The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Climate Scientists' Mathematical Models Of Reality Wrong Again…New Study Shows Jet Stream Strengthening, Not Weakening

The Jet Stream (artists impression) - Source: NASA/GFSC via ThoughtCo


 By now anybody who cares enough about what is happening in our world turns to alt_media for their news coverage and therefore will understand that 'The Science' on which the climate change scare is built does not base its predictions on data gathered in the real world, but instead relies on evidence generated by 'mathematical models'. This explains why every one of the climate catastrophe predictions has been catastrophically wrong.

But  recent research  by Samantha Hallam et al published in the journal Climate Dynamics looks at the seasonal variations over decades in Northern Hemisphere jet stream latitude and speed over land for the period 1871–2011. The authors report that they found no evidence of weakening of the sort climate alarmists have been warning about for the past three decades.

Conversely the research found that the winter jet stream over the North Atlantic and Eurasia has increased in average speed by 8% to 132 mph. The 141-year trends in jet latitude and speed show differences on a regional basis and that jet speed shows significant increases evident in winter (up to 4.7 ms −1 ), spring and autumn over the North Atlantic, Eurasia and North America. Over the North Pacific, no increase was observed.

Source: Figure 9, Climate Dynamics.

More significantly however, the Jet Stream was found to have shifted northward by some 330 kilometers. Overall, the paper’s findings contradict the claims of a weakening Jet Stream regularly made by the climate alarmists and their media minions and make nonsense of the scaremongering propaganda that links predictions of climate catastrophe to Carbon Dioxide emissions from human activity.

Applying climate alarmist science, we’d have to conclude now, due to the strengthening Jet Stream, less weather extremes should be expected. This would be good news of course. But don’t expect the fear-porn media to report anything about it, most print newspapers can only afford to continue publishing thanks to huge donations from the billionaire psychopaths like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg who believe that their having total control over the information the public can see is the only way we can save civilisation.

We Boggart Blogger, knowing our readers are busy people who would not have time to read such a lengthy and highly technical report, read it for you, and the first thing we noticed  is that the jet stream has shifted northward.

This explains the unusually warm spring weather here in England over recent years.

A shift northward of 300 kilometers means everyone south of that jet stream will experience warmer weather, so a lot more of the Earth’s dry land area is staying warmer because of the shift of the jet stream to the north. Thus we find that as the Climate Science sceptics have always claimed, the hot summers in northern Europe and North America are nothing to do with a marginal increase in atmospheric levels of Carbon Dioxide, wherever it happens to be emitted from cars, gas boilers Electricity Power Stations and cows' arses.


MORE posts on Net Zero - The Idealogues Attack On Civilisation, bowse this catalogue of our posts on the disastrous 'net zero' policy promoted by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The pseudoscientific theory that Carbon Dioxide emitted by hunan activities is alone responsible for climate change and the consequent shift to obtaining electrical energy from unreliable, intermittent, 'sustainable' sources is causing the collapse of the global economy.

UK Households Are Paying Wind Turbine Owners To Not Generate Electricity
On another near windless day here in the United Kingdom, Boggart Blog came across a very interesting piece if news. According to figures published by the business and management consultancy LCP, british taxpayers have been paying operators of wind turbines farms for the time their windmills were NOT generating electricity increased to record levels last year ...

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Net Zero Gone With The Wind - Boris Johnson Plans Seven New Nuclear Plants And Shelves Wind Expansion
Reports in mainstream media suggest Boris Johnson has done a U turn on his recently announced massive expansion of wind powered generating capacity. Sources in Westminster claim Boris has shelved his masterplan for a giant, floating wind farm in The North Sea and the government will reconsider plans to double or even treble the number of wind turbines in the countryside and approve plans for up to seven new nuclear reactors instead.

Climate Change Research Paper Censored by The British Hydrological Society For Telling The Truth
The Daily Sceptic today published an article by retired research scientist James Dent, whose specialist field was hydrology and meteorology. Mr. Dent was involved in research projects aiemd at understanding the factors influencing climate, and their effects on environments, [ ... ] he was the World Meteorology Organisation Chief Technical Advisor to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh, a low lying nation especially prone to flooding ....

