I was reminded by Facebook of this rant I posted in 2014 as a response to a swathe of advisory messages thellling me how much I would love the books of a certain author. It is reposted today because again I am getting very irritated with people (assuming they re people abd not AI bots although the stupidity of their advice suggestd the latter,) telling me what I should and should not enjoy, what opinions are 'right' and those which I must not entertain and most of all which protected charateristics I must never question or criticise. FUCK 'EM ALL.
And yet I get told Coelho has original insights on the meaning of life.
That alone should tell you he's a twat. You want an insight on the meaning of life? Try Albert Camus: "“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
Or Immanuel Kant: "Objects exist in reality, only a human mind can surround them with space and time."
Or erotic writer Anais Nin (eat your heart out E L James) "There is not one big cosmic meaning for all; there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.”
Actually Nin's quote is a rather verbose and much more nuanced summarisation of the plot of Coelho's best known work, The Alchemist which, in its entirity could have been written as a single sentence on a small post it note, "Follow your dream."
Yeah, that's it. Profound eh? It should carry a health warning on the last page for simpleton's who get that far, "Don't be a schmuck like this guy says, get a job and have a decent life."
If you want a life changing book try Huxley's Brave New World or Orwell's 1984, The Grapes of Wrath, To Kill A Mockingbird, Catch 22, Moby Dick, Tess Of The D'Urbevilles, (not my favourite Hardy novel but Jude The Obscure is a bit obIan Thorpe
ntoreSpods2h7lmil12u64a1 7212cmF0f,ty0a453r0rb1m21ei 6l4ita3 · Shared with Public
I am sick of the mooey shit I see on the internet. Really I am. First and last thing I saw yesterday was a collection of supposedly inspirational quotes from that shittiest and most overrated of writers Paulo Coelho. Coelho's shittness is not my opinion, it's a fact. Coelho is one of those writers loved by the politically correct, bleeding heart left. All lefties will tell you how great his books are and how they will change you life.
This only proves that politically correct, bleeding heart lefties are illiterate because if they had actually read Coelho's books rather than just saying they've read them to impress other politically correct, bleeding heart lefties, they would know what a banal, infantile, meaningless pile of shit these pithy little literary wanks are.
People who think they will look intelligent because they claim to have read Coelho usually dismiss the characters in action novels or spy yarns as two dimensional. Coelho's characters are one dimensional (and that is being kind), so say the charm of them lies in the fact that they are like childrens' stories. Actually they are not, they are like stories written by a child - a child of very little intellectual depth. What we are told is 'profound wisdom' is in fact just the sort of pithy aphorisms everybody's granny used to say to us when we were little. And our grannies learned the stuff from their grannies.
And yet I get told Coelho has original insights on the meaning of life.
That alone should tell you he's a twat. You want an insight on the meaning of life? Try Albert Camus: "“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
Or Immanuel Kant: "Objects exist in reality, only a human mind can surround them with space and time."
Or erotic writer Anais Nin (eat your heart out E L James) "There is not one big cosmic meaning for all; there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.”
Actually Nin's quote is a rather verbose and much more nuanced summarisation of the plot of Coelho's best known work, The Alchemist which, in its entirity could have been written as a single sentence on a small post it note, "Follow your dream."
Yeah, that's it. Profound eh? It should carry a health warning on the last page for simpleton's who get that far, "Don't be a schmuck like this guy says, get a job and have a decent life."
If you want a life changing book try Huxley's Brave New World or Orwell's 1984, Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressel, Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, To Kill A Mockingbird, Catch 22, Moby Dick, Tess Of The D'Urbevilles, (not my favourite Hardy novel but Jude The Obscure is a bit obscure for most people) or North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell to name but a few. Written by grownups for grownups.
And to finish off, let's take a bit of advice from Brian. "You don't need to follow anybody, think things through for yourselves.
So if you are going to 'share' what you like with me, make sure it is what you like and not what somebody told you you should like. Because I do not like being treated as one of the sheeple, so if I get things thrown at me that are what the pseuds say everybody has to like I will probably not appreciate the gesture.scure for most people) North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell to name but a few. Written by grownups for grownups.
And to finish off, let's take a bit of advice from Monty Python's Brian: "You don't need to follow anybody, think things through for yourselves.
More Globalist Psychopathy: How the Merging of Humans and Technology Will Define The Furure
A presentation at the World Government Summit (WGS) last week in Dubai, unveiled the conference organizers agenda for a Brave New World. Titled “Government in 2071 initiative" the plan was described as a roadmap for governments to interact with “citizens and stakeholders” in effecting dramatic changes in the way the world is governed and societies are organised. Drivers of these radical changes in the way we live will be Artificial Intelligence, robotics and climate change.
Despite the fact that they represent only the interests of big business, big finance and themselves, the oligarchs of the World Economic Forum are now calling for a policy of merging human and artificial intelligence systems so that computer chips implanted in our brain can edit and censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is articulated trough spoken of written word online.
