The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Boggart Abroad: US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don’t Believe...
Boggart Abroad: US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don’t Believe...: Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, The COVID-19 pandemic continues to explode all over the globe, and auth...
US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don’t Believe Corona Virus Numbers
Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to explode all over the globe, and authorities are warning that it is going to continue to get worse.

The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested. In fact, a medical professor at Johns Hopkins University named Marty Makary believes that there are “probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed”…
According to the New York Times, the CDC is projecting that up to 214 million Americans could eventually become infected…
We still have no idea how long the pandemic will last. Some experts say it will burn itself out in a matter of months but that is pure speculation. What if the virus mutates as quickly as 'flu, for which we have to have a new vaccine each year, or lasts for three full like the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1919 to 1921 did?
As things standeu, European, the entire western world seems to be in the process of shutting up shop as fear of the coronavirus spreads like wildfire, but can the economies of developed nations withstand such a shock to the system. Many people are going to be deathly afraid to go out in public for the foreseeable future because this virus is so easy to catch yet the global economy depends on us rushing round like gadflies, sending shipments of good flying round the world, hoppong on and off passenger jets and ignoring the natural barries that have slowed previous pandemics .
This virus could be on the next surface that you touch, it could be on the next hand that you shake, and there is even the possibility that you could breathe it in during the next breath that you take.
In spite of this Emmanuel Macron, the idiot who serves as President of France and Ursula Van Leyen, the wannabe tyrant who is president of the EU have called for national borders to stay open and no restrictions placed on the free movement of people. In typical EU style their thinking is driven by globalist ideology rather than pragmatism.
The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.
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University Prof Says Don’t Believe Corona Virus Numbers
EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open
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US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don't Believe Corona Virus Numbers
The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested.
The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.
For most of this month the news has been full of the coronavirus outbreak in China, and the possibility this will turn into a pandemic like the Spanish flu' outbreak in 1919 which killed millions of people worldwide. First we need to allay freas spread by scaremongering propaganda aimed at diverting public scrutiny for several very unpleasant and undemocratic agendas currently being implemented by the ruling elites ...
Simple Tips for Boosting Immunity Everyone Should be Doing To Improve Resistance Against Diseases Like Cancer.
While medical science, funded by research grants from Big Pharma and corporate health care pushes to find ever more costly (i.e. profitable) therapies for the diseses that threaten us, the body is its own best doctor, as our ancestors knew. All we need do in many cases is give it the right support.
Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as hypocrite Corbyn takes aim at Johnson
One quickly tires of Labour Party candidates and their supporters claiming the "The Wicked Conservatiovs plan to sell the NHS to private enterprise. They've been at it again throughout the current election cycle, and of course there is no more truth in the claims than there ever was before. But the lefties forget, as they glefully point at any conservatives whose heads appears over the parapet, yelling "Witches, burn them," that the Labour government, between 1997 and 2010 under the traitor and war criminal Tony Blair privatised much of the NHS.
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
India To Prosecute Bill Gates For His Vaccine Crimes
It's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment.
US Centre for Disease Control Opposes Blocking Air Travel from West Africa to Stop Ebola
Right of return and gender dimension more important than stopping spread of disease? Well that sounds about right for the admistration of The Rent Boy President. Always put acting in a politically correct way before common sense. How about this for a totally fickwitted attempt to deal with a crisis (or mayve a smart but totally evil way to create a crisis.
Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their 'The Jihad Is Coming' scare but have a new weapon Ebola ...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to explode all over the globe, and authorities are warning that it is going to continue to get worse.

The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested. In fact, a medical professor at Johns Hopkins University named Marty Makary believes that there are “probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed”…
“Don’t believe the numbers when you see, even on our Johns Hopkins website, that 1,600 Americans have the virus,” he said.He added:
“No, that means 1,600 got the test, tested positive. There are probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed.”
“I think we have between 50,000 and half a million cases right now walking around in the United States.”If he is correct, and considering how easily this virus spreads from person to person, it isn’t going to be too long before this virus is everywhere, as Makary concluded:
"...we’re about to experience the worst public health epidemic since polio"Other health experts are also warning that the number of Americans that have become infected is already extremely high. As I pointed out yesterday, Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton is convinced that the number of victims in her state is now above 100,000…
Ohio health officials announced Thursday that the state has five known cases of the coronavirus, but one expert said that the number is likely much higher and estimated 100,000 undiagnosed cases.But of course what we have seen so far could just be the tip of the iceberg.
Dr. Amy Acton, the director of the state’s health department, told reporters that the virus is “among us, but we can’t see it yet,” WBRB reported.
