The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, September 03, 2021

Why we are reclaiming history from the distortions of Critical Race Theory

 by By David Abulafia in CapX, 3 September 2021

  • Writing history is about critical assessment, not the imposition of a political agenda
  • Critical Race Theory is a dangerously simplistic way of explaining both the past and the present 
  • CRT is lightweight, imprecise and totally unconcerned with an authoritative account of the past

In 1984 George Orwell wrote, ‘Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.’  The idea of controlling the past can be traced back long before the emergence of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. It is the backdrop to boastful inscriptions on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples at Luxor.

Today this idea has taken a new form. A way of reading the past is being imposed in universities, schools and wider society that is justified not by its historical accuracy but by its political message. The adherents of so-called Critical Race Theory (CRT) have no sense that the task of the historian is to expound the evidence, rather than to indulge in moralising jargon. They have no sense that it is important to engage in argument, rather than to impose one’s views. They have no sense that the dogma they are spreading is not taken seriously by very many historians. Or rather, it does need to be taken seriously by its opponents, for it is a dangerously simplistic way of explaining both the past and the present.

History Reclaimed is a new website that challenges the increasingly dominant dogma of the Theorists, and demands proper debate about the distorted view of history that lies at the heart of the new thinking. History Reclaimed supports the art of writing history as it has been written ever since the time of Herodotus in ancient Greece: collecting the evidence and assessing it before spinning any general theories about the nature of human development.

Interestingly, Karl Marx understood perfectly well the need to accumulate large amounts of data before moulding the arguments of Das Kapital. The days he spent in the imposing Reading Room of the British Museum were given over to serious study, as even those of us who reject his conclusions have to concede. By comparison, CRT is lightweight, imprecise in its use of terms such as ‘capitalism’, ‘imperialism’ and ‘colonialism’, and much more concerned with righting supposed wrongs in the past than in writing authoritatively about the experience of our ancestors. ... Continue reading >>>





Intelligent Virus? Anti-racism protests SAFE from Covid-19, but anti-lockdown protests are NOT, health ‘experts’ claim
B***h, please! Banning ‘sexist’ language won’t make sexism disappear, any more than banning racial slurs killed racism
Far left activists, motivate by hatred of anyone who disagrees with them, campaign against ‘hate speech’ (that’s free speech to you and me.) A Massachusetts USA congressman wants to end sexism by punishing sexist language – specifically the word “b***h” – with fines and even jail. But policing speech doesn’t kill the underlying sentiment – … Continue reading Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues We must confess to not understanding this headline, how can any American lack the ability to understand the USA’s deep and destructive race problems when the key to understanding is so simple. If you are white you have no rights and it is your duty to kiss the arse of every black person you meet. … Continue reading Frustrated Civil Rights Leaders Say Facebook’s Zuckerberg ‘Lacks The Ability To Understand’ Race Issues Union of UK academics says you can identify as any race & sex from RT 18 Nov, 2019 Warwick University graduates on the day of their graduation ceremony in Warwick, Britain July 17, 2017 © Reuters / Russell Boyce Birth race and gender can be thrown out the window as far as the UK Universities and Colleges Union is concerned. The fact that you can just declare yourself … Continue reading  ‘White Racism’ January 27, 2017 For too long the neo – Fascist left have been allowed to get away with dividing all of humanity into two racial groups, black and white. This has allowed those extremists who support the idea of an authoritarian, global government to dub white people generally as racist, because we have (again generally)been more successful throughout … Continue reading  Cameron's Green Conservatism Is Not That New. Cobbett was there 200 years ago.
Nineteenth century radical and social refomer William Cobbett opposed violence but supported the machine wrecking luddites because he took a broad view of the disruption of rural communities and problems caused by use of machine power at the cost of human jobs. Cobbett was a radical conservative in his time but with green leanings. Where would he stand in politics now?

Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition - The Suppression Of The Cathar Heresy
Many maverick scholars of Chiristian history have said the form of Chistian worship practiced by the so called Cathars in Southern France and Northern Spain in the early years of the thirteenth century was closer to the spirit of Jesus's teachings than any of the organised religions with their dogmas and creed. So why was the Catholic Church so determined noy just to suppress what they called a the heresy but to exterminate every last one of its followers?

What Did The Druids Do For Us?
What did the Druids do for us? It is not a question from a Monty Python sketch but one that is being asked more often as time passes. It was always assumed the Britons, the celtic tribes, were ignorant savages until the Romans came but what we are learning from arachaeology about celt's technology and society questions this What The Romans Didn't Do For Us The discovery that a Roman road may in fact have been made by Iron Age Britons offers a glimpse of a far more sophisticated society than previously thought ...

No Thanks giving The story of an American feast
The Indian Mutiniy
The Indian Mutiny of the mid eighteenth century has always been one of the more embarrassing episodes in the history of the British Empire but when we understand the reasons it happened, the cultural insensitivity, brutal attempts to force Hundu and Muslim Indians to Christianity and the arrogance of the British military officers and civil servants who governed India we see it was not native savagery that was responsible for the atrocities as the text books tell us.

‘Historical Wokery’: British War Hero’s Statue Set to be Removed by BLM Inspired Council

A city council in the UK is set to remove the statue of a British war hero after a Black Lives Matter inspired review determined that he represent colonialism and does not represent women and so-called ‘gender non-binary’ people.

Analysis Shows Only 1 In 6 BLM Protesters Are Black
Analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center has revealed that just one in six protesters turning out at BLM demonstrations in the US are actually black. The research notes that the plurality of those present at the gatherings have been white people. The full breakdown reveals that just one in six is actually black ...

Council Removes “Transphobic” Flags Because They Displayed the Dictionary Definition of the Word ‘Woman’
A left wing council in the UK has removed two flags raised to prote International Womens Day because they were deemed “transphobic” after someone claimed they carried an offensive message by displaying the dictionary definition of the word ‘woman’. The flags, flown outside Bootle & Southport town halls in the Metropolitan County of Merseyside, were a celebration if International Women’s Day.

Minorities ‘See Countryside as a White Environment', Says BBC
According to its rural affairs programme Countryfile – where, thanks to uber woke presenters like Chris Packham, the emphasis is very much on the first syllable — “many Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups see the countryside as being a white environment.”

U.N. Chief Guterres Wants To Redistribute Power & Wealth and Fight ‘Gender Inequality’
That The United Nations Organisation has ambitions to become a world government is well known, this site and many others have reported it's moves and agendas for years. Now it seems the U.N. has become part of thatcabal of supra - national bureaucracies and, to borrow a line from a Paul Simon song, loose affiliations of millionaires and billionaires such as The Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Their latest move to impose cultural uniformity on the world however, is only going to lose them credibility

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Liberals Scream Everything Is ‘Racist’. Maybe It’s Liberals That Are Racist
This blog, considers its stance to be ‘classical liberal’, that is really liberal in its support of fairness, free speech and personal liberty and above all diversity of opinion and ideas and oppose such political sacred cows of the politically correct left as mass immigration and affirmative action ...

Oberlin University Fined $33 Million For Supporting Students Accusations Of Racism Against Bakery

On Thursday, Oberlin College was hit with $33 million in damages when to Ohio jurors found the school participated in protests defaming a local bakery as racist. Oberlin’s vice president, Donica Thomas Varner claimed the jurors ignored “clear evidence” that Oberlin was not at fault and insisting the school was being “held liable for the independent actions of their students.”

The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The "Social Contract"


Authored by Brandon Smith via,

There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this:

Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?

Furthermore, who gets to decide what medical procedures are acceptable to enforce? Who gets to be the all powerful and benevolent overseer of every human being’s health path. I ask this because I don’t think many people realize the future repercussions of allowing governments or corporations (the same thing these days) to dictate covid vaccinations. It doesn’t stop there; in fact, we have no idea where this stops once the Pandora’s box is opened.

