The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, September 08, 2017

Why Is Israel Entering Syrian Civil War Now

After years of working covertly to destabilise Syria, why has Israel waited until now to intervene in the conflict between the Assad regime and the ISIS / Al Nusra Front Islamic extremists. Israel usually only attacks when attaced, preferring to manipulate political developments in the middle east from the shadows. In spite of that the government of Benjamin Netenyahu has chosen to directly attack Syria.

Overnight (Wed. evening/Thursday early morning), Israel attacked a Syrian military base near the town of Masyaf at about 3:00 a.m. which Syria has now confirmed in a statement that warns of "serious repercussions". Syria reported two troop deaths in the attack. It appears to have been a massive strike - grainy photos, like the one below, show a large fireball lighting up the night sky outside of Masyaf.

the daily stirrer

The U.S. has recently seemed to be backing away from the route to militarily intervene in the embattled nation, instead choosing to focus its saber-rattling and destabilization efforts on other theaters, notably North Korea. The consequence of this has been an apparent winding down of the long-running conflict, now entering its seventh year, in which ISIS had the upper hand until Russia and Iran, pissed off by Obama and David Cameron having repeatedly stated that the west's priority was to depose Assad rather than to oppose terrorism. What we must ask ourselves is why this has made the Israelis panic, because this military intervention could end so disastrously for Israel and the whole of the middle east it can only have happened as a result of panic .

With support from Russia, Iran and Lebanon, the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad has managed to retake vast swaths of territory, all while surviving and growing stronger over the course of a largely foreign-funded onslaught. As a result, many of the governments that were instrumental in funding and arming the so-called “moderate” opposition have begun to extricate themselves, unwilling to further test the resilience of Assad, the Syrian people or Syria's powerful allies, Russia, China and Iran.

Israeli media and defense officials quickly claimed that the strike at Masyaf was on a chemical weapons facility: they know the "humanitarian" angle sells in the West, especially when coupled with allegations of civilians being gassed. Currently, this is putting the dubious and contested claim that the Syrian government attacked Khan Sheikhoun with sarin gas back in the spotlight at a time when Israel is eager to sell war for regime change while casting its actions in terms of protecting and defending civilians from a brutal dictator. While it seems doubtful that Assad, who whatever else he may be is not a stupid man, would launch an attack with an illegal weapon against civilians when his forces were on the brink of victory, what is certainly untrue in that story is the allegation that Sarin was the gas used. News photos and video showed aid workers helping affected civilians (who were sitting up and smiling, with their faces uncovered and wearing T shirts and shorts. Sarin is so toxic full hazmat suits and breating apparatus would have been required, and in a densely populated area many more people would have died.

With a resolution to the long running conflict within reach, recent threats from Israel’s government to assassinate Assad by bombing his residence have appeared out of the blue. The first sign that Israel was not ready to let go in Syria even if Washington was came when, According to the Jerusalem Post, a senior Israeli official on a recent visit to Russia warned the Kremlin that if Iran continues to "extend its reach" in Syria, Israel would bomb the presidential palace in Damascus.

Israel’s comments should come as no surprise, however, although the foreign-funded and manufactured conflict in Syria was always accredited to the USA and Saudi Arabia, Syria has long been a thorn in Israels side and stood in the way of US and Saudi geopolitical ambitions. The only real surprise is Tel Aviv’s growing isolation in pushing for the further escalation of the conflict.

WikiLeaks sheds light on the origins of the war

Though Israel has avoided being labeled a major player in bid to depose Assad, Israel has a long tradition of cooperating with Saudi Arabia economically, harbours ambitions of destroying Iran (that rivalry goes back to the time of Cyrus The Great (around 600 BC), and has long-standing issues with Syria (which were already old when Cyrs The Great was a lad. Only Wikileaks has illuminated the long standing ambition in Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh to remove the secular regime in Damascus. State Department diplomatic cables from the period when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, released by WikiLeaks last year have shown has that in 2006, five years before the conflict in Syria kicked off, the government of Israel proposed a plan to overthrow the Assad government by engineering sectarian strife in the country, and put a Sunni Muslim regime in place, thus isolating Syria from its strongest regional ally, Iran.