Could 'DNA editing' lead to designer babies? Designer babies, human / animal hybrids, these things have been in wet dream territory for scientists for a long time. But now due to techniques such as DNA editing, they are getting worryingly close to reality. And as has been demonstrated many times, scientists have zero uderstanding of where the ethical boundaries lie.
Nothing Good Has Come Of The InternetWhen a technophobe denounces the internet as anti - social, anti jobs, a force for dumbing down or a waste of time it can easily be dismissed but when the CEO of a major technology company like Sony saays nothing good has ever come of the internet we should perhaps listen..
Web Induced DementiaIn most civilised societies there are laws governing what outrageous claims advertisers can make for their products. This does not apply on the web it seems, where 'revolutionary new world changing technology' means 'not fit for purpose'
Computer Cops Will Arrest You Before You Commit A Crime
Innocent until proved guilty has always been a basic principle of British and before the Union, English and Scottish justice. Since late in the ninth century when King Alfred signed into law the Liber Judicialis, the presumption of innocence has stood.Thinking of committing a crime was not punishable, only in George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" has Thought Crime ever been a punishable offence. Until now ...
Is Technology Creating Physical and Psychological Hazards In The Digital Age?
Scientific research used to be the area of work that trailblazers, those with an unquenchable desire for new experience and a hyperactive sense of adventure wanted to be involved in. Now those who label themselves 'scientists' seem to have become the high priests of an ultra - conservative religion, determined at all costs to block progess that may lead to understanding that the dogmas of the past are just wrong
The Mummers: The Controlling system And The Illusion Of Freedom
We live in a world of deception, where truth is an ephemeral thing, slippery as an eel and shadowy as a spectre. What we are expercted to perceive as reality is just spin and misinformation designed to ensure the elite maintain their control. There's eff all you can do just get on with your life, say the shills for big government and authoritarianism. But are we really nothing more than slaves of the system?
Google's Brave New World Of Artificial Intelligence - And The Destruction Humanity
Almost every day we hear scientists burbling about artificial intelligence and how very soon machines will be smarter than humans. As scientists are nowhere near as smart as humans its hard to see how science can build something smarter. The problem is of course we don't understand what contsitutes intelligence - those who think academic qualifications are the only indicator are retards. So where will this madness to replace us with machines end?
Is Human Consciousness More than 3,000 Years Old?
Biologists are archaeologists have argued for decades about when humans first became true humans, creatures that we would recognise as our direct ancestors. The point at which men first stood erect (oops, pardon) was when we ceased to be hairless apes (or hairy -arsed knuckle draggers) but it still took a while for the self awareness and development of complex languages which enable us to communicate ideas and language are still not clear ... MORE>
Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today?
You're a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.
The Charge Of The Anti-enlightenment Brigade
I don’t know if many of you remember London's Atheist Bus a few years ago. It toured the city bearing adverts that read: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’ and was a great success[ ... ] this demonstrates the Sheeple - like tendencies of those who claim they have reason on their side: the religious propagandist with the sandwich board saying ‘repent, the end is nigh' was always the subject of jokes. Why do the opposing side now feel the need to parade high tech sandwich boards saying, "no need to repent, the end isn't nigh'?
Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We've had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.
Electoral Reform in Britain - Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?
After every British election, when around a quarter of voters find the party they voted for is hardly represented in the House Of Commons (In 2015, 8 per cent of the votes equals just 8 of the 650 members, while a party with 13% has just one), people who believe in democracy try to start a debate about reforming the voting system. And as ever, supporters of the two main parties, which benefit most from the current undemocratic system, try to stifle debate.
As we prepare to vote in a General Election that we are told will change British Politics forever, Ian looks at a choice of three main parties that basically offer the same set of globalist, multiculturalist policies and consideres which way a pagan should vote.
Elderly face NHS discrimination as new United Nations plan defines death targets for nations
Leaders of the western powers, anxious it seems to divest themselves of responsibility while extending and tightening their grip on power, are happy to promote the United Nations as a de facto World Government. The problem is the United Nations employs as advisers and bureaucrats many people whose authoritarian and racist political position makes Herr Hitler look positively liberal.
Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School
Western civilization at the present day is in a crisis different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies have changed their social or cultural values under the influence of external forces or by gradual development. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests being imposed ...
TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
The now little discussed (due to the witch hunt tactics employed by the scientific consensus gangsters) idea of an infinite, eternal, self renewing universe makes a lot more sense than a point at which everything suddenly materialises out of nothing.
To Infinity And Beyond - Big Bang Theory Trashed?
One 'scientific fact' Little Nicky has challenged in the past is Big Bang Theory. I have lost count of the times that having offered proof that Big Bang is not a fact, the universe is in reality infinite I have become involved in thousand - comment threads in which the arguments of the Big Bang sceptics were contradicted by science tits screeching, "It is a fact because we say it is."