Freak Weather Around The World Begs Questions
With Britain and other parts of northern Europe basking in unseasonably warm temperatures which are forecast to last for a few days, while parts of the USA gring to a halt under a blanket of snow dumped by freak storms are, accoring to climate scarmongers, a signal that irreversible warming had arrived, it is perhaps timely for a hot topic from ten years ago, geoengineering came under the microscope again. This report from Global Intel Hub seems a good way to kick off the debate. ... Continue reading >>>

We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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Forget The Hype About COP26 Saving The Planet, Here's The Reality
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Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
The government's current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.

Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming
Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report

Climate Predictions, Economics and Realities
As another blatant to the point of idiocy climate science fraud, the manipulation of temperature data to make real world observations agree with climate change predictions made by science is exposed we look at how over reliance on statistical projections and mathematical models has put scientists on a par with clowns in the public's estimation. Unfortunately scientists are more dangerous.

Laundering Scientific FallaciesFrom climate change to economic chaos, experts can be relied on to get things wrong. Does spending too much time in universities make people stupid or does the computer science used to model reality for fail to distinguish between reality and wishful thinking? This analysis blows apart the business of laundering reality to mask the hoplessness of scientific predictions ...

Now Even ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann Admits The ‘Pause’ In Global Warming Is Real
“It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims,” the paper in Nature Climate Change says.

The Penguins Were Not Killed By Climate Change, They Took A First Step On The Road To Evolution

It was a story to melt the hardest heart, a tale of global warming catastrophe so tragic even the most stubborn 'denier' would have to accept 'the science is settled' and start campaigning for a one million per cent tax on every gram of fossil fuel burned because the victims were not working class people, but the most irresistibly cute creatures on the planet ...

Polar Temperature Data ‘Proving’ Climate Change Nothing More than a Guess
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has said temperature readings from the Arctic and Antarctic used to estimate the effects of global warming are nothing more than guesswork. GWPF last month announced its intention to carry out a wide-ranging review of the data underpinning claims on global warming.

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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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News Summary - 11 August 2022: Covid, Ukraine, Vaccine Passport, Cost of Living, Cashless Society


Excess Non-Covid Deaths Top 12,500 in 14 Weeks As Oxford Professor Joins Call for Government to Investigate Alarming Trend

by Will Jones The Daily Sceptic, 11 August 2022

There have been 12,517 excess non-Covid deaths registered in England and Wales in the 14 weeks since April 23rd, according to the latest official data from the Office for National Statistics, released on Tuesday.

In the week ending July 29th, the most recent week for which data are available, 11,013 deaths were registered in England and Wales, which is 1,678 (18%) above the five-year average for the week. Of these, 810 mentioned COVID-19 on the death certificate as a contributory cause and 531 mentioned COVID-19 as underlying cause, leaving 1,147 deaths from a different underlying cause. Note that this was the week following the brief but intense heatwave (with recorded temperatures topping 40°C for the first time in some areas), so some of these will be heatwave deaths, as will many of the additional Covid deaths (being people who happened to have Covid at the time). ... Continue reading >>>


Government Documents prove the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ is being implemented by design to advance the WEF’s Great Reset

By on


The mainstream media are currently constantly reminding you of the spiralling cost of fuel to get you from A to B, the hideous cost of gas and electricity to heat and light your home, and the chaotic experience involved with travelling abroad. Alongside doomsday weather reports every 30 minutes because the sun is shining in the middle of Summer.

Whilst on the face of it, some of these things may seem like unfortunate events occurring at random, the truth is they are actually all occurring by design, and official government reports alongside historical data prove it.

Reports suggest it’s all to do with meeting ‘zero carbon targets’. But that is another charade in itself, so the real reason has something to do with advancing the fourth industrial revolution, where you will own nothing and apparently be happy about it. An agenda that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum likes to call ‘The Great Reset’. 

In the UK, the cost to fill up an average family car with petrol has now surpassed £100. The public is being told this is being driven by war in Ukraine and moves to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian oil. But if this were true, how do you explain this? –

As of August 2022, the price of crude oil per barrel is $89.10, and the average price per litre of petrol in the UK is £1.77p.

