In the first encyclical of his Primacy Francis, the New World Order's Pope proved what many had suspected, that the ousting of conservative Pope Benedict was a fit up. By calling for a new world order, global redistribution of wealth (from the por and middle income to the banks and corporations) and oligarchic collectivist global government, Francis revealed himself to be The New World Order's hireling
New World Order Pope Calls For Oligarchic Collectivism
Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral
Donald Trump is portrayed as a clown by mainstream media and his combover is the silliest I have ever seen. Still, he's a billionaie so I don't suppose he gives a flying fuck what The Daily Stirrer thinks of him. Not that we think he is all bad, anyone who attacks Obama's global naziism trade deals, TTIP and TPP mush have some good points.
Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario
An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...
How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works
The American Political System Is "Not A Democracy Or Constitutional Republic" - Thiel
The state of democracy in the USA has become a hot topic of conversation in American business circles in recent years. While President Barack Hussein Obama, not so much a man as an ego on long skinny legs, has increasingly been inclined to rule by executive order in the manner of a despot or tyrant, even Obama's fiercest critics have to admit the American electoral system seems increasingly capable of delivering only political paralysis ...
U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.
Online shills paid to control your perception by spreading propaganda using up to 10 online personas
Libertarian and freethinking bloggers and new media writers are having a great time. For years our efforts to warn people about the opush towards global fascism earned us hate attacks and accusations that we were conspiracy theorists. And now, alomst daily, another of those conspiracy theories is being proved true
Is The Truth About Vaccines That Government, Big Pharma And Doctors Don't Want You To Know Emerging At Last?
Sceptics or skeptics if you like and feethinkers have been questioning the government . big pharma / medical professions obsession with vaccines and mass vaccination programmes for some time. It has been suggested by independent research that far from bestowing immunity, vaccines actually disable the human auto immune system. Now real world evidence is proving that true.
Obama Administration Seizes Cellphone Data - All Your Business Are Belong Us.
Some of us tried to warn back in 2008 that Barack Obama was a tyrant in waiting. People looked at his colour instead of hearing his words and now the USA has it's most autocratic and tyrannical President ever. The Obama administration's seizure of Verizon cellphone user data is the latest act in an accelerating dash to fascism.
Is The Day Coming When Courts Will Determine Innocence Or Guilt From Brain Scans
Scientists are really out of control and out of touch with reality when it comes to recognising the limtations of science. When we have people talking about using brain scans to determine innocence or guilt in criminal tries, its time to cut off their research grants, amongst other things.
Electronic Tattoos To Replace Passwords and Pin Numbers?
Science was ever fascism's whore. A warning about the latest wheeze the science tits have developed for their Fascist bosses, RFID tattoos. The plan is these things will keep tabs on everything you do all the time and you will not be able to access the internet, your mobile phone or your bank and credit card accounts without one.
Globalisation, Misinformation, Deception, False Store Fronts ...
Enniskillen (pop 14,000) will shortly host a meeting of the G8 global economic forum. Now G8 has declined in importance since the formation of the G20 group so you might think its precipitous fall down the league table of political influence is why they have ended up in little, out of the way Enniskillen.Or cynics amongst us (me for example) might thing the great and good have chosen ...
Obama Will Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty After It Was Rejected by Senate
Once again The Emperor Obama has ignored Amerca's democratically elected congress and done what he wanted to in spite of the measure having been voted down.
Internet Monitoring System To Stalk Social Media Users Who Question Safety Of Vaccines
Bill Gates smiles creepily as he prepares a vaccine. What most people don't know is super - rich elitist and bulderberger Gates was videoed not long ago talking about how vaccine can be used to DEPOPULATE the planet No wonder he has that creepy leer on his face.
The Most Secretive And Oppressive regime In The Modern World.
When talk turns to the suppression of free speech by totalitarian regimes, we think of Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, the theocratic dictorships of the middle east and the regimes of bemedalled buffoons with a taste for killing their country's citizens. but increasingly it is governments in the west that are suppressing freee speech.
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