Beyond Big Bang: The Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
So Big Bang was a proven fact was it. A lot of very noisy science fanboys insisted it was, but of course big Bang was only ever a theory with no more hard evidence to back it up that the biblical creation myth. Perhaps led by the reurn of common sense, the cutting edge research is one again talking about an infinite universe.
Anarchy and Statism: When We Know The Price Of Big Government Is Our Liberty Why Are So Many Prepared To Pay It. Having crossed swords with militant atheists anf fundamentalist science worshippers many times and been gobsmacked by their inability to consider that any opinion other than their own might derserve a hearing, I thought it was time to start demolishing this new quasi - religious faith that spawns so many zealots.
Was CERN A False Prophet - Laugh, I Nearly Shat
Some of you may remember the stick we have taken from The Church Of Scienceology Cult member when in taking the piss out of the over educated idiots at CERN, who are looking for "The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything," by comparing their quest for The Higgs Boson to someone looking for a needle in a haystack when ...
New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.
I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear.
Is Human Consciousness More than 3,000 Years Old?
Biologists are archaeologists have argued for decades about when humans first became true humans, creatures that we would recognise as our direct ancestors. The point at which men first stood erect (oops, pardon) was when we ceased to be hairless apes (or hairy -arsed knuckle draggers) but it still took a while for the self awareness and development of complex languages which enable us to communicate ideas and language are still not clear ... MORE>
Have You Committed Your Three Thought Crimes Today?
You're a criminal. So am I. We all are, according to some legal experts there are now so many crimes, a lot of them loosely defined, it is impossible to get through the day without committing at least three crimes. In fac it is often the case that by obeying one law you are breaking another.
The Charge Of The Anti-enlightenment Brigade
I don’t know if many of you remember London's Atheist Bus a few years ago. It toured the city bearing adverts that read: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’ and was a great success[ ... ] this demonstrates the Sheeple - like tendencies of those who claim they have reason on their side: the religious propagandist with the sandwich board saying ‘repent, the end is nigh' was always the subject of jokes. Why do the opposing side now feel the need to parade high tech sandwich boards saying, "no need to repent, the end isn't nigh'?
Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.
We've had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.
Electoral Reform in Britain - Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?
After every British election, when around a quarter of voters find the party they voted for is hardly represented in the House Of Commons (In 2015, 8 per cent of the votes equals just 8 of the 650 members, while a party with 13% has just one), people who believe in democracy try to start a debate about reforming the voting system. And as ever, supporters of the two main parties, which benefit most from the current undemocratic system, try to stifle debate.
As we prepare to vote in a General Election that we are told will change British Politics forever, Ian looks at a choice of three main parties that basically offer the same set of globalist, multiculturalist policies and consideres which way a pagan should vote.
Elderly face NHS discrimination as new United Nations plan defines death targets for nations
Leaders of the western powers, anxious it seems to divest themselves of responsibility while extending and tightening their grip on power, are happy to promote the United Nations as a de facto World Government. The problem is the United Nations employs as advisers and bureaucrats many people whose authoritarian and racist political position makes Herr Hitler look positively liberal.
Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School
Western civilization at the present day is in a crisis different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies have changed their social or cultural values under the influence of external forces or by gradual development. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests being imposed ...
TThe Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
The now little discussed (due to the witch hunt tactics employed by the scientific consensus gangsters) idea of an infinite, eternal, self renewing universe makes a lot more sense than a point at which everything suddenly materialises out of nothing.
To Infinity And Beyond - Big Bang Theory Trashed?
One 'scientific fact' Little Nicky has challenged in the past is Big Bang Theory. I have lost count of the times that having offered proof that Big Bang is not a fact, the universe is in reality infinite I have become involved in thousand - comment threads in which the arguments of the Big Bang sceptics were contradicted by science tits screeching, "It is a fact because we say it is."
Beyond Big Bang: The Idea Of An Infinite Universe Is Fashionable Again
So Big Bang was a proven fact was it. A lot of very noisy science fanboys insisted it was, but of course big Bang was only ever a theory with no more hard evidence to back it up that the biblical creation myth. Perhaps led by the reurn of common sense, the cutting edge research is one again talking about an infinite universe.
Anarchy and Statism: When We Know The Price Of Big Government Is Our Liberty Why Are So Many Prepared To Pay It. Having crossed swords with militant atheists anf fundamentalist science worshippers many times and been gobsmacked by their inability to consider that any opinion other than their own might derserve a hearing, I thought it was time to start demolishing this new quasi - religious faith that spawns so many zealots.
Was CERN A False Prophet - Laugh, I Nearly Shat
Some of you may remember the stick we have taken from The Church Of Scienceology Cult member when in taking the piss out of the over educated idiots at CERN, who are looking for "The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything," by comparing their quest for The Higgs Boson to someone looking for a needle in a haystack when ...
New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.
I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear.
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