It strikes me (as an outsider) that the feminists in the USA protesting against Donald Trump over in the USA are doing their cause more harm than good with their idiotic antics and strengthening support for the new US President.
It is not just the rioting, petrol bomb throwing and violence that give the lie to the liberal's claim to have a monopoly on intelligence, reason and decency, but the contrast between their violent and hate filled rhetoric and the peaceful and articulate protests of the allegedly ignorant and extremist 'right wing nut jobs' but the sheer crudity and lack of class shown by these university brainwashed, drug addled, emotionally needy losers.
Having demonstrated what they are to everybody who cares to observe their stupid efforts to shock, they feel the need to go further by actually dressing up as cunts to underline their true nature in case anybody missed the point.
The Great American Trump and the flatulent establishment
Liberal bigots
Liberal extremism
A liberal's dilemmas
Left's hate and hypocrisy
Class hatered of the left
Left do not have monopoly on goodness and truth
Intellectuals have always despised the masses
Intellectually bankrupt left
Snowflake Alert: Students Say 'Suck It Up, Pussies' Is A Hate Crime
Leaked Podesta Emails Show Bernie Sanders Was Right About Hillary's Ties To Wall St
Now YouTube are censoring videos critical of the establishment
The Anger Of The Masses Is Rising
The Authoritarian Left And The Threat To Personal Liberty
The Unreported Scandals Of The Obama Administration
US Democrats Self Pity Proves Neitzsche’s Point About The Abyss
Obama and The End Of Utopia
DC Leaks Expose George Soros Manipulating Elections
This Says It All About Trump And The Triggered Liberals
Do Progressive Liberals Really Find “White Trash” More Threatening Than Nuclear War?
What Did Donald Trump Say To Earn a Liberal Lynch Mob On His Case
US States Minimum Wage Law Delights ‘Liberal’ Because They Are Stupid
Gay Marriage Advocates Have ?Really Ugly, Intolerant’ Streak, Says Liberal Journalist
Lessons In Liberty For Liberal and Socialist Nazis
Liberal Bigots
Liberal Fascist Calls For Global Warming Skeptics to be Arrested
American ‘liberals are the most stupid people in the world …
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