The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ukraine On The Brink? If They Want To Win They Need To Fight The Right Enemy


 "Wars happen when your government tells you who the enemy is.  Revolutions happen when you figure it out for yourself": Napoleon Bonaparte

Markus Reisner, colonel of the Austrian Armed Forces and Head of the Theresianum Military Academy’s Officer Basic Training Institute, answers questions from ZDF viewers several times a week regarding the war in Ukraine, writes Mandiner, and this past Saturday, he responded to viewers asking about the impact of Donald Trump’s inauguration on the war.

 Resner added that it appears “the U.S. will no longer support Ukraine with the same intensity as before.”

The colonel said that “Russia sees itself on the path to victory,” so he obviously does not think The Kremlin has any reason to change its strategy or negotiate in terms of a possible Trump/Putin meeting and possible U.S. sanctions.

“Ukraine is running out of time. Ukraine is losing this war right now. We must be aware of this. The images from the front are absolutely clear,” he continued.

Reisner specifically indicated that Ukraine’s main problem is the lack of boots on the ground, saying that current Ukrainian units are “sparse, often at 40-50% capacity on the front.”

The Ukraine conflict could end in two months if Kiev is deprived of the money and ammunition it depends on to continue fighting, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

However NATO, Britain and the USA walked away from a peace treaty with Russia in February, 2022 that required only minor concessions and preserved Ukraine as an independent state. Yet any child could look at a map and see that Ukraine never had a chance at victory once diplomacy collapsed into War.

Yet the Ghouls running the West insisted on continuing and escalating the war to 'bleed' Russia using a generation of young Ukrainian men. Well, Russia has been  bled, and Ukraine is facing extinction, and the sick fools who insisted upon contining this suicidal war will give each other (and each others' sons, pardons, immunity from being called to account, and huge amounts of money.

Ukraine is a CIA / NATO crafted war for profit. Total silence of CIA collusion with neonazi terrorist, violently overthrowing Ukraine leadership. War monger  Victoria Nuland audio hand picking the next Russia hating leader, and staying "F#ck the EU". Imagine what we don't hear.

CIA is a for profit covert war agency, with a budget (not including its on again/off again) drug and murder  operations) exceeding the entire budget of the Russian military. 

US had barely pulled out of Afghanistan for 2 weeks before starting an even bigger war 

Imagine if Russia intelligence overthrew the Canadian government. Starting bombing Americans immigrants, extermination US books, people, language, etc. imagine the US response. And don't forget placing "defense" missiles on the border pointed at the US.

In conclusion a word of comfort for those neo - Nazi nutters in the Kiev regime i who even now are demanding more weapons and money and the delusional war lovers who still believe the mainstream narrative that Ukraine is winning, despite reports to the contrary the people of Ukraine can win this war in a couple of days. If the dim witted Ukies could work out who their real enemies are, turn their weapons against their leaders and the NATO profiteers and march right into Kiev, string some khasars from poles, set up a democratic government, abandon all efforts to join NATO and declare neutrality they will keep their country free (minus the Russian speaking eastern oblasts,) and peace will come back - guaranteed.