Saturday, October 05, 2024

UK Government Pledges £22bn for Carbon Capture System That Already Proved Ineffective

The UK's recently elected Labour government has been lurching like a Staurday night drunk from crisis to crisis since two days after they were elected it seems. But like Saturday night drunks they lack self awareness and their ideologically led decision making is just piling up more and bigger problems for the months and years ahead (assuming they can last a year,) In its latest folly, the clown show in Westminster has pledged nearly £22bn for projects to capture and store carbon emissions from energy, industry and hydrogen production.


 Carbon capture system (picture: Screenshot from GB News)

 A statement said the funding for two "carbon capture clusters" on Merseyside and Teesside, promised over the next 25 years, would create thousands of jobs, attract private investment and help the UK meet climate goals, which is not simply bollocks but recycled bollocks.

 The same promises were made for a scheme uing the same technology around 15 years ago. Yet now Sir Kweir SStarmer, on a visit to north-west of England with Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Energy Secretary Ed Miliband to confirm the projects, said the move would "reignite our industrial heartlands" and "kickstart growth".

The Brave New World type statement attracted widespread criticism with even some green campaigners complaining the investment would "extend the life of planet-heating oil and gas production". 

Speaking at a glass factory in Cheshire, Sir Keir said: "For our energy intensive industries like glassmaking here, or cement, or steel, or ceramics, you are familiar with these, the security that the future belongs to them."

UK government over the past 20 years have so far spent £630 million on its CCUS programme, primarily through grants to support the early development of projects.

For example, it has spent almost £200 million through the Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge fund (which invests in developing carbon capture and storage technologies) and a further £346 million on research and development projects…..

The government does not have and is currently not developing a credible alternative pathway without the use of CCUS……

But the inherently challenging nature of CCUS remains, given the nascency of aspects of the technology. And (Department for Energy Security & Net Zero) DESNZ’s current approach brings new complexities to be managed, depending on parallel, interdependent negotiations with projects across different technologies. So its a non starter then, who would have though it.

Well somebody did. 

Professor Gordon Hughes of Edinburgh University commented in 2023:

"The target of capturing 20-30m tonnes of CO2 by 2030 is absurd and always has been.’

‘Over the next decade conventional carbon capture will be little more than an experimental technology. I don’t know what will happen in the 2040s and there is a small probability that CCS might be viable by then but the history of the last 15 years suggests that the chances are really very low.’

‘To be blunt, CCUS is like a lot of the plans for net zero – just a series of technically and economically illiterate fantasies designed to avoid the reality that reaching such a target is probably infeasible and is certainly ruinous for any modern industrial economy."

It would be difficult to state the case against the scheme more clearly …… and £22bn won’t be enough:

‘DESNZ and HM Treasury have committed up to £20 billion to the early deployment of CCUS, responding to lessons they had learnt from past failings, but uncertainty remains around the funding available for future stages of the CCUS programme.

Treasury announced this commitment in the spring 2023 budget, but neither it nor DESNZ specified which elements of the programme are covered.

DESNZ and HM Treasury acknowledge that further funding will be required for the CCUS programme.

Another 'Nut Zero' case of shovelling money into a bottomless pit then.


This is yet another recycled announcement……and £22bn won’t be enough: ‘DESNZ and HM Treasury have committed up to £20 billion to the early deployment of CCUS, responding to lessons they had learnt from past failings, but uncertainty remains around the funding available for future stages of the CCUS programme. Treasury announced this commitment in the spring 2023 budget, but neither it nor DESNZ specified which elements of the programme are covered. DESNZ and HM Treasury acknowledge that further funding will be required for the CCUS programme.‘ SO ANOTHER CRAZY, 'NUT ZERO' BOTTOMLESS PIT FOR GOVERNMENT TO SHOVEL TAXPAYERS MONEY INTO. RELATED:

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