The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Why Did Biden and Boris Johnson Stymie Proposed Ukraine War Negotiated Settlement In April?

by Boggart, 13 September 2022

Could Devastation around Kharkov and across Ukraine have been avoided? (Picture: Guardian Media)

Most people in the west are blissfully unaware of how near Russia and Ukraine came to ending the current war back in April of 2022. On March 27, Zelenskyyyyy told the people of Ukraine "Our goal is obvious – peace and the restoration of normal life in our native land as soon as possible."

Though it had barely been mentioned in US, UK and EU mainstream media Ukraine and Russia were prepared to enter into talks about a peace deal, brokered by NATO member Turkey, in fact it is now confirmed that the warring nations had agreed a tentative fifteen-point peace plan to end the month old war as a basis on which negotiations could begin.

Key points were Russia withdraw from all Ukraine except for breakaway Donbas and Crimea. Ukraine would pass on future NATO membership, pledging neutrality between Russia and NATO. Donbas and Crimea would undergo political transition based on self-determination to be recognized by both combatants. Ukraine security would be guaranteed by neighboring countries but no foreign troops would enter Ukraine.

The  proposed settlement was the result of face - to - face talks between Russian and Ukrainian officials in Istanbul at the end of March. Virtual talks resumed after the meeting in Istanbul, but by mid April the two sides had failed to reach a agreement and apparently drifted further apart.

The talks that had looked so promising reportedly failed due to pressure from the West. According to a report from Ukrainska Pravda, (Ukraine's newspaper of record, not to be confused with the Russian Pravda,) on April 9  the then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in Kiev on an official visit and informed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that he was in no circumstances to negotiate with Russia on any deal not approved in advance by the main NATO powers.

According to the report, Johnson told Zelensky that even if Ukraine was ready to conclude an agreement of ceasefire terms with Moscow, Kyiv’s Western backers were not. The report said that Russia was ready for a meeting between Putin and Zelensky on the potential peace deal, but Johnson’s visit and the messages he delivered made it impossible.

Johnson later told French President Emmanuel Macron in May that he “urged” Ukraine not to negotiate during his visit to Kyiv which appears to confirm the Ukrainska Pravda report. The British leader, who is due to step down in September, visited Kyiv one last time as prime minister in August and again told the Ukrainians not to negotiate with Russia.

So why was NATO (or let's be honest, Washington, because NATO is just a front for American militarism, so desperate to stop the war ending? It's likely that we will never really know, but we can speculate. For weapons makers in the US,UK and france (the old FUKUS axis,), the end of the war would bring to an end a bonanza for the weapons  and military equipment manufacturing industry. The $60 billion in free weaponry sent to Ukraine 's army and irregular fighters by the USA, plus lesser amounts from UK and EU member states is the only reason the neo - Nazi nutters in Kiev have been able to keep their war effort going.

For the political establishments in the west, the end to the new Cold War with Russia to weaken, marginalize, and keep them from economic integration with Europe, where the Russsian experience with communism under the Soviet Union, the re - emergence of Russia as a friendly nation and reliable trading partner would act as a counterweight to the World Economic Forum's push for a global regime based on Cultural Marxism.

Thus on April 9, Uncle Sam sent Boris Johnson, holder of the traditional British Prime Minister's role of White House Stooge, to Kiev, to remind Zelensky of who’s war it really is and who is giving te orders. The UK, Johnson dutifully spouted "was in it for the long run,” would not be party to any Ukraine, Russian agreement since the "collective West" saw a chance to "press" Russia and make the most of it. That is as clear as it could be, Ukraine is the chosen teatre for NATO's proxy war with R|ussia that the USA has wanted for so long.

Two weeks after Johnson's visit stymied the Turkish peace deal, the US sent Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to Kyiv to reinforce the warning and make clear the US and NATO were in the war not to defend Ukrane against Russian aggression, in fact the Biden Administration and their NATO assets sole aim was to "weaken" Russia. NATO ally Turkey has blamed the US and UK for sabotaging a promising chance to end the war early on.

Via Associated Press

When it comes to provoking, waging and prolonging pointless and unwinnable wars, the FUKUS axis is always at the forefront of the action. 

Just a few days ago at the time of writing it was reported from Ukraine that Russian artillery had bombarded and disabled electricity and water supplies and transport systems in retaliation for the crushing defeat hey had suffered at the hands of Ukrainian troops in the Kharkov region.

All hell broke loose in western mainstream media on the news of the Ukrainan advance towrds Kharkov. Countless reports and articles celebrated in unison about “the hammer blow that would knock out Putin”, and predicting “the incompetent, ill - equipped and undisciplined Russian army is in trouble”, and even claiming idiotically that total victory for Zelenskyyyyy and Ukraine is within sight. Needless to say the economic war Russia and China are waging on the west (and winning hands down,) is hardly mentioned.

Now I don't claim to have any more insight into what's really happening in Ukraine that any western reporter. Journalists are barred from the front line and thus news organisations are forced to rely on dispatches from military reporters for both sides, neither of which can be believed.

However there are other sources, that are not so skewed towards Ukraine as 99% of UK, European and US news organisations, and my reading of publications based in India, Egypt and Singapore suggests what happened is that Russian forces withdrew from the open territory around Kharkov to the left bank of the Oskol river, a more easily defensible position where the Kharkov-Donetsk-Luhansk line looks solid. The ground retaken but the Ukrainian counter attack is flat, open farmland with a few small settlements, Times of India reported.

It is reasonable to infer with reasonable confidence is Russian troops in Svyatogorsk, Krasny, Liman,Yampol and Belogorovka can hold out against anything the Ukrainian army can throw at them until fresh Russian forces are able to swoop in and force the Ukrainians back beyond the Seversky Donets line.

All hell broke loose in western media about what had happened around Kharkov but in fact very little happened and nothing has changed. Both sides claim the other suffered heavy casualties but after 200 days of false claim and counter claim (which is still going on) nothing should be taken at face value.

Getting back to main topic: 'Why did the FUKUS axis torpedo the negotiated settlement tabled in April 2022?' Because we can and because war is good business for the elites and their corporate conies. Simples.


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