//by Arthur Foxake
On TheTruthseeker.co.uk in February 22 when
the Russian military entered into the Ukraine, and with the US /NATO puppet Zelensky
regime running and controlling the Ukraine, an anonymous commenter I quoted at the tie in my own blog said the Special Military Operation was a deal made by Israel & USA/ NATO with the Russians to take those four eastern oblasts in
exchange for getting out of Syria.
Since then many others have said the same or similar things in their own way. However, these days if anyone is to become too
influential and go beyond humble traffic statistics they are simply not going to
be visible in Search Engine listings for very long.
Also, you have to be tuned in to the way buiness and politics work to understand that the powers are making deals all of time,
screwing those with less power, constantly gobbling things up which
don’t belong to them, and planning usually decades in advance just like
with the plandemic. Might makes right you know.
The Syrian incursion was a trap by the globalist West to bleed Russia on another front as they did in Afghanistan with the Soviet Union. Putin and Iran were smart enough not to take the bait. Assad was trying to reach an accommodation with the West and the Gulf States, but an ophthalmologist is not in the same duplicitous league as the professional backstabbers and double dealers of the diplomatic services in great nations.
Assad was in Moscow the day before the invasion of the head amputators started,
probably with his entire family, and in discussions with Putin. Alex Krainer offrs an excellent analysis of the situation on YouTube although at 40 minutes its a long watch. The
bottom line to Krainer’s analysis is that Assad gave the order to his
military to “stand down.” According to Krainer this was determined to be
the best long term strategy by both Russia and Iran.
One may argue that the neocons, including Trump, are too stupid to be stupid, but perhaps they are just following orders from the center of the spider’s web that they cannot wrap their heads around. The Israeli’s are celebrating as did the Trojan’s when they dragged the gift horse of the gods through their gates but have they been sold out to radical Islam?
Turkey and Israel, being led by two of the planet’s leading psychos, are well placed to initiate another forever war as the US proxy war in Ukraine runs out of steam, (or to be accirate Zelensky runs out of troops,). Trump’s son-in-law, married to Tiffany, who “owns” Syria’s phosphate. will have a hard time holding on to it. Even the stolen Conoco oil fields are in jeopardy with the coming head chopper chaos (not anarchy) into which the country is entering not to mention the 1-2000 US troop tripwire there.
So, there are many competing and coordinated interests going on, and at the top appears to be two main ones: Zionist Israel and the quest for Greater Israel and the U.S. and NATO in their quest to rule the world, or at least keep Russia and China from challenging. . And as always, a big part of that is the control of resources (like with Gaza), whether directly or indirectly which goes back to the British empire 100 years ago and more.
Minority Report on Douma attack exposes ‘compromised reporting & analysis’ by OPCW – MIT professor
The OPCW failed to include evidence on the Douma in its final report, so the resulting document is inherently compromised, an MIT professor said. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) claimed that gas was dropped from the sky on the Damascus suburb. It did not directly blame on the Syrian government, however.
Germany Rejects Yazidi Asylum Seekers Fleeing Persecution By Islamic Extremists
The EU’s largest nation and most powerful economy, which righteously lecturs other EU member states on the need to take refugees and asylum seekers, is taking in fewer Yazidi refugees, according to a German newspaper report. The religious minority was terrorized by the “Islamic State” during the militant group’s campaign in Iraq and Syria and hundreds, possibly thousands of Yazidi women were raped and used as sex slaves by IsIS terrorists.
Germany, Italy Refuse To Join Deep State's Syria Regime Change Coalition
As madness grips most members of NATO, with our own British Prime Minister Theresa May trying to out - Trump Trump in her displays of gung ho egomania, two nations at least are taking a more rational view. Italy and Germany have said they will not be involved in, or even support airstrikes on Syria.
Understandable, especially in the case of Germany which is right in the firing line if Putin decides to take out a few US East Coast townships ...
Trump Threatens Putin, Assad Over Alleged Syrian "Chemical Attack"; Russia Warns Of "Grave" Response If US Launches Strike
It's looks like deja vu all over again. Remember when the US Defence Secretary admitted the Syrian "Rebels" funded and armed by the USA have used chemical weapons
against government forces in Syria?
Or when earlier this year, now former Secretary of State Tillerson blamed Russia for an Alleged Syrian chemical attack despite admitting he doesn't know who actually did it?
Or when the US finally admitted there was "no evidence" Assad used sarin gas?
Or just last week, when Trump said that the US is finally pulling out of Syria as a result of the defeat of ISIS (much to the Pantagon's fury and open-ended timetable for extracting Syrian resources)?
Well, maybe you do, but the neocons back in charge of US war preparations foreign policy - now that war hawk John Bolton is Trump's National Security Advisor - are so stuck with the age-old narrative that Assad is so desperate to be bombed at any cost he used illegal weapons on his own people even when his troops have defeated ISIS, the US backed regime change operation and are now mopping up the last pockets of resistasnce.
