The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Russia Sends It's Best Aircraft Carrier To Syria Coast

Russia's defence minister Sergei Shoigu announced on Wednesday (21 September) that Moscow was sending its flagship aircraft carrier, The Admiral Kuznetsov, to strengthen its presence in the eastern Mediterranean.

The aircraft carrier would be sent to join Russia's current naval deployment ,off the coast of Syria the minister said during a television broadcast.

"At the moment the Russian task force in the Eastern Mediterranean consists of no fewer than six combat ships and three or four logistic ships from all fleets" the minister affirmed, adding that "to build up the group’s combat capabilities we plan to reinforce it with an Admiral Kuznetsov-led group.”

The Russian Navy has been permanently present in the Eastern Mediterranean since 2013.

While Russia has been flying a bombing campaign in Syria for the past year in support of Bashar al-Assad and has deployed a naval contingent to back up its operation, this is the first time that the Soviet-era Kuznetsov, part of Russia's Northern fleet based in Murmansk, will join the Russian deployment having recently undergone a refurbishment.

Russia has a base in government-controlled Syrian territory from which it has flown most of its bombing raids in the country. There is also a naval base in the town of Tartus which Russia has used extensively on past occasions. Long-range bombing raids have been flown from bases in Russia and cruise missiles fired from ships in the Caspian Sea and a submarine in the Mediterranean.

However, those were either not considered enough to totally obliterate any attack on Syria Obama is stupid enough to order, or Russia just felt like it needs to make an even more forceful statement in the wake of continuing US provocation. It also means that US aircraft carriers will promptly match the Russian move, and soon be located within torpedo distance of Russian ships. We doubt any of these developments will lead to a de-escalation of hostilities in the region, and if anything, will only lead to a worsening of east - west relations in the middle-east.

 In the summer of 2013, at the peak of the first major escalation of US - Russian tensions over the US sponsored bid by ISIS terrorist forces to depose President Assad, the Mediterranean briefly looked like a parking lot, with US and Russian ships on anchor just off the Syrian coast prepared for any eventuality.

Face off between Russian and US Naval Forces in 2013 (Image source: Zero Hedge)

UN Peace Council: The Syria conflict is a proxy invasion by the United States

This blog and our other publications have been saying ever since the 'Arab Spring' was stirred up by a stupid, demogogical speech made in Cairo by Obama, that the US aim was a proxy war with Russia and Iran in the middle east. Look what happened since then. Secular Muslim leaders in Egypt and Libya were overthrown by US led regime change campaigns ...

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Trump or Clinton it's America's choice
Kissinger touts New World Order
New World Order propose Global Bank
NWO - faceless corporation will dominate nations
NWO wants cashless society
NWO pushes regime change
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Obama doctrine failure
Obama - Duterte trade insults
Sidi Obama's Jihad
Obama and Kerry selling war
Obama the real danger

Syria armageddon
Syria: The FUKUS Axis War
Syria: Obama foreign policy disaster
How Obama underestimated Assad and Syria
How can Obama claim he brought peace to Syria
Syria - Putin's allies
Syria atandoff
US fighting a proxy war in Syria
USA and UK hypocrites over Syria

Obama Promises UN His Legacy Will Be Global Authoritarian Dictatorship
Did USA Use Syria Ceasefire To Position Itself For Another Escalation Of Conflict?
Russia Accuses USA & NATO Of Defending ISIS
The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is One Promises War With Russia, (the other is named Donald
Wiki Leak Found Email Linking Obama, Clinton To ISIS
Former Russian Leader Gorbachev Warned USA Of Foreign Policy Folly Twenty Years Ago
How Media Distorted Syrian Ceasefire’s Breakdown
Ukraine Ready To Explode? Russia Deploys S-400 Missile System To Crimea.
Success in Syria Gives Putin The Advantage In Obama's Proxy War In Syria
Now Turkey's Lunatic Leader Wants To Start World War Three
Will 'President Trump' Mean The End Of NATO?
Kerry Demolishes Obama's 'Moderate Rebels' Syria Narrative

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Obama Promises UN His Legacy Will Be Global Authoritarian Dictatorship

Barack Obama: A follower of all religions, a citizen of all nations? Or a dangerous megalomaniac? Image

Addressing the United Nations for what will probably be the final time on Tuesday 20 September(unless he uses an executive order to bypass the democratic process and vote himself a third term) US President Barack Obama told the assembled world leaders that nations will have accept the superior authority of the United Nations and surrender some of their autonomy and freedom to a cabal of unelected bureaucrats if they desire peace and security on Tuesday during his speech to the United Nations General Assembly.

Obama told the assembled leaders he believes global security can be achieved with the help of international institutions like the U.N. In his remarks, Obama said “powerful nations” like the United States will have to accept constraints and give up some of their freedom. The president acknowledged that he has been criticized by his own citizens for this belief, but that he remains convinced he is right. Obama also stated that, while countries will have to accept some limits on their freedom, they should not give up the right to defend themselves. It is well known of course that Obama has been phishing for a senior position in the UN after he leaves his current job.

This blog has often jokingly referred to him as "President of The Entire Universe and Everything Else Besides." It seems however Obama has been reading our blogs and having no sense of humour has taken us literally.

“We can only realize the promise of this institution’s founding to replace the ravages of war with cooperation if powerful nations like my own accept constraints,” Obama told UN leaders. “I’m convinced in the long run giving up some freedom of action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests but binding ourselves to international rules, over the long-term, enhances our security.”

We've always said Obama was out of touch and been gossly insulted for it. Well now it turns out 'the world's greatest human being,' knows nothing of the reasons US voters in the primaries turned in their multitudes to mavericks like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. And the president has not even heard of the wave of nationalism sweeping Europe as voters in EU member states reject globalism and the federal Europe project.

Obama Has been An Inspirational President?Well He Probably Inspired More Suicides Than Any Other
Obama’s greatest achievement perhaps it to have put Donald Trump in The White House. Whether you think this is a good or bad thing depends on your political stance. This blog is neutral, our view being that Trump can’t be a worse president than any of the three that preceded him.
UN Peace Council: The Syria conflict is a proxy invasion by the United States

This blog and our other publications have been saying ever since the 'Arab Spring' was stirred up by a stupid, demogogical speech made in Cairo by Obama, that the US aim was a proxy war with Russia and Iran in the middle east. Look what happened since then. Secular Muslim leaders in Egypt and Libya were overthrown by US led regime change campaigns ...

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NWO - faceless corporation will dominate nations
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Obama doctrine failure
Obama - Duterte trade insults
Sidi Obama's Jihad
Obama and Kerry selling war
Obama the real danger
The transatlantic fascism conspiracy
Corporate globalism threat
What are the global elite planning?
Global corporatocracy?
The New World Order
New world Order omnibus
Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine – US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable
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Obamas ‘moderate Rebels’ Are mostly Syrian Gangsters

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