Russian Sukhoi SU27s - a formidable fighting machine, years ahead of anything the US Air Force hasYesterday, Thursday evening our news feeds picked up the latest development in the soap opera that is the Obama administrations waggering effor to make Russia back down from is's stance of supporting Assad and let the rent - boy President satisfy his bloodlust in bringing Syria’s horrific civil war with bombs and drone strike on Syrian civilians.
The Reuters report revealed that according to an Israeli defense source, “hundreds of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are on the ground in Syria fighting alongside the Russians to support Bashar al-Assad’s depleted forces as they battle to regain control of the country."
If confirmed that would answer a question which has been hanging over this issue for a while: How long will Iran remain on the sidelines and allow the Houthis to be routed in Yemen and Assad deposed in Syria, and will Tehran join Moscow in announcing the time for rhetoric is past and only direct action can resolve this Obama sponsored carnage?
Reports of Iranian military involvement follow speculation about the nature of Russia’s military buildup near Latakia where US “intelligence” and a series of unnamed “Lebanese sources” claim Moscow is essentially preparing for a full-on push to rout any and all domestic opposition to the Assad regime. Russia claims (rather predictably) that the purpose of the build up is to supply and distribute humanitarian aid.
What we do know is the war of words between US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Rusian opposite number Sergei Lavrov has intensified over the past several days. Here's how Lavrov characterizes the exchange:
“Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,” Lavrov said.
“It's an absolutely upside-down logic and yet another attempt to appease those who use terrorists to fight dissenting regimes,” the Russian FM said, mentioning US attempts to cooperate with varrious extremist groups in Syria over the past few years.
“It's a colossal mistake that the US-led [anti-ISIS] coalition never considered interaction with Syria, not even information exchange,” Lavrov said. “I cannot comprehend this logic, or rather absolute lack of logic.”
“We help not only Syria, we also provide weapons to Iraq and other countries of the region that find themselves on the frontline with the terror threat. Equally for Iraq and other countries, we do so without any political preconditions,” Lavrov said.
Today (Friday 11 September), Lavrov wound it up a further notch with some very serious-sounding (but hilariously overstated,) soundbites delivered to a press conference in Russia.
from Reuters
At a news conference, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia was sending equipment to help Assad fight Islamic State. Russian servicemen were in Syria, he said, primarily to help service that equipment and teach Syrian soldiers how to use it.
Russia was also conducting naval exercises in the eastern Mediterranean, he said, describing the drills as long-planned and staged in accordance with international law.
Lavrov blamed Washington for cutting off direct military-to-military communications between
Russia and NATO over the Ukraine crisis, saying such contacts were "important for the avoidance of undesired, unintended incidents".
"We are always in favor of military people talking to each other in a professional way. They understand each other very well," Lavrov said. "If, as (U.S. Secretary of State) John Kerry has said many times, the United States wants those channels frozen, then be our guest."
"Be our guest", which, unless the true meaning is lost in translation sounds as if the Kremlin telling Washington that it Russia does not have a problem with the Western powers' aircraft getting into a scenario where Russian and French, UK and US (FUKUS axis) jets accidentally ending up in dog fights in the clear blue skies over Syria.
With bated breath we await Kerry's response which will almost certainly contain the words "very" and "concerned" before he beats a hasty retreat to change his underpants.
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