For example, the primary argument of the covid cult and the establishment in favor of vaccine passports is the “social contract” fantasy. They claim that because we “live in a society”, everything we do affects everyone else in some way, and because we are all interconnected in our “collective” we are thus beholden to the collective. In other words, the collective has the “right” to micro-manage the life of the individual because if the individual is allowed to make his/her own decisions they might potentially cause harm to the whole group.

In case you are not familiar with this philosophy it is an extension of socialism and cultural Marxism, and it stands at the very core of vaccine passport propaganda. I have actually had public debates with pro-socialist people in the past who have tried to defend the merits of socialism and every single time the argument comes down to one singular disconnect – I say that if a group of people want to go off and start their own little socialist community they have every right to…as long as it is VOLUNTARY. Then if it fails and collapses it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect me or anyone else who did not want to participate.

The problem is that these Socialists/communists/Marxists/collectivists simply do not grasp the notion of voluntarism. They believe that people need to be forced into doing the right thing or helping others, and they are the people that get to decide what the right thing is and who gets the help. They are the people that get to decide what freedoms are acceptable and what freedoms are inconvenient to their agenda. When they say “We live in a society…”, what they really mean is “You live in OUR society, and WE will determine what is best for you.”

When I argue that a socialist community should be voluntary, they inevitably argue that people will not commit to such a system voluntarily so they must be forced to do what is best for the “greater good”.

Continue reading >>>


German Opposition Party Warns, Nation Is "At The Edge Of Anarchy, Civil War Is Coming"
As the stituation in German society deteriorates each day due to the vast swarm of lawless, uneducated, infidel hating illegal immigrants that Housfrau Volksfuhrer invited to travel to Germany and replace the established population, social commentators are predicting the country will slide into civil unrest and possibly full scale conflict between supporters of immigration and patriotic Germans

Americans Don’t Know that the Rest of the World Views U.S. as Biggest Danger, Rogue State

Americans are stupid, right? Well it is a generalization and generalisations are usually both right and wrong. Not all Americans are stupid of course, I know many who are very intelligent and highly articulate. But as in Britain, France, Austrilia, Russia, Germany, China etc. there are stupid people in America. What we mean however in saying Americans are stupid is that overall American citizens tend to be less well informed on current events and general knowledge that Europeans, Asians and South Americans...

Electoral Reform in Britain - Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?
After every British election, when around a quarter of voters find the party they voted for is hardly represented in the House Of Commons (In 2015, 8 per cent of the votes equals just 8 of the 650 members, while a party with 13% has just one), people who believe in democracy try to start a debate about reforming the voting system. And as ever, supporters of the two main parties, which benefit most from the current undemocratic system, try to stifle debate.

Elderly face NHS discrimination as new United Nations plan defines death targets for nations
Leaders of the western powers, anxious it seems to divest themselves of responsibility while extending and tightening their grip on power, are happy to promote the United Nations as a de facto World Government. The problem is the United Nations employs as advisers and bureaucrats many people whose authoritarian and racist political position makes Herr Hitler look positively liberal.

Globalization and the Retrun To Serfdom
When the power elites promise something that will benefit people everywhere it can be taken what the world will get is the opposite. Thus when we were told globalisation would make everybody more prosperous, abolish poverty and narrow the gap between rich and poor, only a fool would have failed to regognize what was on offer comprised a return to medieval poverty and servitude for the masses while the rich became richer.

EU Refugee Quota Scheme Unravels

The European Union (EU) faces many battles, from the one to stop the sigle currency system falling apart as nations like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal find the costs ofr membership outweigh the benefits, to it's latest, the Mediterranean boat people crisis as more and more people try to cross from North African to Europe illegally, with the help of human tafficking racketeers.

