The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

'Befriending schemes' part of the 200 contracts revealed by Rupert Lowe MP

 College friends walking together in hall after studies

                      (Students on their way to apply or jobs as mentors - well its better thn burger flipping. Image: Getty) 

The Express reports: More than £300,000 has been spent on ‘befriending schemes’ designed to foster relationships between local communities and asylum seekers and refugees. They are part of 200 government contracts for asylum seekers and refugees costing the taxpayer £6.6 billion discovered by renegade Reform MP Rupert Lowe, the Express can reveal. 

  Local councils across the UK awarded suppliers with costly contracts to deliver the initiatives over the past three years, with some “seeking ongoing funding”. Bristol City Council awarded a £211,200 contract to a supplier, funded by the Home Office, on providing a befriender for each refugee aged 18 and over who arrived in the city. This took place from January 2022-25, as part of various resettlement schemes. 

Bristol City Council awarded a £211,200 contract to a supplier, funded by the Home Office, on providing a befriender for each refugee aged 18 and over who arrived in the city. This took place from January 2022-25, as part of various resettlement schemes. 

Similarly, the London Borough of Newham awarded a £60,000 contract for the same program from April 2023-24. In Newham, ‘mentors’ were assessed and assigned to each asylum seeker with the aim of promoting independence and confidence building. They provided support to access local activities which also included group trips to London Zoo, Kew Gardens and the Arsenal Stadium. After hailing their programme a success, the London council said: “We will seek ongoing funding for the continuation of our work across London.”

Hull City Council also spent £37,560 on ‘befriending’ from September 2022-2023 for Ukrainian Refugees to ‘establish relationships’ within the community. A spokesman for Hull City Council said: “The contract offered using the Homes for Ukraine Scheme funding was awarded to Hull Churches Home from Hospital (HCHfH), a voluntary sector organisation which has a long track record offering support to people in our communities, including people from refugee backgrounds.

One may only imagine how this will turn out:

Look, this is a meat pie, M-E-A-T P-I-E, It's British street food, very tasty, you should try it.

Asylum Seeker:
Limadha yuqadim li hadha alkafir taeaman njsaan? (Why is this infidel offering me unclean food?)

OK, you don't like the look of it, but if you want to be British you should really learn to speak our language and try to adapt to our culture.

Asylum Seeker:
Taeamukum hu ruth alkhanaziri, wabaladukum hura' wa'antum hura'. laqad 'atayt 'iilaa huna faqat min 'ajl alfawayidi. (Your food is pig shit, your country is shit and you are shit. I only came here for the benefits.)

We're a multicultural society and want to accept you as a New Briton but please understand you have to meet us halfway.

Asylum Seeker:
Almawt lilkufaar wallah akbir (Death to the infidel. God is great!)




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