Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Germany's Authoritarian Ruling Coalition Tries To Stay In Power By Banning Opposition Parties - Haven't We Been Here Before?

This blog and our other sites have reported many times over the past few years how a kind of political authoritarianism last seen in the early 1930s is on the rise again in its traditional home, Germany. Despite all the warning published by alt_news reporters and commentators, and even by mainstream media the race to the far right goes on, with the parties of Germany's ruling coalition claiming that democratic election results must be overturned and opposition parties banned from running for election in order to 'protect democracy'

Germany is heading closer to outright fascism as the establishment parties move to completely ban the rival Alternative for Germany party (AfD), currently the second-strongest party in the country, according to polling. Now, 10 MPs from four parties, each, totaling 40 MPs from the Christian Democrats (CDU), the Left Party, the Greens, and the Social Democrats (SPD) will put forward a motion to ban the party because it is a “threat to democracy.”

The motion was drawn up by Saxon CDU MP Marco Wanderwitz, who personally lost his local election to an AfD politician but is only in parliament because he was also included on the CDU’s election list. As Remix News has reported, he has been working for at least a year to gather enough support from members of parliament to pass a ban on the AfD.

Although Wanderwitz has struggled to get the required 37 signatures to put forward the motion, now that many of the ruling establishment parties have lost by huge margins in the eastern state of Thuringia, Brandenburg, and Saxony, his work has been easier.

Elsewhere reports are emerging that the German government is facing a ten billion Euros deficit related to promised 2025 welfare payments to overwhelmingly non-German “migrants,” which it euphemistically and sadistically calls “citizens’ money.”

Bild reports: 

The German federal government has “miscalculated” billions in welfare payments, known as citizens’ money, with their initial estimate of €36 billion far short of the €46 billion reportedly needed.

It is also alleged that payments to migrants now account for half of Germany's welfare budged

In documents obtained by Bild newspaper, the German labor ministry assumes an average of 2.9 million people are in need of welfare parents in the documents for the “2025 budget,” dated from August 2024. However, this document indicates that the expenditure on standard rates and accommodation costs is expected to total €45.6 billion, which is a far cry from the €36 billion set in the 2025 citizen’s allowance budget.

The huge discrepancy has sparked outrage, but Hubertus Heil’s (SPD) labor ministry told Bild that the figures published “are not comprehensible and are methodologically based on several false assumptions… For example, a significant portion of the costs of accommodation are to be covered by the municipalities and are therefore not relevant to the federal budget in the amount stated.”


"Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German president, recently warned in a speech to the country’s domestic intelligence agency that “we all have it in our hands to put those who despise our democracy in their place”.

Far be it from we Boggart Bloggers to tell the German nation how to conduct their affairs but, if our understanding of 20th century German history is correct, we advise current German politicians to recall that a ceertain Herr A H was successful in politics because he secured power by demonising and banning opposition parties, that succeeded in the short term but on a longer timeline did not end well for either the German nation or Herr A H and his supporters.  

We have all been pretty shocked at how quickly and easily large proportions of many nations and their engines of authority, including our own, succumb to unscrupulous tactics which use scaremongering propaganda to capitalise on fear and panic.

Perhaps, rather than assuming people on the right of the voting spectrum despise democracy, Mr Steinmeier and the politicians in Germany's ruling coalition might reflect that some of us, in the UK and surely also in Germany, are deeply concerned at the cavalier attitude towards democracy that our governments have displayed recently. He might turn his attention to why it is that the "far right" AfD appear to be gaining ground in the political field? Is he accusing his fellow countrymen of a lack of decency and discernment, or is it something to do with the way authoritarian way Brussels and the German government treat the people and some other governments of Europe?

LITTLE ISTANBUL: Turkish Muslims have made Germans feel like foreigners in their own country When Turks buy a building, they don’t allow any German people to move in. The next thing you know, there is a mosque and soon the whole neighborhood has become a ‘NO GO Zone’ for non-Muslims.