Mediterranean Immigrant Crisis - EU plays politics with lives
The story of the migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of north Africa to Italy is a humanitarian crisis. But when the British government offered Royal Navy ships to help with rescue operations and in bringing to justice the ruthless criminals who take exhorbitant feees then put hundreds of lives at risk by herding their clients onto unseaworthy, overloaded boats, European Union officials started to attach political conditions to UK help

Once We Respected Red Cross Because The Did Good Work. Now They Promote Politically Correct Tyranny.
The cancer of politically correct thinking has spread throughout British public life. Probably the most perfect illustration of how out of touch the new elite, the Meritocracy (who only merit a kick up the arse) have become with the lives of ordinary people is the politicisation of the institutions of government, local government, education, the law and now even the charity sector. Read what happened to a charity worker who dared to have his own opinion on a gay rights issue

Oxfordshire grooming victims may have totalled 373 children
An investigation intogrooming and abuse of underage girls and boys in the Oxford area, prompted by the long overdue conviction of a sadistic sex gang of seven men who were jailed in 2013 for abusing six girls in Oxford, between 2004 and 2012, has reported that as many as 373 children may have been targeted for sex by gangs of men in Oxfordshire in the last 16 years.

Will 2014 Go Down As The Year Propaganda Replaced Information?
Those of us who pay attention will have noticed that 2014 has topped all others for the manout of spin and propaganda spread by mainstream news organisations and government departments but also news took on a new aspect. Evidence and facts were replaced by whatever fantasy served the US and EU leadership and their corporate paymasters. Scary.

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
Here's a question for wannabe Mastermind contestants. If South Yorkshire Police can mount a raid on the home of pop singer Sir Cliff Richard, two hundred miles away from their patch in pursuit of evidence linked to a single and unsubstantiated allegation of child sex abuse 30 years ago, why were the same South Yorkshire Police force unable to conduct a proper investigation into multiple allegations against men who raped 1,400 children over 16 years?

The Left's Rhetorical Technique Explained
In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, "Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners," your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left's propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras. But first let's play a little game ...

Rotherham Abuse Scandal: Tragedy descends Into Farce
We have all been outraged at the revelations concerning the Rotherham child abuse scandal in which we now know officials in the child care system and leaders of the town's Labour council turned a blind eye to systematic abuse of children in council care because the perps were predominantly Pakistani.

Henry Kissinger On The New World Order

Hungarian Leader Says Soros-Funded Groups Are Making Money From The Immigration Crisis
While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations.

OK, let the Politically Correct screechers screech 'conspiracy Theory'. Kissinger has of course been a long time advocate of corporatist global totalitarian government by elitis oligarchs and has himself used the phrase New World Order to describe what he sees as the best hope for the future and what those of us outside his small elitist clique see as fascism

Political Europe Suppressed Under Washington´s Thumb Is Waking Up
In the aftermath of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine, the Western media followed Washington’s lead and manipulated reports in order to make Europeans believe that Russia and Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine were responsible for downing the airliner. In Germany, the press was an extension of Washington’s propaganda machine despite the lack of evidence from both Washington and Kiev to support their irresponsible claims

What Would The Future Look Like Without The Propaganda Happy Pills The arrogance, hubris and contempt for morality displayed by our ruling classes is gobsmacking. Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians seem to think they are untouchable, above the norms and ethics that apply to ordinary mortals and that they are able to rewrite the laws of nature on a whim. We are not just talking about politicians here, but bankers and business leaders, the legal, medical and education professions, public servants, academics and senior police officers.

The Authoritarian Left And The Threat To Personal Liberty
Ian reflects on his political position, has he realy moved from near anarchist left to reactionary right on the political spectrum, or have authoritarians hijacked the language of liberal and libertarian philosophy and perverted it to serve a neo fascist, big government agenda?
[ Populist authoritarianism ] ... [ Death of Democracy ] ... [ Health tyranny ] ... [ Corporatism is fascism ]