Captive minds and Intellectual Cowardice is an examination of the way politically correct authoritarianism is suppressing freedom of speech and thought. It starts in Universities and academic institutions and the political arena and is now extending to restricting supporters chants at sports events.
Captive Minds And Intellectual Cowardice
The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
What Hausfrau Mekel Did Not Tell The German Voters Before They Handed Her A Third Term
With anti EU feeling running high in all the wealthy nations of Europe, Gereman leader Angela Merkel had to stay schtumm about her plans to give more sovereign powers to Brussels during her election campaign. But now the news is out and being loudly proclaimed by leading German newspaper Spiegel, it makes her chances of forming a stable coalition look a lot shakier. Read more:
What Hausfrau Mekel Did Not Tell The German Voters Before They Handed Her A Third Term
It's The Sovereignty, Stupid.The Daily Stirrer brings you opinion and comment on issues in the news that are likely to affect the lives of ordinary people. TODAY: President Bill Clinton swung the 1992 presidential election campaign in his favour when his chief political strategist, James Carville, hung a sign in the Clinton campaign HQ that read, “ It's The Economy Stupid”. Yesterday as the German economy boomed voters sent Angela Merkel a different message ...
Eurogeddon Postponed Termporarily Due To Financal Conjuring Tricks
The Daily Stirrer brings you opinion and comment on issues in the news that are likely to affect the lives of ordinary people. We therefore focus on economic matters, prices and inflation, jobs and unemployment, health, diet, education and social comment. Our contributors are old gits who are prepared to say what everybody is thinking.
Below our finance expert John de Roe analyses the latest bureaucratic scam that claims to have saved the European single currency but in reality is only another attempt to scam German taxpayers.
Euro Zone Crisis: The Decline And Fall Of The Bureaucratic Empire
Euro zone leaders continue to insist the single currency must be saved even though any fool would recognise a dead parrot when they see one. So why are they prepared to sacrifice the furture for the single currency project. And was it ever really about money?
Another French Hopeful With His Foot In His Mouth
To a delirious crowd of around 20,000, M. Hollande, the Socialist candidate cited The Bard of Stratford on Avon as he promised to cast off the ennui of the Nicolas Sarkozy era with a new wave of egalitarian idealism. In dismisssing Sarko as sans balls, sans brains and sans achievements Mr Hollande told the crowd, was best summed up by Shakespeare's great words: "They failed because they did not start with a dream." ...
What Hausfrau Mekel Did Not Tell The German Voters Before They Handed Her A Third Term
As anti EU feeling grows and German citizens get angry about the immigration disaster, no wonder Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel is not happy. And German taxpayers will not be happy when they find out what crazy financial commitments are about to be dumped on them by the EU's poorer members.
Starting Pistol Fired In Race To Succeed Merkel
While the odds of Merkel being deposed by a putsch in her own party may seem slim, they have been improved vastly by her party’s monumental failure in German state elections on Sunday, with her migration policy as the rationale for huge numbers of voters abandoning the CDU for the anti - integration, anti - immigration AfD party.
Hollande Survives Confidence Vote As France Slides Deeper Into Chaos
French President Francois Hollande suvived a 'no - confidence' vote today but now faces deepening divisions within his own party as well as in the French population. Continuing mass protests by students and trade union members showed the battle of over his reforms to the country's labour laws are far from finished. Hollande has hardened opposition to his reforms after bypassing the French parliament to push them through.
Italy's Prime Minister Says Merkel Unilateral Initiative On Migrant Crisis Is Unacceptable
Surging Support for Germany’s Anti Immigration AfD Party Shows Contempt For Merkel's Open Doors Policy
Merkel Isolated As Europe Splits Over Refugee Crisis
Forced To Defend Her Insane Immigration Policy, Merkel Blames Anti Immigrant Party For Crisis
Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)
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