'Islam Doesn't Belong to Germany' - New Interior Minister
While mainstream media was hailing the political mastery of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel in negotiationg a new coalition deal to keep her in power for another four years, after Germany had been without a government for almost six months, The Daily Stirrer (and other alt_news sites to be fair) warned that the new government of Europe's most powwerful economy was fragile and full of holes. Only days after Merkel was sworn in for a fourth term, the holes in her coalition started to appear ... Continue Reading">

After Triggering Mass Migration Crisis, Germany Bribing Foreigners To Leave

Though Angela Merkel clings to power the effects of her 'open doors' immigration policy damage Germany. It may amuse nationalists to observe as, with one face the pledges support for a United Nations initiative to open all national borders, while with the other she tries to persuade German voters she has listened to public opinion and understands her mass immigration policy is abhorred by a majority of voters ...

German Election: Will Another Term For Merkel destroy German Economy

According to the latest round of opinion polling ahead of the German elections, Angela Merkel looks set to become the joint longest-serving modern German chancellor, that’s despite having been accused of "putting problems on the back burner, and staved off several attempts to indict her on treason charges for her role in the immigrant crisis. Business organisations have also raised doubts about the economic consequences of re-electing her, warning that her new term may bring “stagnation” for Germany.

Majority of Germans Favour Snap Election as Merkel Coalition Talks Stumble
There appears to be no end in sight to Germany's crisis of democracy as the European Union's most populous and economically powerful state continues to stumble along without an effective government. Coalition talks between Chancellor Merkel's CDU/CSU and the left wing Greens and classical liberal Free Domocrats have stalled over irreconcilable policy demands.

Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases
According to a report in the Welt am Sonntag, Germany has experienced a huge rise in the number of terror-related cases in just one year, with prosecutors having dealt with more than 900 cases so far in 2017, compared with 250 cases initiated throughout 2016. Around 700 Islamic extremists now living in Germany have been identified by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as posing a potential terror threat.

A Week Before Election 30% Of German Voters Still Undecided

Polling companies in Germany are indicating that support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Party is still slipping with the election only one week away. More disturbingly perhaps for Hausfrau - Volkfuhere Merkel is the news that over a third of Germans are still unsure how they will vote. An opinion poll published today (15 September) on Friday showing the number of undecideds was not coming down fueled uncertainty about the kind of coalition that will emerge from an election on September 24.
< href="http://www.dailystiirer.com/2017-september.shtml#170915-germany">

Merkel Faces Crisis As German Ruling Coalition Collapses

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a crisis in her ruling coalition after Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer demanded she take steps to halt the tide of illegal immigrants entering the country. To have any chance of surviving, the government must present new initiatives for controlling illegal immigration, deal with the critical situation on the Austrian border ...

New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit
Reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a ruling coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy.

Merkel Calls for Beginning of Coalition Talks With Greens, Free Democratic Party
German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially announced on Saturday for the first time that her conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) will seek to form a coalition government with the centre right Free Democratic Party (FDP) and left wing loony Greens.

German Elections: Anti - EU party AfD 3rd In Polls

Elections take place in Germany this Sunday, September 24, for the federal assembly (Bundestag) and the presidency (Chancellor). While Angela Merkel looks set to win a fourth term as Chancellor and the most likely outcome of the election is another "Grand Coalition" between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats that coalition will be a much-weakened if late polls are to be believed.
More news from September 2017

Brexiteer Steven Woolfe: EU needs to ‘learn about democracy’ MEP Stephen Woolfe, a prominent figure in the UKIP campaign team during the referendum run up has claimed the European Union needs to “learn about democracy” in cos he mademment on Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s remarks comparing the European Union to the Soviet Union. Woolfe claimed the Foreign Secretary’s remarks were a “strong message” to … Continue reading Brexiteer Soros Sponsored "Democracy Spring" Launches Program Of Civil Disobedience
So there you have it, the 'radical left' are sponsored by one of the nastiest, greediest corporate capitalists ever, a shameless advocate of global totalitarian government proposed by theelistist socialist group The Fabian society over a hundred years ago and towards which these supporters of 'oligarchical collectivism' have been working ever since.

In Parallel With The Upheaval In European Politics, A Similar Cataclysm Is Happening In The USA Having reported for three or four years now the rise of the anti - Integration parties in European Union member nations, UKIP in Britain, the FN in France, AfD in Germany, Denmakr's Peoiple's Party, Five Star and the Liga Nord in Italy, the Sweden Democrats and others in every E U member state, we now look at what is going on in the USA as campaiging for the presidential election gathers pace.

