and shocked America to its core, according to mainstream media should not have surprised anyone (if fact much of the shock and horror being expressed is typical Hollywood liberal hypocrisy.) And now the story has broken, it seems that as well as a … Continue reading  

Google Vs. Trump: “The Good Censor” On Collision Course With The Patriot President

Authored by ‘Washington Watcher’ via, The leaked internal Google briefing “The Good Censor” [PDF] has received suspiciously little attention from the Main Stream Media, but it represents the crassest statement yet of the Tech oligopolies’ intention to impose Silicon Valley Political Correctness on the U.S. As American Thinker Editor Thomas Lifson puts it: “I congratulate for the … Continue reading  

Top FBI Attorney Provided ‘Explosive’ Testimony Regarding Trump-Russia Probe

On a day that saw the latest nonsensical claims from the UK government about Russian government culpability for the Skripal assassination attempt back in March, we came across a story which shows how the other great “It’s The Russians fabricated narrative is falling apart. While NATO governments were getting their knickers in a right old … Continue reading
How US Department Of Homeland Security Created Fake News On Russia Hacking US Election
The narrative of Russian intelligence interfering with the outcome of U.S. elections has achieved near-universal acceptance among media and political organisations. But the real story behind that narrative reveals that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created an account of events that was designed to spread false information and cause fear and panic.
The Deep State Is Real..& They Don’t Like Trump’s Disruption
In his new book titled “The Deep State: How an army of bureaucrats protected Barack Obama and is working to destroy Donald Trump,” Jason Chaffetz alleges that the deep state is very real. His book, which is set to be published on September 18, details the lengths the intelligence community is going to in an attempt to undermine Trump.
How Can US / NATO Claim Info From Syrian Rebels Is Reliable?
The problem with the latest attempt to justify intervention by the USA and its allies France and the UK has things in common with previous illegal weapons incidents in Syria for which no evidence of the involvement of Russia or President Assad’s government was found, and one in particular in which the culprits were identified…
China and Russia Move To Outflank Washington Hawks, Avert War In Asia
Events in recent days have given everybody in the world cause for concern. First it was revealed that renegade state North Korea how has nuclear capability to attack American interests in the Pacific and possible even targets on the US mainland. Then the war of words between the North Koreans and Washington took a nasty turn, opened up the throttle and seemed to be hurtling towards all out war.

Oprah Winfrey, Praised As A Feminist Icon, Exposed As A Fraud Within Twenty Four Hours

Tanya Gold, writing about The Golden Globes awards, praised the acceptance speech given by Oprah Winfrey who was given a lifetime achievement award presumably for fronting a television freak show, and commented on the ridiculous calls from other ‘liberals’ in hollywood and Washington for Oprah to run against Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Coming To A Town Near You: Expert Warns That No-Go Zones Are Growing In America

Nothing illustrated the failure of Europe’s open doors immigration policies more than the notorious “no-go zones” that have sprung up in Muslim dominated areas of many European cities. For decades the West has opened its borders to people who don’t share their values, and the West has utterly failed to encourage these people to assimilate. The lack of assimilation has reached a degree that many of these populations have become resentful of their mediocre status in society, and have actually become more insular.

‘Unacceptable’: China slams Trump’s threat to end commerce with N. Korea’s trade partners

Russia Today reports:
China has warned that Donald Trump’s threat to cut off trade with countries that deal with Pyongyang would be “unacceptable” and “unfair” to Beijing. It also stressed that Beijing cannot be the sole player in resolving the North Korean crisis.

Trump blocks Sale Of US Tech Company To China

President Trump has reportedly blocked the attempted acquisitions of a US technology company by a Chinese firm. while his opponents accuse him of breaking election promises and betraying votes, although they offer little evidence to support their claims, the increasingly tough policy against China’s acquisition of US companies continues, despite the firing of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who supported Trmp’s “economic nationalism.”
“Hopelessly Compromised”: Judiciary Member Calls For Mueller’s Resignation Over Uranium One Scandal
Earlier this morning (November 4) House Judiciary Committee representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) submitted a resolution calling for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel overseeing the FBI investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government saying that the former FBI director is “hopelessly compromised” as a result of his failed oversight of the controversial Uranium One transaction …
It’s the breaking news we all knew about over a year ago, the Democratic Party Primaries were as bent as a fisherman’s hook. This blog and most other unaligned news websites in New Media reported last year, supplying irrefutable proof it must be said, that the Democratic Party pirmaries which secured the nomination for Hillary Clinton were rigged.
Soros: The European Union Is Now In An “Existential Crisis” And Trump’s America Is A “Hostile Power”
June 1, 2017:

Speaking about the state of the European project in the wake of Brexit and the continuing advance of nationalism in EU member states, billionaire glabalist George Soros warned the European Union has plunged into an existential crisis as a result of “dysfunctional” institutions and undemocratic decisions imposed on members, and will require the bloc to …
“Watershed Moment” In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay … Continue reading

You’ll be surprised to learn everybody in America does not hate Trump
Read most UK mainstream newspapers or listen to BBC, Sky or ITN television news and you could easily go away with the impression that everybody in America hates Donald Trump. A moment’s thought would inform you that is nothing more than propaganda from the fake news industry of course, only three months ago Trump was … Continue reading
Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time? The airstrikes by a US led coalition that killed many Syrian soldiers fighting for the legitimate government of Bashar al Assad against the terrorist forces of ISIS has raised the level of hostile rhetoric between the USA / NATO coalition and the Russia / China / Iran alliance. The likelihood of war seemed to have receded through the summer, after it seemed possible early this year, that one stray shell or bullet could spread the war beyond the middle east.
Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time?
If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It’s Hard To Know What Will Even the conservative Wall Street Journal is waking up to the massive deception that is being perpetrated on voters by the American political establishment, media and judiciary. Unfortunately the around half or the voters seem to be willingly complicit in this deception. In fact the USA collectively appears capable of a level of cognitive dissonance on an unprecedented scale in relation to the crimes and corrupt practices of Hillary Clinton …
If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It’s Hard To Know What Will

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