Pro-war trolls resort to smears as their ‘rebels' lose miserably in Syria
Bureaucrats, Politicians and media talking heads who have consistently supported military intervention in Syria, and championed Obama's stated aim, that the priority was not to defeat ISIS terrorists but to remove the Assad rgime have gone apeshit following the collapse of the rebels final strongholds. The war loving 'liberals' are throwing everything they have at the level headed people who counselled against intervention ...
Reports Of USA Preparing Military Attack On Syria To Depose Assad.
Last April the US fired 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria, in ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack by the Assad regime on its own people. It was later confirmed by United Nations officials in Syria that there was no evidence to suggest the Assad regime was responsible, in fact such evidence as existed pointed to terrorist groups funded, armed and trained by the USA were responsible.
OPCW Investigators - "No Evidence" Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US
The independent inspectors commissioned by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will probably take several months to publish their final report on the alleged gas attack in Douma (an attack for which journalists and other independent parties have failed to find evidence),
Don’t Believe Mainstream Media: Russia Didn’t Attack US Troops in Syria
On February 16 Bloomberg published an article headlined: “Don’t Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria.” It was the start of the latest Russophobic shitstorm unleashed by the ‘liberals’ of mainstrteam media and social media in the USA against Russia. To give this story a little context, although under international law U.S. troops are …
‘US aid ends up with extremists’: Analysts alarmed over Pentagon’s 60,000-strong Syrian rebel force
Free - thinkers and people who have a healthy disrespect for authority have known this kind of thing has been going on for decades, in fact we UK taxpayers have stuffed the Swisss bank accounts of extremists for decades with shitloads of our cash. Now it seems US citizens, usually more trusting than we Europeans, are waking up to the fact that Washington has been buying influence in the third world with their cash.
Five Nation Plan To Divide Syria Into Two States
In a move that exposes exactly where the push to global conflict is being driven from, Turkish media has exposed a plan by five nations to divide Syria into two separate states. The Turkish-language newspaper Star Daily on Monday carried the shocking report that representatives of the USA, Britain, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in secret meeting on Syria held in Washington decided the future of Syria.
Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies
After an amazing outburst from the delusional Brack Obama left the United Nations General Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.
Evacuation of thousands of civilians from Ghouta unveiled the false propaganda of states that shed crocodile tears for them
Imperialism is Being Redefined as a Liberal Ideal
Never mind who are the good guys and how evil Assad is, what the west is doing in the middle east and Africa is a new imperialism, disguised are philanthropy and expansion of trade. So far however, the US led regime change interventions in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine have been less than successful, so why are our leaders looking for new wars.
Don’t Believe Mainstream Media: Russia Didn’t Attack US Troops in Syria
On February 16 Bloomberg published an article headlined: “Don’t Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria.” It was the start of the latest Russophobic shitstorm unleashed by the ‘liberals’ of mainstrteam media and social media in the USA against Russia...
US Strikes Kill Russian Fighters In Syria On the back of a bombshell report of the deaths of Russian soldiers fighting in Syria that came through last night, this morning Bloomberg claims an exclusive story, according to which the Russian body count is far greater than had been disclosed: U.S. forces reportedly killed "scores" of Russian contract soldiers in Syria last week "in what may be the deadliest clash between citizens of the former foes since the Cold War"...
World War Three On Again? Syria Warns Open-Ended US Military Presence ‘Act of Aggression’
As U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson presented the Trump administration’s plns for the "open-ended military presence" in Syria, the government of President Bashar Al-Assad warned that the continuing presence of U.S. soldiers in the country is an act of “aggression” which would not be tolerated. Unfortunately for the Americans Vladimir Putin agrees.
Minority Report on Douma attack exposes ‘compromised reporting & analysis’ by OPCW – MIT professor
The OPCW failed to include evidence on the Douma in its final report, so the resulting document is inherently compromised, an MIT professor said. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) claimed that gas was dropped from the sky on the Damascus suburb. It did not directly blame on the Syrian government, however.
Germany Rejects Yazidi Asylum Seekers Fleeing Persecution By Islamic Extremists
The EU’s largest nation and most powerful economy, which righteously lecturs other EU member states on the need to take refugees and asylum seekers, is taking in fewer Yazidi refugees, according to a German newspaper report. The religious minority was terrorized by the “Islamic State” during the militant group’s campaign in Iraq and Syria and hundreds, possibly thousands of Yazidi women were raped and used as sex slaves by IsIS terrorists.
Germany, Italy Refuse To Join Deep State's Syria Regime Change Coalition
As madness grips most members of NATO, with our own British Prime Minister Theresa May trying to out - Trump Trump in her displays of gung ho egomania, two nations at least are taking a more rational view. Italy and Germany have said they will not be involved in, or even support airstrikes on Syria.