Israel then put this plan, which would also involve Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Egypt in fomenting the "breakdown" of the Assad regime as a way of weakening both Iran and Hezbollah — with the effect of empowering both Israel and the Gulf monarchies, two seemingly disparate forces in the region that are becoming increasingly allied.


Terrorist Friendly Obama Doctrine In Foreign Policy Has Made The World More Unstable
A highly critical look at the ongoing disaster of American Foreign Policy, in particular relating to the middle east, during the Obama administration. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are the main catastrophes, there are plenty of others.

‘I’m back from Syria. The media are lying to you.’ Eva Bartlett

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian activist/freelance journalistst. Eva has lived cumulative 3 years in Gaza, spent time in Lebanon and visited Syria 3 times since April 2014. Anti-zionist, anti-imperialist, pro-justice. Find out more about Eva’s trips to Syria on her Websites: InGaza and Syria Solidarity Movement or watch the embedded video from YouTube at the web page linked above ...

To Join Obama's Proxy War Against Russia In Syria Would Be Cameron's Greatest Folly

A look at our prospects should tway - boy Cameron succeed in obtaining parliament's approval for his wish to join Obama's coalition ofg dodgy political opportunists in their attempt to overthrow Syria's President Assad. Given that Putin has said many times, Assad stays, our outdated war planes don't stand an ice cube in hell's chance against Russian S34s and Growler Surface to Air missiules (SAMs). And that's without factoring in China's pledge to support it's allies Putin and Assad.

U.S. Government Moves To Exploit Paris Terror Attacks To Abolish Privacy

Never ones to miss an opportunity to advance their fascistc agenda, the US government is trying to exploit fears generated by the Paris Muslim terror attacks.

Afghan troops defect to Taliban in Helmand

According to news sources in Pakistan, up to sixty five Afghan soldiers, trained and armed by US and European military advisers, have defected to the resurgent Taliban, taking their weapons and equipment with them. Another 88 are reported to have been killed in heavy fighting between Taliban irregulars and government forces in the southern province of Helmand.

Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
As the lawless criminal scum imported by Merkel in her efforts to suck up to Obama threaten to turn Germany into a third world human cespit, it seems public opinion in European is waking up.

Russia's Upper Hand In Syria Forces USA To Negotiate On Assad's Future

Why is John Kerry suddenly so eager to talk to anyone and everyone about Syria now when the war between Assad and the US sponsored Sunni Jihad has been dragging on for four and a half years? Are members of the Obama administration worried that the joint Russian / Iranian campaign in the air and on land has been too successful against ISIS and exposed as a sham the efforts of the USA and it's allies to 'defeat ...

Russia Takes Over The Mid-East: Moscow Gets Green Light For Strikes In Iraq, Sets Up Alliance With Jordan

Not long ago we were reporting on the way moves in the war against ISIS had shifted the global power balance from west to east, with Putin's decisive and efficiently executed moves to drive the Islamic State forces out of Syria and Obama's failure to repond in any intelligent way demonstrating to the world that the USA had surrendered its role as the dominant military power.

Regime Change As American As Thanksgiving

US President Barack Obama is someone to almost pity. For he has the unenviable task of standing before the nations of the world and blether the self — righteous lies of western propagandists, as he did again, during recent his address to the UN General Assembly.

Russian Warships Launch Missile Attack On Syrian Targets, Clearing Way For Iran Ground Invasion

In was always going to happen once the Russian air force had softened up ISIS and Al Qaeda positions in Syria. With the opposition on the run (and unconfirmable reports suggesting thousands of ISIS irregulars are desterting) thanks to five days of air bombardment from some of the most advanced strike aircraft in the world, we predicted Iran would ...

All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And Syria's Bombs

The U.S. government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the last dozen years – and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as “shock and awe” – but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian government’s supposed use of crude “barrel bombs.”

