The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year

Another boatload of illigals heading for balkan shores, hoping to get to Germany. Is it any wonder the Germans are pissed off? Picture Source: Telegraph

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean and making their way (illegally) through the Balkans to Germany has passed the government’s worst casse estimates. The unprecedented influx has now forced Berlin to hastily revise the figure upwards.

Although the German government had already acknowledged the need to revise estimates, the latest number is beyond all expectations, pushing the figure from 450,000 to between 750,000 and one million in 2015. Germany is already the greatest importer of human beings in Europe, having taken nearly 40 per cent of all asylum applications in the whole EU this year and this late development is a signal from the Bundestag that the government does not anticipate this to change. As we reported yesterdasy, citizens anger is close to boiling over as they see their interests repeatedly sidelined in favour of immigrants.

Tabloid Die Welt reports federal agencies are already demanding increased welfare and social housing budgets on the back of the announcement, competing for monry to enable the departments to bear the brunt of mass migration. The Federal Labour Agency has said its job centres will need more people to deal with the rising numbers of new Germans seeking work. What is not mentioned in the report of course is the rising level of benefit claimants who will also depend on the system after their arrival, the administration of which is also processed through the job centres. Not even a powerhose economy such as that of Germany can create new business and jobs at will and most of the migrants are illiterate and skilled only in begging and theft.

Labour minister Frank-Jürgen Weise told local media that the Federal government would have to boost his budget in 2016, but expressed concern that no matter how much the government could find, it wouldn’t be enough to deal with the one year population increase. The influx of refugees alone resembles an almost one per cent increase in national population – before higher birth rates associated with transplanted third world diasporas are even factored in.


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Britain to Crack Down on Illegal Working by Migrants

Illegal migrants found working in Britain will face jail and have their earnings seized under new measures announced by the government on Tuesday. The government has been ramping up its anti-immigration rhetoric in response to a spike in migrant attempts to reach Britain via the Channel Tunnel in France and is under pressure to show it is acting to deal with the crisis.

Immigration and benefits

Immigration marginalises native populations

Sweden's suicide by immigration

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Germany shocked by scores of xenophobic attacks against migrants ass citizens' anger boils over

Burnt out hostel for illegal immigrants refugees in Germany (source, Getty Images)

NB: in parts of this artice quoted from The Washington Post the spin is definitely pro-immigrant, anti-European. This does not reflect the attitude of The Daily Stirrer, while we oppose violence against migrants, we respect the fact thast Germans (and Europeans in general have rights and just concerns too, and after years of seeing their own interests sidelined by a political elite that prioritises the welfare of foreigners, the German people are getting mightily pissed off by leaders who think their counntry is best served by their kissing immigrants arses.

from: The Washington Post

By Anthony Faiola August 16

MEISSEN, Germany — In a gesture of German goodwill, the administration in this medieval city leased a newly renovated apartment building here to humanely — even comfortably — house dozens of desperate ­asylum-seekers. The newcomers from Syria and other war-
ravaged nations would enjoy freshly redone floors, cute balconies and shiny, modern appliances in a cheerful building near a timber-framed pub. Then Meissen’s goodwill went up in smoke.

On a cool night six weeks ago, suspected right-wing arsonists struck the building, scorching its interior and rendering it uninhabitable days before the ­asylum-seekers were to move in. The attack added Meissen, a gothic castle town of 30,000 on the Elbe River, to a string of German cities caught up in an escalating rash of violence against refugees.

The acts include an ugly spate of arson targeting refugee centers as well as physical attacks on refugees themselves, marking the return of what critics say is an unnerving brand of xenophobia to Western Europe’s most populous nation.

It is typical of the American media of course to support the destruction of Europe's history for the sake of sucking up to Africans, Muslims, and Romanians. Liberals in the USA have with their great experiment in multiculturalism, turned their society into a ghettoized third world cesspit, now the fuckwitted guilt addics want to drag the rest of the world down with them.

While the violence against migrants being seen all around Europe now should be deplored, those truly responsible are the political elite whose refusal to act to curb the epidemics of violence, crime and rape that inevitably accompany the arrival of an influx of uneducated rabble from parts of the world where women are chattels and vulnerable people are easy targets to places where women are free to walk around town unaccompanied and old peoples' rights to leave their homes are usually respected.

Why should we make allowances for black scum who can't control their urges when they see a woman who doesn't have a bag over her head. Go German citizens, show the elite they have shat on you once too often. Or better still you could try torching puiblic buildings and politicians offices and the premises of mainstream news organisations.

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