Understandable, especially in the case of Germany which is right in the firing line if Putin decides to take out a few US East Coast townships ...
Trump Threatens Putin, Assad Over Alleged Syrian "Chemical Attack"; Russia Warns Of "Grave" Response If US Launches Strike
It's looks like deja vu all over again. Remember when the US Defence Secretary admitted the Syrian "Rebels" funded and armed by the USA have used chemical weapons
against government forces in Syria?
Or when earlier this year, now former Secretary of State Tillerson blamed Russia for an Alleged Syrian chemical attack despite admitting he doesn't know who actually did it?
Or when the US finally admitted there was "no evidence" Assad used sarin gas?
Or just last week, when Trump said that the US is finally pulling out of Syria as a result of the defeat of ISIS (much to the Pantagon's fury and open-ended timetable for extracting Syrian resources)?
Well, maybe you do, but the neocons back in charge of US war preparations foreign policy - now that war hawk John Bolton is Trump's National Security Advisor - are so stuck with the age-old narrative that Assad is so desperate to be bombed at any cost he used illegal weapons on his own people even when his troops have defeated ISIS, the US backed regime change operation and are now mopping up the last pockets of resistasnce.
Pro-war trolls resort to smears as their ‘rebels' lose miserably in Syria
Bureaucrats, Politicians and media talking heads who have consistently supported military intervention in Syria, and championed Obama's stated aim, that the priority was not to defeat ISIS terrorists but to remove the Assad rgime have gone apeshit following the collapse of the rebels final strongholds. The war loving 'liberals' are throwing everything they have at the level headed people who counselled against intervention ...
Reports Of USA Preparing Military Attack On Syria To Depose Assad.
Last April the US fired 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria, in ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack by the Assad regime on its own people. It was later confirmed by United Nations officials in Syria that there was no evidence to suggest the Assad regime was responsible, in fact such evidence as existed pointed to terrorist groups funded, armed and trained by the USA were responsible.
OPCW Investigators - "No Evidence" Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US
The independent inspectors commissioned by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will probably take several months to publish their final report on the alleged gas attack in Douma (an attack for which journalists and other independent parties have failed to find evidence),
Don’t Believe Mainstream Media: Russia Didn’t Attack US Troops in Syria
On February 16 Bloomberg published an article headlined: “Don’t Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria.” It was the start of the latest Russophobic shitstorm unleashed by the ‘liberals’ of mainstrteam media and social media in the USA against Russia. To give this story a little context, although under international law U.S. troops are …
‘US aid ends up with extremists’: Analysts alarmed over Pentagon’s 60,000-strong Syrian rebel force
Free - thinkers and people who have a healthy disrespect for authority have known this kind of thing has been going on for decades, in fact we UK taxpayers have stuffed the Swisss bank accounts of extremists for decades with shitloads of our cash. Now it seems US citizens, usually more trusting than we Europeans, are waking up to the fact that Washington has been buying influence in the third world with their cash.
Five Nation Plan To Divide Syria Into Two States
In a move that exposes exactly where the push to global conflict is being driven from, Turkish media has exposed a plan by five nations to divide Syria into two separate states. The Turkish-language newspaper Star Daily on Monday carried the shocking report that representatives of the USA, Britain, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in secret meeting on Syria held in Washington decided the future of Syria.
Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies
After an amazing outburst from the delusional Brack Obama left the United Nations General Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.
Evacuation of thousands of civilians from Ghouta unveiled the false propaganda of states that shed crocodile tears for them
Imperialism is Being Redefined as a Liberal Ideal
Never mind who are the good guys and how evil Assad is, what the west is doing in the middle east and Africa is a new imperialism, disguised are philanthropy and expansion of trade. So far however, the US led regime change interventions in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine have been less than successful, so why are our leaders looking for new wars.
Don’t Believe Mainstream Media: Russia Didn’t Attack US Troops in Syria
On February 16 Bloomberg published an article headlined: “Don’t Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria.” It was the start of the latest Russophobic shitstorm unleashed by the ‘liberals’ of mainstrteam media and social media in the USA against Russia...
US Strikes Kill Russian Fighters In Syria On the back of a bombshell report of the deaths of Russian soldiers fighting in Syria that came through last night, this morning Bloomberg claims an exclusive story, according to which the Russian body count is far greater than had been disclosed: U.S. forces reportedly killed "scores" of Russian contract soldiers in Syria last week "in what may be the deadliest clash between citizens of the former foes since the Cold War"...
World War Three On Again? Syria Warns Open-Ended US Military Presence ‘Act of Aggression’
As U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson presented the Trump administration’s plns for the "open-ended military presence" in Syria, the government of President Bashar Al-Assad warned that the continuing presence of U.S. soldiers in the country is an act of “aggression” which would not be tolerated. Unfortunately for the Americans Vladimir Putin agrees.
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