Russia's action against ISIS in Syria outwits Obama Again

Europe’s intensifying migrant crisis and Russia’s increased military support for President Assad’s regime in Syria, including the establishment of a Russian military Syrian headquarters at Latakia have focused the attention of world media and those of us who like to be aware what is going on to dangerous situation now emerging from Syria’s protracted civil war.

Assad Says Europe Is Responsible For Refugee Crisis: "If You're Worried About Them, Stop Supporting Terrorists"
As the tide of refugees fleeing Syria’s bloody civil war, swelled by African economic migrants masquerading as Syrians continues to tear the European Union (EU) apart, and as Brussels struggles to formulate a coherent policy for handling the crisis as member states go their own way with measures to close border crossing points, divert migrants to other member nations, or ...

Why Assad is Winning: Victory For Secular Ruler In Syria Will Transform the Middle East.
While mainstream media continue to spin the Washington lie that US sponsored rebels are about to topple the Assad regime in Syria (the story they have been telling us for three years, an examination of the news feeds that mainstream news publisher and broadcasters use, which are free from Washington's propaganda spin reveal a different story.

While we watch Unkraine and Turkey The War Goes On In Syria

With mainstream media focused on ISIS and Ukraine amid, fears of an excalation of local problems into a war between East, West and Islam, we are in danger of forgetting nasty little civil conflicts like the one between forces loyal to the secular dictator Assad and the Al Nusra rebels who want to replace a secular dictatorship with an even more ruthless theocracy.

Another American Foreign Policy Embarrassment As Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria

News of how leaked documents prove the US Central intelligence Agency set up ISIS for the purpose of destabilizing the middle east is all over the internet, yet mainstream media continue to ignore it ...

War For The middle East - Why Islamic State Is Winning

The Obama Administration, and in particular The State Department which under the leadership of John (57) Kerry looks after foreign policy has all in all had a nightmare few months since the turn of the year. The unlikely (and unholy) Saudi Arabian - Israeli alliance in cahoots with U.S. neocons and military / industrial complex corporations have pressured the President into escalating U.S. aggression toward the secular government of Bashar Al Assad in Syria.

World War Three? Kiev Reinvades Donbass, Deliberate Provocation Trashed Minsk Agreement

When America wants to provoke Russia it uses proxies, a rabble in Libya, Islamic fundamentalists in Syria and Iraq and neo - Nazi thugs in Ukraine. So far Russia has resisted the urge to kick Obama in the balls, but sooner or later the Russia - China - Iran alliance will respond.

Stupidity Of America's Lust For War With Russia

We have reported many times on the American attempts to provoke Russia's leader Vladimir Putin in the hope that Puting will then fire the first shot in the war the USA so desperately needs to revive its failed economy, unify its dysfunctional society and restore is to the position of dominant global superpower ...

US Special Forces caught red-handed in Syria
How long ago did we tell you the USA had military personnel on the ground in Syria. Evidence about the activities of U.S. special forces in the Syrian town Ayn al-Arab a.k.a. Kobani has emerged in the last few days. U.S. Troops are guiding airstrikes as part of their support for ...

The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela

Last week, President Obama signed an executive order delaring a “special state of emergency,” saying that the situation in Venezuela represents an extraordinary danger to U.S. interests and foreign policy. We predicted such a move was imminent several months ago in an article titled Venezuela Deals Blow to Banksters, Global Fascists and New World Order ...

Turning Libya into a lawless hellhole ‘was the right thing to do’, says Rothschild Zionist David Cameron

Remember when President Obama's favourite arse licker was cheerleading for the bombing of Libya, back in 2011? Britain and France then led a coalition that intervened ostensibly to protect the people of the eastern city of Benghazi but in reality to overthrow the country’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Addressing the UN Cameron in September 2011 Cameron he bragged of the lifesaving and humanitarian aspects of his intervention ...

Will Benghazi Flush Hillary's hopes down the karzi

Washington Times’ publishes expose that could sink Hillary Clinton's Presidential hopes. Tapes Confirm Citizen Commission’s findings on Benghazi screw up that cost American lives. Hillary Clinton has once again delayed formally announcing her intention to run for the White House in 2016, after more embarrassing information about the part the former Secretary of State played in ...

