Not that long ago the words mad and scientist were related as closely as any identical twins. Recently with the growth of big government politics and corporate control freakery the kind of scientific research that even Hitler's Nazi regime would have baulked at is suddenly respectable. but what possible benefit can there be in creating creatures that are neither man nor mouse but a bit of each ...
Of Mice and Men and Mad Scientists. The Lunatics Trying To Create Man - Mouse Hybrids
American GM Wheat Losing Out To Russian Organic Wheat In World Markets
We've been trying to get the truth out on GM crops, loved by American corporate business, rent-a-quote scientists and politicians for several years. The massed ranks of big money and big politics are still ranged against us but it seems that one again we the New Media are winning. The more the 'experts', professors and politicians tell us genetically modified crops are good, the mor suspicious we become.
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