The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Top Derivatives Analyst Warns The Controllers Are Ready to SHUT DOWN The Financial System
The New World Order, Illuminati, Shadow Government, call them what you like, are not happy. With Brexit looking more likely as Britain prepares to vote on whether it will continue as as an EU member, and several more major European economies preparing to follow, thus tearing the globalist European project apart, with traders in the USA and the far east warning of dangerous instability in commodity and bond markets and with anti establishment feeling running high all around the world, time seems to be running out for the push towards global governance, a global currency and the enslavement of the masses. According to derivatives expert Rob Kirby the algorithms that run the financial system may be turned off in the not too distant future.
The establishment, 0.01% etc. sense their plan for a Brave New World type society is heading for the abyss. Global financial systems and major economies are moving in the same direction at the same time. We reported earlier in the year, that the Baltic Dry Index, the shipping index that measures volumes of freight moving around the world, hit record lows. And it has not picked up anywhere near as much as it should despite the approach of summer.
If you listen to the mainstream media they tell you everything is hunky - dory, and how well the economy of your country is doing, so borrow, borrow borrow and spend, spend, spend. For years now the major currencies in the global economy have been underwritten by debt. Derivatives traders deal in debt, they buy bundles of debt, mortgages, second mortgages and secured loans preferably, and sell shares in the income it yields through funds with solid sounding titles like (let's make one up) the London and Camulodunum Secured High Yield Fund. How secure of high yield these funds actually are is questionable. But the financial markets do not make their money from investing at two and a half per cent, they make their money trading. yes, trading shares in your debt and your neighbours debt and your employers deb and your government's debt. Derivative are not just debt, there are commodities derivatives, currencies derivativeNIRPs, and stock derivatives as well as many other specialised kinds.
The world has been running on debt. And ultimate ownership of the debt is concentrated in the hands of the few.
Unfortunately, as John Steinbeck wrote in The Grapes Of Wrath the system is a monster. The monster must grow or else it dies and if it is to grow the monster must be fed. And as it grows the monster consumes more and more. The globalists want the monster to grow so they plan to enslave us all through our debts so that we have to work not for ourselves but to feed the monster. Rob Kirby talks about the inevitable consequences in this video.
But people have woken up to the scam, they are not prepared to take on more debt, to increase their credit card limit, sign up for a fifty year mortgage in order to get on the housing ladder. And around the developed world voters are rejecting the establishment politics that serves the monster.
Already some central and commercial banks have had to resort to Negative Interest(NIRP) - i.e. the customer pays the bank interests on their deposits - because the banks can't lend money when there are no borrowers. Negative Interest has so far only hit banks and big borrowers, but you can bet that it is on the way down to you, quite simply because it make more sense to levy interest on small investors and savers accounts.
The theory is that by telling customers, 'in future you will have to pay the bank for accepting your money and gambling with it', they will withdraw their savings and spend it on consumer goods rather than pay the banks, thus parking a consumer driven economic recovery after years of stagnation. There is no sign it will work, people will simply buy valuables, gold etc.
Not only have the globalists run national economies into the ground, they are also leading governments in a move to abolish the use of cash. Though policy this is in its infancy the emergence of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (afectively electronic coupon money) demonstrate that We The People are ahead of them. Because their plans for a global economy and a global government are being frustrated by the ability of the masses to think for themselves when for years socilogists and economists have been saying the masses were stupid and needed to be driven to do what was needed, several pundits, including Rob Kirby, think the elite could simply shut down the economy to bring us all to heel.
They might be surprised again by the scope of human ingenuity.
Quitaly? Will Italy follow Britain out of the EU?
With a referendum in Italy, ostensibly on constitutional reforms but perceived as a referendum on the leadership of the ruling elite, looming in November and the anti - globalisation, pro sovereignty Five Star Party growing in popularity all the time. Should the constitutional changes be voted down, and the against campaign is showing a comfortable lead in opinion polls at the moment, it will put a Quitaly in-out referendum, similar to the so called Brexit vote that kick off the process of Britain leaving the European Union, at the top of the agenda.
