Thursday, October 10, 2024

New York seeks 14,000 hotel rooms for immigrants as bill to house them passes $2bn


New York the city that never sleeps according to legend, is trying to obtain contracts to privide 14,000 hotel rooms where migrants can sleeo throughout 2025 . The cost to the city's log suffering taxpayers is quoted as $352 per room per night.

The Department of Homeless Services is seeking a fresh contract with hotels that would take the cost of housing for illiterate, criminally inclined illegal entrants over the past two years and this fiscal year to more than $2.3 billion, the New York Post reported.

Currently, around 150 hotels in the city are sheltering migrants, with city hall’s total spending on migrant services over three years set to hit $5.76 billion. This must be doing absolute wonders for the legitimate tourist trade, what sane prerson would want to spend a holiday or business trip in the company of lawless, knife and gun weilding scumbags. For a start such types would turn a five star hotel into a shithole unfit for human habitation quicker that you could say, "Migrant hostel - fuck off, I'm on the first flight back to civilisation.

“The taxpayers can’t pay for this indefinitely,” Nicole Gelinas, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute think tank, told The Post. “We should stop using hotels as shelters by the end of the year.”

The crisis has been building for years but has come to a head after New York’s administration was thrown into disarray following mayor Eric Adams’ criminal indictment over corruption charges. Mr Adams has implied that the criminal indictment is a result of his criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of the migrant crisis. a policy which has amounted to opening the borders and sending out messages to the scum of the earth informing them that whatever crimes they had committed in their homeland, they would be welcome in the good ol' USofA.

New York City Hall currently has three contracts with the New York City hotel association to use its extensive property network to shelter migrants. In its appeal for new accommodation, the city said: “The New York City Department of Homeless Services is seeking to continue the City Sanctuary Facility program by procuring a vendor who can assist in acquiring the use of large scale commercial hotels and hotel management services to help address the current emergency.”

The mayor has said that despite fears the influx of migrants staying in hotel rooms could affect tourism, there is no shortage of hotel rooms in New York with about 20,500 hotel rooms remain unoccupied.

This is not surprising, the people who would normally be filling those rooms and paying  with their own money, spending n entertainment, restaurants and in the shops are staying away (see above,) so the hotels that don't accept migrants wil have no revenue and have to lay off staff. Meanwhile the city government will continue on its virtue signalling path until the treasury is empytied of taxpayres money, while white flight empties the city of taxpayers.

Get woke, go broke.




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who seeks to enter.

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Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
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Were US 2020 Elections Rigged By Dominion Voting Systems
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US News Sites Claimed UK Nov 5th Fireworks Were To Celebrate Biden Presidency
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As The World Hails President Not-Trump, News Media Forget He Hasn’t Won Yet
I read several times today that having been “officially” declared winner of the election and now US President elect, Joe Biden is being called on to heal the nation. It’s bollocks of course, while Joe Biden holds an apparently convincing lead in enough states to give him a majority in the electoral college, that body does not meet to formally elect the president until mid December.

Election Fun And Games In America
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The American Election Is Going To Be Fun.
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Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline
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Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.

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