According to the New York Times, the CDC is projecting that up to 214 million Americans could eventually become infected…
Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to one projection. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.Can you imagine how overwhelmed our healthcare system will be if that actually happens?
And supposing this is repeated her in the UK (and there is no reason to believe it isn't,) can you imagine the strain on the NHS, already struggling to cope with the demands placed on it due largely to the stupidity of virtue signalling left wing and neo - liberal politicians who think we should offer 'free' healthcare to the world.We still have no idea how long the pandemic will last. Some experts say it will burn itself out in a matter of months but that is pure speculation. What if the virus mutates as quickly as 'flu, for which we have to have a new vaccine each year, or lasts for three full like the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1919 to 1921 did?
As things standeu, European, the entire western world seems to be in the process of shutting up shop as fear of the coronavirus spreads like wildfire, but can the economies of developed nations withstand such a shock to the system. Many people are going to be deathly afraid to go out in public for the foreseeable future because this virus is so easy to catch yet the global economy depends on us rushing round like gadflies, sending shipments of good flying round the world, hoppong on and off passenger jets and ignoring the natural barries that have slowed previous pandemics .
This virus could be on the next surface that you touch, it could be on the next hand that you shake, and there is even the possibility that you could breathe it in during the next breath that you take.
In spite of this Emmanuel Macron, the idiot who serves as President of France and Ursula Van Leyen, the wannabe tyrant who is president of the EU have called for national borders to stay open and no restrictions placed on the free movement of people. In typical EU style their thinking is driven by globalist ideology rather than pragmatism.
EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open
The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.
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The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.
University Prof Says Don’t Believe Corona Virus Numbers
EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open
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US John Hopkins University Prof Says Don't Believe Corona Virus Numbers
The number of confirmed cases outside of China roughly tripled once again this week, and if this outbreak continues to escalate at this pace there will be more than a million confirmed cases in less than a month. But as bad as the official numbers are, the truth is that there are a whole lot more people walking around out there that have caught the virus but have not been tested.
EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open
The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.
A deadly sickness is sweeping across Ethiopia – and no one knows how or why it came to be
For most of this month the news has been full of the coronavirus outbreak in China, and the possibility this will turn into a pandemic like the Spanish flu' outbreak in 1919 which killed millions of people worldwide. First we need to allay freas spread by scaremongering propaganda aimed at diverting public scrutiny for several very unpleasant and undemocratic agendas currently being implemented by the ruling elites ...
Simple Tips for Boosting Immunity Everyone Should be Doing To Improve Resistance Against Diseases Like Cancer.
While medical science, funded by research grants from Big Pharma and corporate health care pushes to find ever more costly (i.e. profitable) therapies for the diseses that threaten us, the body is its own best doctor, as our ancestors knew. All we need do in many cases is give it the right support.
Labour planned to privatise 40% of NHS as hypocrite Corbyn takes aim at Johnson
One quickly tires of Labour Party candidates and their supporters claiming the "The Wicked Conservatiovs plan to sell the NHS to private enterprise. They've been at it again throughout the current election cycle, and of course there is no more truth in the claims than there ever was before. But the lefties forget, as they glefully point at any conservatives whose heads appears over the parapet, yelling "Witches, burn them," that the Labour government, between 1997 and 2010 under the traitor and war criminal Tony Blair privatised much of the NHS.
Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”: Claim Stokes Fears Over Genetically Modified Bioweapon
The theory that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan before it somehow escaped could be an attempt by the establishment (the Davosocracy,) to spread fear and panic as they see resurgent nationalism across the developed world and growing scepticism about
India To Prosecute Bill Gates For His Vaccine Crimes
It's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment.
US Centre for Disease Control Opposes Blocking Air Travel from West Africa to Stop Ebola
Right of return and gender dimension more important than stopping spread of disease? Well that sounds about right for the admistration of The Rent Boy President. Always put acting in a politically correct way before common sense. How about this for a totally fickwitted attempt to deal with a crisis (or mayve a smart but totally evil way to create a crisis.
Ebola and the Absent “Humanitarians”
When the FUKUS axis leaders, France, United Kingdom and the Unites States of America were calling for approval to intervene in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Ukraine, they justified their lust for war by claiming that bombing the crap out of those counties was necessary on humanitarian grounds. And the member of the FUKUS axis and their allies spent billions of $£€ on humanitarian bombs that wreaked hiumanitarian havoc among the innocent poor and middle class citizens of those nations. Now they have work out their 'The Jihad Is Coming' scare but have a new weapon Ebola ...
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