What Is A Globalist? - Globalim Explained
If you have been following political trends you will probably be bored with the words "globalist" and "globalism" which tend to be bandied about a lot. In fact the advocates of globalism far from being the social justice warriors of their imagination, are avid supporters of the establishment, centralisation of authority, the abolition of free speech, social engineering and all the socio - economic policies well - read people associate with fascism rather than liberalism.
Smart Phones Will Not Make Banking Safer
Yet the war on cash goes on. The latest move is to encourage people to use their smartphone to do their online banking. My first reaction on reading this was, "They're having a laugh aren't they?" laptops and tablets are ridiculously easy to hijack, smartphones don't even need to be hacked, like tired old slappers whose sexual allure has gone south, but who still crave attention, they will offer themselves without needing to be asked.
Globalization: The False Narrative and The Death Of Western Steel Industry
In popular perception, the downfall of the steel industry in Britain, Europe and the USA symbolizes the decline of manufacturing industry in the developed world more clearly than any other of the past half century's economic trends. Over the past few months in Britain two of the last remainings blast furnace steel manufacturing plant, Redcar in North East England and Port Talbot in South Wales have been in the news, both were threatened with closure, in both cases that would have had dire consequences for the local economies. Similar stories have been played out in Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and, most drastically in the USA where the area dubbed 'the rust belt ...
Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
BIS worried about debt levels
Debt and the boom bust cycle
Debt: feeding the monster
Naked Finance
Debt problems are structural
Economy of the living dead
Economic growth hoax
Creating wealth
Plucking money from the air
A Finance Broker
China and Russia Challenge US Dominated IMF
False Economy
Forget Climate Science, We Need A Green Revolution That Starts At The Grassroots, Not Government
Debt: The Developed World Has Lost Touch With Economic Reality
Should The U.S. Government Default On Its Debt And What Will Happen If It Does
Greece Drowns In Debt: ECB Plans For Grexit - Its SHTF Time
Believe The Phoney Narrative Or Be Branded a Conspiracy Theorist
What Would George Orwell Think Of The Screeching Left's Horror At Plans To Shrink The State
Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel
The True Debt Disaster America Faces - Only A Fraction Of Government Debt Is Known To The Public
Forget The Recession, Some People Are Not feeling The Pinch
UK Conservative Politician Says Referendum Is An Establishment Stitch Up
Obama's Economy Is Bad; Clinton's Would Be Worse
Support For EU / US Sanctions On Russia Declining In Central Europe
News From Davos: America Is Finished Global Governance And NWO To Rule
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Sanders Supporters Vindicated: Proof DNC Used Media to Rig Election for Hillary
“Our goals in the coming months will be to frame the Republican field and the eventual nominee early and to provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC,” an email dated May 26, 2015, states. The leaked mail was posted by “Guccifer
2.0”, an obvious hat tip to the Romanian hacker who allegedly accessed Clinton’s private email server multiple times.
One of the strategies cited in the document for “positioningand public messaging” states, “Use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”
Mainstream media tried to focusattention on the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s strategy to
oppose Donald Trump, in order to deflect the narrative in away from the many queries about personal ethics, incompetence, financial irregularities and comtempt for law. These efforts to manipulate public opinion in Hillary’s favor have passed unreported by the mainstream, as US Uncut reports.
The batch leaked emails however show the failure to cover all aspect of the Clinton campaign was not just lazy, sloppy journalism but a carefully planned coordination between the Democratic Nomination Committee (DNC) and corporate media, touting Clinton, rather than Sanders. In fact Hillary had been the presumptive nominee from the outset, in accord with a deal made in 2008 toThe White House. This is exactly as pro - Sanders activists and fair elections advocates had suspected. The deal was widely known to have taken place and Bernie Sanders has hinted that the corrupt, undemocratic behaviour of the DNC and Hillary Clinton played a large part in his decision to run.
