The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

USA: Federal Prosecutor Killed While Investigating Democrat Election Crimes

by Arthur Foxake, 29 May, 2017
The body of Federal Prosecutor Beranton Whisenant was found on a Florida beach on Friday 26 May. Whisenant had been investigating DNC voter fraud. The lawyer was not simply investigating the DNC voter fraud in Florida. He was also in charge investigating other crimes the state authorities, particularly the Democrats would rather pretend don’t exist: illegal immigrant trafficking, passport and visa fraud.

Police said Whisenant, 37, died of head trauma probably caused by a gunshot, the Miami-Herald reported. Whisenant’s body was found in the water near Magnolia Terrance on Hollywood Beach Wednesday but police were unable to say where, exactly, he died.

“The investigation is at an early stage,” Hollywood, Fla. Police Department spokeswoman Miranda Grossman told the Herald. “All I can confirm is that It is him.”

The circumstances surrounding his death were still being investigated, though the Herald noted that if his death was in some way related to a case he was pursuing, the FBI and district attorney’s offices would be much more involved. Instead, the FBI referred all questions to Hollywood police.

No arrests have yet been made. Should investigators find Whisenant was the victim of some sort of foul play (WTF, a well dressed professional man found dead on a beach with a bullet in his head? Why would anybody suspect foul play?) he would join a list of only about 10 prosecutors who have been killed in modern history.

“This type of person is not out on the street at 2 a.m. confronting people who are intoxicated, armed and violent,” Scott Burns, executive director of the National District Attorneys Association, told KXAS-TV when assistant district attorney Mark Hasse was killed in Texas. This time however, nobody is commenting on the bizarre circumstances of the death. But then nobody commented on the case of the Democrat campaign worker Seth Rich, officially the victim of a street mugging, who was found with a wallet full of cash, and expensive watch and jewellery still on his corpse. Or of the numerous other people associated with the Democratic Party who have died in mysterious circumstances, stretching all the way back to the 1980s when a Clinton aide, Vince Foster, was found to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the head TWICE!

Acting U.S. Attorney Benjamin Greenberg issued an official statement regarding Whisenant's death.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office family was deeply saddened and shocked to learn of Beranton’s death,” said Greenberg. “He was a great lawyer and wonderful colleagues and we will miss him deeply. Our thoughts are with Beranton’s family and friends.”

The mainstream media is already doing their part to cover-up any potential wrong-doing in this case. The Miami Herald has suggested that if the death was a crime or “retaliatory” than authorities would be more aggressive. As we already said: a well dressed professional man found dead on a beach with a bullet in his head? Why would anybody suspect foul play FFS?


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