Mainstream media and left wing politicians like to show how they are up with modern trends and developments by heaping praise on psychopathic Silicon Valley, virtue-signaling, shadowbanning, conservative - censoring, fake news generating social media billionaires. Thus, though the political bias towards the left / liberal parties and causes is blatantly obvious, they are allowed, when they appear before US Congressional committees to answer questions on abuse of privacy, or respond to accusations of bias by devising PR campaigns to show to the world they are truly impartial, with zero liberal bias. Unfortunately, every time they try to pull such a stunt, it backfires as their true ideological face quickly emerges from behind a fake, hypocritical mask.
A case in point is that of former Facebook executive, Oculus co-founder and virtual-reality wunderkind Palmer Luckey, who was a rising star of Silicon Valley when, at the height of the 2016 presidential contest, he donated a modest $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton group. His donation sparked a backlash from his colleagues, which then led to him being put on leave, and six months later he was fired.
What stinks about Luckey's termination, is that when testifying before Congress about data privacy earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg denied, or rather lied that the departure had anything to do with politics. In fact, neither Facebook nor Mr. Luckey ever gave a reason why he left the social-media giant.
Now however, disgusted perhaps by Zuckerberg's continued hypocrisy in claiming Facebook is a totally neutral platform politically: according to a report from the WSJ, Luckey revealed to asociates the reason for his termination from that bastion of apolitical impartiality Facebook, was his support for Donald Trump and the furor that his political beliefs sparked within his employer, and Silicon Valley, some of those people say.
We should perhaps remind you here that support for Trump does not necessarily imply agreement with Trump's policies or admiration of his abrasive style. Post election analysis showed many people supported Trump because they were horrified at the prospect of corrupt, crooked, warmongering, morally dysfunctional Hillary Clinton, who in her campaign had effectively promised war with Russia by committing herself to attacking the Assad regime in Syria as soon as she took office.
Luckey's attack on Facebook and Zuckerberg is not just sour grapes either:leaked internal Facebook emails suggest the matter was discussed at the highest levels of the company. In the fall of 2016, as anger over his modest political donation to a candidate the boss didn't like simmered, executives at Facebook - which according to Open Secrets has spent over $60 million on lobbying in the past decade - including Zuckerberg pressured Mr. Luckey to publicly voice support for libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, despite Mr. Luckey’s years long support of Trump.
At that point Luckey, 26, allegedly hired an employment lawyer who argued to Facebook that it had violated California law in pressuring the executive to voice support for Johnson and for punishing an employee for political activity.
Which, we have to say is pretty typical behaviour among Silicon Valley billionires. Go against the 'corporate culture' as dictated by the billionaire boss, and you are dead
Luckey and his lawyer are not as stupid as Zuckerberg is arrogant and megalomaniacal, and negotiated a payout of at least $100 million, representing an acceleration of stock awards and bonuses he would have received through July 2019, plus cash, according to the people familiar with the case. The stock awards and bonuses were a result of selling his virtual-reality company, Oculus VR, to Facebook in 2014 for more than $2 billion, a deal that netted him a total of about $600 million.
In other words, Facebook can claim it was Trump's "fault" that a $10,000 donation resulted in a $100,000,000 payout just a few months later. What a bunch of wankers.
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Facebook Is Falling Apart so Fast We Can’t Keep Up
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How Internet Companies Like Google and Facebook Have Helped The spread of extremism
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Philanthropic" Mark Zuckerberg Will Place Facebook Shares In A For-Profit LLC
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Who Runs America? US Federal Trade Commission Takes Orders From Google
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Fuck Facebook, It has been taken over by prudes
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Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet
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The Threat To Our Brains Posed By The Internet by Ian R Thorpe.
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The WiFi revolution that could take traffic off our roads and control of our lives away from us
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The WiFi revolution that could take traffic off our roads and control of our lives away from us
The science and technology worshippers are getting crazier the nearer they feel they are to being able to turn us into humandroids, unthinking automatons controlled by central computers. Here's a report on their latest Dr. Evil style insanity; Using the internet to control our lives. You are a human being, you don't need an iPhone or an X Box to think for you.
So Tim Berners Lee Is Upset About How The Internet Turned Out FFS what did he expect?
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Facebook's Privacy Piracy
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Internet Evil Empire Games - The Facebook Fourth Reich
Microsoft might be "the sick man of technology" a spent power desperately trying to cling to its former glories as The Ottoman Empire was in 1914, Google are The Evil Empire, consistently evading regulators attempts to curb their ambition to control all the information in the world and quite prepared to trample on our individualism, privacy and civil rights in order to do so. Where does that put Facebook then?