Under the heading “Tactics,” the document states,“Working with the DNC and allied groups, we will use several different methods to land these attacks” — including, under the subheading, “Reporter Outreach”:
“Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.” And under “Bracketing Events,” the email states: “Both the DNC and outside groups are looking to do events and press surrounding Republican events to
insert our messaging into their press and to force them to answer questions around key issues.”
Here's a look at one of the incriminating emails:
Guccifer 2.0 also leaked a two-page list titled “HRCelection plans,” which, as US Uncut noted, includes a talking point that later appeared word for word in Clinton’s video announcement of her bid to run for president:
“Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck is still stacked for those at the top.”
As well as showing a carefully-orchestrated fugue of vapid Clintonisms similar to the clichés and banalities of Barack Obama that in 2008 due to saturation hype by the media, enough voters were prepared to mistake for "soaring rhetoric". The unconscious irony of the former First Lady, a multi - millionaire by inheritance in her own right and with her serial rapist husband, a shameless plunderer of public money pontificating on ‘stacked decks’ for the elite shows a gobsmacking level of either insensitivity, hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance in this context.
Prior to the release of the hacked documents, an analysis of election coverage by Neal Gabler, published
in Truthout, showed unacceptable favoritism for Clinton in mainstream media throughout the 2016 primary season and in discussing the actual presidential election due in November.
Even as Sanders experienced growing success, the media downplayed its extent through comparisons with Trump — characterizing the two as ‘outsider’ candidates — thus creating a psychological parallel between the long standing Vermont senator’s popularity and the demagoguery of wheeler dealer billionaire Trump.
Eventually, as the Sanders campaign continued to prosper among the working class Democrat voters despite a near blackout in mass media, while Hillary cleaned up among the professional, academic and college educated sectors a few mainstream outlets resorted to outright hostility to achieve a pro-Clinton message. As Anti-Media reported, Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald published a scurrilous piece of misrepresentation on Sanders, and his supporters, titled “Get Control, Senator Sanders, or Get Out.”
“So, Senator Sanders,” Eichenwald sycophantically sneered, “either get control of what is
becoming your increasingly unhinged cult, or get out of the race.”
The blatant bias was to get worse. Though irate voters and journalists of integrity immediately called
out the premature announcement
that Clinton had won the nomination as farce, it’s clear — particularly with these leaked emails that had been the end game from the outset. When Associated Press awarded the nomination to Clinton shortly before the final round of primary elections, it could not have done anything other than affect Sanders' vote in those primaries
As the mainstream largely directed attention to the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s strategy to oppose Donald Trump, this collusion to steer the narrative in Hillary’s favor appears to have gone unnoticed, as US Uncut reported. But this series of leaked emails show a meticulously plotted coordination between DNC narratives touting Clinton, rather than Sanders, as if she had been the presumptive nominee from the outset — precisely as activists and fair
elections advocates had suspected.
Under the heading “Tactics,” the document states, “Working with the DNC and allied groups, we will use several different methods to land these attacks” — including, under the subheading, “Reporter Outreach”:
“Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.” And under “Bracketing Events,”
the email states: “Both the DNC and outside groups are looking to do events and press surrounding Republican events to insert our messaging into their press and to force them to answer questions around key issues.”
Most revealing in this particular document is its conclusion, which reads, in part, “Our goal is to use this conversation to answer the questions who do we want to run against and how best to leverage other candidates to maneuver them into the right place.”
Guccifer 2.0 also leaked a two-page list titled “HRC election plans,” which, as US Uncut noted, includes a talking point that later appeared word for word in Clinton’s video announcement of her bid to run for president:
“Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck is still stacked for those at the top.”
