The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

TTIP: UK Report Shows Corporations Have Sued Canadian Govt For Over $2bn, Obama Claims ‘Did Not Happen’

One of the most controversial sections Trans Atlantic Trade And Investment Pertnership (TTIP) often called Obama Trade because of the way this corporate power grab will give global businesses the rught to overturn or ignore national law, is the rights it will grant corporations to sue governments if they think laws (for example trade, consumer protection, environmental protection, employment and human rights laws) constrain their profits in any way.

TTIP is based on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) under which US Corporations have reportedly sued the Canadian Government for billions of dollars because Canadian laws were not aligned with US law and it was successfull claimed (in a court in the USA) that the differences limited their earning from trade in Canada. The American government (wouldn't you know) has always denied this. You can hear a recent denial from the lips of the pathological liar Barack Hussein Obama in this video. But don't be taken in because the aforementioned Barack Hussein Obama denies he is or hhas ever been a Muslim, yet video footage exists of him speaking of what "my Muslim faith."

A recently published report for the British government reveals, having drawn evidence from legal records, that major U.S. corporate businesses have sued the Canadian government for billions of dollars under a clause of NAFTA similar to the cortroversial Investment Protection chapter in TTIP. Despite this, U.S. President Barack Obama told a press conference in Germany this weekend (above) that "none of these [corporate law suits] had happened with the many trade agreements that currently exist".

Speaking about the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in a question and answer session with Germany Chancellor Hausfrau-Volksfuhrer Merkel on April 24, 2016, Obama made reference to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause of TTIP, which has become a major obstacle to the conclusion of TTIP as nations across Europe fears it will facilitate a wave of U.S. companies suing national governments across Europe in order to overturn laws that do not primarily serve corporate interests.

Obama said: "The issue of dispute settlement is something that has gained a lot of attention and attraction among those who generally oppose trade agreements. Keep in mind that the vast majority of trade agreements already contain such dispute resolution mechanisms. And the terrible scenarios that are painted in which suddenly corporations are going around suing countries so that they are not able to enforce their public health laws, or their financial regulations, or their environmental laws — none of these things had happened with the many trade agreements that currently exist, and that Germany and the United States and the EU and others are already a party to. So I think it’s important for us to look at the facts and not a bunch of hypothetical pronouncements."

But the UK Government report reveals that U.S. corporates up until 2013 have sued the Canadian government for up to $2 billion and that the UK “would be more prone to US claims than Canada”. The UK report is not yet publicly available, for confirmation that Obama lied CLICK HERE.

These suits were brought against the Canadian tax payer for issues such as governmental bans on additives, denial of licences, and the U.S. Parcel Service even sued the Canadian postal service for “anti-competitive practices”. In practice, the same kind of suit could be brought against Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), as being government-run makes it an effective monopoly and therefore “anti-competitive”.

So there you have the truth, as has long been said US trade treaties are invariably biased towards US Corporate interests and TTIP is probably the most blatant example to date of wrapping a corporate power grab in the guise of a 'free trade deal.' While Britain is an EU member there is no opt out. If you want your country to remain a sovereign nation rather than becoming a slave state in a USA dominated global tyranny, vote to get us out of the corrupt, corporate owned European Union.

Obama Admin Denies Saying “No Boots on the Ground” in Syria After Saying It 16 Times
This is our second report today that catches Barack Obama and his administration of 'homies' in a blatant lie. The first related to the TTIP trade treaty, this one concerns the decision to deploy American ground troops in Syria, after Obama had repeatedly stated there would never be any US soldiers on the ground in Syria
Will TTIP Make Europe A Colony Of The USA?
EU to Keep Part of TTIP Trade Deal Papers Under Wraps
EU Bureaucrats To Push TTIP Through Before Obama Leaves Office?
Julian Assange On The TPP: "Deal Isn't About Trade, It's About Corporate Control"
Leaked EU - TTIP document: Destruction of Democracy planned
Opposite of Transparency: Germany’s TTIP Room ‘Smacks of Totalitarianism’
German Judges Rule: EU-U.S. ‘Trade’ Deal (TTIP) Would Undermine National Courts.
The Death Of Democracy – Lobbying For TTIP
TISA – If you Hated Undemocratic TTIP You’ll Loathe This
More Truth About Undemocratic TTIP

MORE from Boggart Abroad on TTIP

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