Obama Says If Syria Tries To Defend Itself Against US Air Strikes, US Will Attack Syria

We told you back in 2008 that Barack Hussein Obama was an insaniac who would not be content with dividing America socity and junking the American economy, but was so crazy he would not be content until he had a) Been proclaimed President / Emperor of the entire Universe and everything else besides or b) Dragged most nations into a destructive global conflict.

The U.S. Government Is Creeping Into Syria

The USA's Obama Administration has been desperate to start a new war for about three years now. Russia's Vladimir Putin thwarted Obama's first and second attempt to use false flag attacks to justify fullscale military interbention in Syria by the west. Putin has also faced down several attempts by the USA, EU and their neo - Nazi puppet government on Ukraine to provoke an incident thayt would justify a western attack on Russian interests.

Whatever War Crimes Obama Accuses Russia Of You Can Bet America Has done It First.

World policitical leaders and media sycophants are lining up to condemn Russia for the dowing on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine. Here are a few snippets from our coverage:

Was The Missile Attack On Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Over Ukraine A False Flag Event.

The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine shocked the world. A second disaster for the airline within six months involving the same type of aircraft? Those things are probably coincidence, but when we start to dig a little deeper, the conincidences are quickly stretched to breaking point. So as the conspiracy theories start to emerge we look at the bizarre train of events leading up to the disaster.

The Obama Administration Just Accelerated The Demise Of The USA As Dominant Econimic Power

Under the current administration of Barack Obama the USA seems to have a death wish as a nation. Here's news on the latest example of Obama's incomptence and hubris advancing the demice of Uncle Sam and the predominant global power. The American government's desire to rule the world has driven france and probably the rest of Europe closer to Russia and China.

So Who Are ISIS And What Is Really happening In Iraq

Up until a few short weeks ago ISIS, a group thought to consist of only a few thousand people led by a shadowy figurehead, was hardly mentioned in news bulletins. We in the west thought of Al Qaeda as the force behind insurrection in the middle east, ISIS was nothing more that a chimera, a small, insignificant group of fantasists led by shadowy figures who dreamed of recreating the medieval Islamic Caliphate.

Iraq bloodshed IS linked to 2003 invasion, says ex-Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as critics round on ‘unhinged’ Tony Blair

Former Labour Foreign Minister Jack Straw has returned from a visit to Tehran convinced that it’s time for the West to rethink its relationship with the regime.

The upsurge in Islamic extremism in Iraq is linked to the 2003 invasion, Jack Straw claimed today as the former Foreign Secretary put himself at odds with Tony Blair who said last weekend that had he not supported the US Administration of George W Bush in its plan to invade Iraq in 2003, the current wave of sectarian violence engulfing the country would have happened anyway.

USA Is Arming Both Sides In The Current Iraq Conflict.

Not so long ago Amerca's President was pushing the case for supporting the 'brave, democracy loving freedom fighter in Iraq. Only public opinion and Putin stopped Obama sending troops in to help the Sunni Muslim fanatics who wanted Syria's leader Assad out of the way so they could slaughter Syrias Shiites and Christians. Obama had to content himself with arming the rebels. Now thoise same rebels, defeated by Assad have crossed the border to wreak havoc in Iraq.

p>What's The Point Of G20 If The Children Will Not Play Nicely Together

The G20 summit in St Petersburg should be hoding in depth discussions about global issues like Mutually Assured Destruction if America attacks Syria and Russia responds, Bee Apocalypse, Unemployment in the west, Hunger in the southern hemisphere, Same Sex Marriage, Miley Cyrus dry humping ...

As FUKUS axis of evil prepares to attack Syria, Russia and China put on war alert

Another world shaking story that the free world's mainstream media chose not to tell us about even though it should have dominated newspaper headlines and broadcast news bulletins for months. It tells of how Russia and China knew of Military / Industrial / Banking New World Order office boy Obama's plans to start World War Three back in 2011. Everything their intelligence predicted has happened