But back in June 2008, the price of crude oil per barrel was $187.04, and the average price per litre of petrol in the UK was £1.04p (source).

So as things stand, the price per barrel of crude oil is 52.3% down from the price in 2008, but the price per litre of petrol is 70% up from 2008.

Can you see now how you are being lied to when the Government and mainstream media tell you that these rising costs are due to the war in Ukraine?  ... Continue reading >>>


Germany plans China-style color code vaccine passport upgrade with multiple tiers of “rights”

Reclaim the Net via Blacklisted News, 11 August 202

If you're tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced that the nation’s digital contact tracing and vaccine passport app, Corona-Warn-App (CWA), will start assigning different colors to citizens based on whether they received a COVID-19 vaccine within the last three months.

The CWA will assign one color to citizens who add proof that they received a vaccine within the last three months and a different color to citizens who add proof of vaccination that’s more than three months old. Only those with the color showing that they’re “freshly vaccinated” (have received a vaccine within the last three months) will be exempt from Germany’s mask requirement in public indoor spaces.

Other citizens, including those who received multiple vaccines but had their last vaccine more than three months ago, will have to show proof of recent recovery from COVID or a current negative test to get an exemption from this mask requirement.

Germany’s Berliner Zeitung noted that the colors codes in the vaccine passport app would “give different rights in the future” and said the system would put citizens who are already quadruple vaccinated on the same legal footing as those who are unvaccinated. ... Continue reading >>>



“Anything But A Cashless Society”: Physical Money Makes Comeback As UK Households Battle Inflation

from Summit News, 11 August 2021

Mario Gutiérrez/Getty Images

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been pushing hard for a ‘cashless society’ in a post-pandemic world, though physical money has made a comeback in at least one European country as consumers increasingly use notes and coins to help them balance household budgets amid an inflationary storm

Britain’s Post Office released a report Monday that revealed even though the recent accelerated use of cards and digital payments on smartphones, demand for cash surged this summer, according to The Guardian. It said branches handled £801mln in personal cash withdrawals in July, an increase of 8% over June. The yearly change on last month’s figures was up 20% versus the July 2021 figure of £665mln.

Across the Post Office’s 11,500 branches, £3.31bln in cash was deposited and withdrawn in July — a record high for any month dating back over three centuries of operations. 

The report pointed out that increasing physical cash demand was primarily due to more people managing their budgets via notes and coins on a “day-by-day basis.” It said some withdrawals were from vacationers needing cash for “staycations” in the UK. About 600,000 cash payouts totaling £90mln were from people who received power bill support from the government, the Post Office noted. 

Britain is anything but a cashless society,” according to the Post Office’s banking director Martin Kearsley.  ... Continue reading >>>


Is The US Preparing To Throw Zelensky Under The Bus?

 from Great Game India, 11 August 2022

In a display of support, the US has protected Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky from any criticism ever since Russia attacked Ukraine in February. As it becomes evident the war has been lost, someone will have to take the fall, and it appears that Washington is preparing to throw the leader in Kiev to the wolves.

The US proxy war against Russia was beneficial for Washington as long as there was a stalemate that was draining Moscow’s military, economic and human resources, even threatening to demote Russia from the rank of a great power. For example, Congressman Dan Crenshaw justified his support for the process by arguing that “investing in the destruction of our adversary’s military without losing a single American troop strikes me as a good idea.”

After more than five months of grinding down the Ukrainian military, the entire frontline is cracking. By punching through the heavily fortified defenses in Maryinka, Peski, Avdeevka, it appears that Moscow has sealed the fate of Donbass. As the fighting moves out of heavily populated industrial areas to a more open landscape, the territorial advancements of Russia will likely intensify. Furthermore, sanctions have backfired terribly on the West, causing a political crisis.

Meanwhile, a new security crisis has emerged in East Asia that is more deserving of US focus and resources. The US and UK built a narrative of victory when they convinced Zelensky to abandon peace talks with Russia in March, but now Washington needs to adapt the narrative for Kiev’s pending loss.

... Continue reading >>> 