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War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide
More on the global war on cash being waged by ruling elites in parallel with their war on privacy as they try to exert total control over everything.

EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr Is Typical Of The EU’s Contempt For Democracy "2018-03-15T20:12:22+00:00"> Martin Selmayr – would you buy a used car from this man? (Image: Daily Mail) The former Prime Minister of little Luxembourg (population less than Leicester,)Jean-Claude Juncker who now struts the world stage as if he is important, has worked one of the slimiest political stitch ups ever to ensure his favourite sycophant and chief … Continue reading

Re-Branding Dissent - The Quiet Destruction Of Democracy
Many people, all the contributors to this publication among them, fear that democracy is being destroyed. OK, OK, hipsters will say but ‘we’ve never had democracy’, or, ‘it was destroyed long ago’, but left wing deceit aside, I think its worth actually thinking about how, many forms of democratic expression, effective dissent and peaceful self-determination are being outlawed and abolished in a sustained attack on free speech and civil rights.

How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government. By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

Obama's Terrible Trade Pact Is a Scam That Must Be Stopped Says Jim Hightower
Having written a book on the evil trade treaty that will transform the democratic nations into corporate oligarchies, we step aside and hand the baton to Jim Hightower of Alternet who is equally outraged about the iniquities of TTIP's equally evil twin, TPP.

Google Has Become A Threat To Democracy Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, About 10 years ago, Tim Wu, the Columbia Law professor who coined the term network neutrality, made this prescient comment: “To love Google, you have to be a little bit of a monarchist, you have to have faith in the way people traditionally felt about the king.” Wu was right. … Continue reading

Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry.

Democracy: Does It have A Future Or Has Global Totalitarianism Won?
The General Election in Greece (January 2014) could have much wider effects than most elections in small nation, the vote could decide the future of the European Union and have a major breaing on whether democracy can survive the push towards government by a global, corporate oligarchy. It look like being an interesting few months if the anti - EU party wins as polls suggest they will.

Democracy Hating Leftie Judges Choose Self Interest Over Justice Yesterday judges in the UK High Court joined the band of traitors in Parliament, the Civil Service, the Bank of England and the media who are trying to overturn the democratic vote to take Britain out of the European Union. The judges ruled in favour of a challenge to the vote, even though it has … Continue reading

Greece Votes On Whether Its People Have Any Future The voters of Greece will choose today, whether their country, the cradle of democracy, has a future of not. They are voting in a general election which could result in Greece trying to renegotiate the terms of its bailout with international lenders and even quitting the EU if the expected victory for hard line left wing party Syriza.

The leader of Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, has pledged to write off much of Greece's huge debt and revoke austerity measures ...

Luxembourg defends massive corporate tax dodging
Over the past week the whole media circus, mainsteam and broadcast, new media, bloggers, the world and his dog, was getting excited about the revelation that traditional tax haven but also founder member of the EU, Luxembourg has been facilitating wholesale corporate tax dodging and this 'business' was given the all clear by the then Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy,

European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.
While the left try to win elections by creaming 'racist' and 'bigot' at anyone who disagrees with their pro - EU, pro - globalisation, immigrant - loving, gay - loving, paedophile loving authoritarian agenda, thus pissing off the social class who make up the Labour Party's core vote, the thinkers amongs us are seeing the European Federalisation, Agenda 21, Global Government project for what it ius ... Adolf Hitler's dream come to fruition

Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right
Corporate powers and the United Nations are planning on privatising water resources including rainfall, yes you did read that right, privatising the rain. The CEO of food processing bastards Nestlé spoke of the plan last year when he said companies like his had a right to make money from sellling OUR water, now those Stalinisdt shits at the United Nations and The World Bank are planning to steal the stuff life depends on.

Representative government Is Being Replaced By A Global Technocracy
When Peter Mandelson, the architect of the New Labour project that gave Britain it's most authoritarian government in three hundred years and sold out national sovereignty to supranational bureaucracies, says that representative democracy is dying, he does not sound as if he will be one of the chief mourtners. What can we do to rescue our democratic freedoms from smooth faced technocrats like Mandelson?