Given the current political climate in the USA after eight years of incompetence and divisive policies delivered by the Obama Administration, as well as the effect of ongoing economic conditions on the working and lower middle classes it is surprising the riots witnessed in the past few years have been relatively tame and of brief duration.
Riots in U.S. urban ghettos in the past lasted for days, with millions of dollars worth of damage done and many lives lost. That could be about to change however, According to a poll carried out among resident of Los Angeles someday soon we might 'see the LA river flowing with much blood,' (paraphrased from Virgil's Aeneid.)
For the first time since the riots, there is an uptick in the number of Angelenos who fear that another civil disturbance is likely, according to a Loyola Marymount University poll that has been surveying Los Angeles residents every five years since the 1992 disturbances.
Nearly 6 out of 10 Angelenos think another riot is likely in the next five years, increasing for the first time after two decades of steady decline. That’s higher than in any year except for 1997, the first year the survey was conducted, and more than a 10-point jump compared with the 2012 survey.
The notorious 1992 LA riots were largely fueled by racial tensions. Next time, while racial divisions, depite the best efforts of the race-baiter president, Barack Hussein Obama, will only play a minor role, economic factors are likely to be the driver of civil disorder. Like a majority of Democrat run cities in the USA, Los Angeles is divided by an enormous and rapidly widening wealth gap, with unemployment and part - employment rising among low skilled groups, housing costs and other necessary expenses are crushing the lower classes.
“Economic disparity continues to increase, and at the end of the day, that is what causes disruption,” said Fernando Guerra, a political science professor who has worked on the survey since its inception.
“People are trying to get along and want to get along, but they understand economic tension boils over to political and social tension.”
Although the city’s unemployment rate last year was about half of what it was in 1992, the median income of Angelenos, when adjusted for inflation, is lower than it was around the time of the riots. Poverty rates still remain high at 22%, comparable with the years preceding the riots.
It should be noted of course that conclusions such as those are based on the government's fraudulent way of counting the unemployed (i.e. excluding from statistics those unemployed for 99 weeks or more)
There’s something to be said for the idea that there’s a collective unconscious. When that many people feel that violent civil unrest is a real possibility, one should take notice. These people know what their city is capable of, so I can’t help but fear that their concerns are justified.
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