Not only does this show a carefully-orchestrated spoonfeeding of vapid Clinton-isms to the ostensibly unsuspecting public, the irony of the former First Lady pontificating on ‘stacked decks’ for the elite bears a startling degree of hypocrisy in this context.
Prior to the release of these hacked documents, an analysis of election coverage by Neal Gabler, published
in Truthout, evidenced startling favoritism for Clinton by the mainstream media throughout the 2016 election season thus far. While not entirely overt, the media’s fondness for Hillary often resorted to blatant dishonesty to avoid showing Sanders in a favourable light.
Even as Sanders experienced growing success, the media downplayed its extent through comparisons with Trump — characterizing the two as ‘outsider’ candidates — thus creating a psychological parallel between the Vermont senator’s popularity and the demagoguery of the contentious billionaire.
Eventually, as Sanders continued to experience success despite a veritable media blackout, a few mainstream outlets resorted to outright hostility to achieve a pro-Clinton message. As Anti-Mediapreviously reported, Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald published a scathing hit piece on not only Sanders, but his
supporters, titled “Get Control, Senator Sanders, or Get Out.”
“So, Senator Sanders,” Eichenwald sycophantically sneered, “either get control of what is
becoming your increasingly unhinged cult, or get out of the race.”
Though irate voters and journalists with actual integrity across the country immediately called
out the Associated Press’ premature announcement Clinton had won the nomination as farce, it’s clear, particularly in the light of these leaked emails, that had been the only possible result from the outset.
US Uncut reported neither the DNC nor the Clinton campaign
returned request for comment on the leaked emails.
The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes - sadly this article was an April Fool
Unfortunately its only an April fool joke but this article provides are rare chance to see all that despicable, arrogant, spoiled bitch Hillary Clintons recent ethical violations catalogued so people can see she really thinks she is above the law. The USA is on the road to tyranny, thankfully we have Vladimir Putin to defend freedom.
Republican Party Hierachy Meltdown Over Trump?
Whatever it may or may not have achieved, the obviously management - approved intervention of 'Captain Underpants' Mitt Romney who urged Republicans to unite against Donald Trump did not go down well with some parts of the US Media. Here's an extract of somebody called Judge Jeanine, letting rip at the Party's ruling cabal for simply not getting it.
US Polling Expert Finds Young Americans Atre 'Terrifyingly Liberal'
Like 'science' the word 'liberal' has become totally misused, those who call themselves now are bigoted, authoritarian and and ill informed. And they do not tolerate those who express opinions differing from theirs. And it seems, the American ones are worse.
Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.
In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wondered why?
American Dystopia: Detroit
American debt disaster
Political and business leaders have failed America
What do we really know about Obama's background
Obama's bottom feeders
Obama running oppressive third world regime
Obama the real danger to world peace
New Hampshire Primary:Sanders and Trump Victory For Vox Populi
At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR
Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America.
Soros Attacks Trump: The New World Order Are Afraid ...
FBI Drops Hints They Are Ready to INDICT Hillary Clinton
Sources close to the FBI investigation into Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's offences relating to national security when she was Secretary of State say the Feds are ready to indict the frontrunner in the nomination process on charges relating to classified information.
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
Hillary Should Be Terrified After Judge Grants Staffer Immunity On Email Scandal
More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA
Political Analyst: Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted
America leadership fail
American paranoia
Trump for US of America?
Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.
In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wondered why?
So if Trump is in fact as liberal as the corporate sock puppet Obama, what is it about him that has the ruling elite so scared the corporate owned mainstream media are resorting to desperate measures to discredit him while politicians plot increasing unfeasible ways to stop him becoming president.Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublican Challengers
Soros attacks Trump: New World Order are afraid
Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed
Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America - Boggart Abroad
Donald Trump Loses Fight Against Scottish Wind Farm It will be interesting to see how many fart related jokes we can link to Donald Trump's name between now and when his campaign fails.
New World Order
Living With The Conspiracy
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