Tuesday, May 22, 2007


This blog was posted ten years ago. How little has changed other than the labels we stick on the bad guys. As you read this blog, whenever you counter the word Iran, substitute Syria and when you read Bush, make it Obama. Round and round we go on the propaganda carousel.

A headline in one of today's papers, over a picture of an overturned and burned out tank in which six U.S. soldiers and an interpreter told us that Iran is orchestrating an offensive aimed at driving the Americans and British out of Iraq.The story that followed reported that new alliances have been forged between Sunni insurrectionists (they're not insurgents, OK, they'e bloody insurrectionists) and Shia militia, Al Quaeda terror groups and Syrian geurillas have increased the strike capabilities of the Iraqis.

This is the response to Bush's surge of course.

Loyal readers of Boggart Blog and Little Nicky Machiavelli blog will recall we predicted about a year ago that the conflict would escalate towards full scale war in late 2007 or early 2008 as defeat for the religious right in the U.S. Presidential elections started to look certain.

Earlier this year we reported that U.S. and British troops had been carrying out covert operations inside Iran with the aim of stirring up unrest.

Now our discredited and deluded politicians are trying to fool us by crying foul when the Iranians retaliate.
It is time we took to the streets to put an end to this insanity before we are counting our dead in hundreds rather than tens each week.

Song Of War


Will Syria be the west;s Armageddon
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