The Boy Macron looking increasingly isolated as the EU falls apart (Picture: independent.co.uk)
Europe is struggling to tackle the mass immigration crisis, which was triggered by Brussels' imposition of an open doors system what ordered member states to welcome all comers. common EU asylum policy. The authoritarian bureaucrats rammed the policy down the throats of member states with the collaboration of France and Germany.
With Germany's Angela Merkel facing the collapse of her government because of her stubborn refusal to heed the will of the people, France is now the only significant EU nation whose leaders clings to the 'open doors' ideal. but even he is facing opposition, not just from other French political groupings but from within his own party. As a result France's former future messiah, the boy Macron, is at logerheads with the entire community.
Mr Dupont-Aignan, the head of the nationalist Debout La France (Stand up France), warned the migrant crisis row threatens to end free movement in the EU.
He said: “What’s interesting about the current situation is that, beyond the controversies, recent events spell the end of Schengen. That’s it, it’s over.”
The Schengen agreement enables passport-free travel in much of the EU, but is heavily criticised by eurosceptics, who say that free movement rules and the bloc’s porous borders have exacerbated the EU’s illegal immigration problem.
Mr Macron is “pitting France against the rest of Europe” to defend a “system which is already dead,” Mr Dupont-Aignan said as he continued to tear apart the Schengen accord.
Dupont - Aignan is correct, in fact the Shengen zone was implemented to facilitate free movement across national borders for EU citizens. It was never intended to allow the whole world to wander around Europe as they pleased.
It was Germany and France (the usual suspects) that bullied other nations into letting immigrants from the third world enter Europe with no proof of identity, accepting without question ridiculous requests for refugee or asylum seeker status. Now the Germans and French are trying to offload responsibility for the consequences of their politically correct stupidity on the rest of the EU member states.
Index of posts on France
Bare-Breasted ‘Mariannes’ Confront Macron’s Riot Police Thugs As Yellow Vests Second French Revolution Gathers Momentum
After France’s rebellion of the Yellow Vests protest against the globalist, elitist government of Emmanuel Macronturned violent last week this weekend’s protests (week 5) saw a further escalation in the anger against the government, which they claim is for the rich and foreign nations rather than the people of France. Again vast number of police, around 70,000 according to unofficial reports, have been mobilized across France in an effort to suppress the protesters,
France Spirals Into Chaos As Protests Gather Momentum