Last month the world united in an frenzy of outrage (whipped up by mainstream media) at the killing of 50 (and counting) Muslim worshippers in a Mosque in New Zealand this week there was not a whisper about a far bigger numerically at least, massacre of Christians by Muslims in Nigeria.
The New Zealand mosque attacks were unarguably an atrocity worthy of universal condemnation. Presidents, prime ministers, royalty, and religious leaders rushed to extend their condolences to victims and their families — as well they should — while decrying the hate that purportedly motivated the shootings.
Without exception, the mainstream media gave top billing to the shootings, with newspapers carrying the story on their front pages and television news channels leading off their broadcasts with the story. But we should not forget the crime was committed by, according to the evidence released so far, a lone nutter who may have had one or two supporters who indirectly helped. It was not part of an organised religious war.
The Daily Stirrer