Contrary to snowflake expectations, The Wall Street Journal today reports tourism to the United States is up since Donald Trump became president, while visitor numbers to destinations throughout Europe have fallen as a result of multiple Germany, error attacks in the UK, France, Belgium and throughout the 28 member bloc, and to the migrant invasion and the social problems it is causing.
“Latest numbers from the U.S. Travel Association’s Travel Trends Index showed 6.6 percent growth in international travel to the U.S. in April and 5 percent growth in May compared with the same months last year,” The WSJ reported (the US financial paper is behind a subscription wall now so you'll have to be content with this precis.)
The report reveals hotel occupancy up for the first six months of 2017 is higher than ever before. Visits to museums in New York are also up on the same period last year, while Florida’s Orlando International Airport, which serves several very popular theme parks, has also reported growth in domestic and international passengers.
“It’s contrary to everything we’ve heard, but travel is in slightly better shape than it was a year ago. Everyone wants me to tell the story of the sky is falling, but for the travel industry, the sky is not falling,” said Roger Dow, CEO of the U.S. Travel Association, adding that the "impending doom" of Trump’s presidency predicted by some in the industry has not manifested itself.
By contrast Europe has experienced a drop in tourist numbers drop as a result of terror attacks and waves of migrants, including many fundamentalist Muslims who object to the freedoms European women enjoy, arriving throughout the past past years. Since the accepted around 2 million migrants in 2015, German towns have experienced declines of up to 40 per cent of tourists from countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and around a 10 per cent drop in tourists from the United States.
Recent terror attacks in Brussels and the city’s infamous Molenbeek ghetto being linked to numerous terrorist cells including the gunmen who killed 90 people at the Bataclan theatre in 2015, tourism in the Belgium capital is collapsing, with weekend hotel revenue having fallen 22 per cent and occupancy rates down 10 per cent.
Visitor numbers to the London’s most popular tourist attractions were dropping even before the attacks in Manchester and London Bridge, with a million fewer people visiting The British Museum, the Natural History Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in 2016 compared with the previous year. Bernard Donoghue, director of Alva, said tourists were avoiding central London due to "security fears" and the ubiquity of foreign aggressive beggars, thieves and scammers. In England, Lonodon has become know as The Islamic Republic of Londonistan for very good reasons.
The owner of of Alton Towers theme park in Staffordshire and Madame Tussauds in London said the most recent terror attacks in the UK "have resulted in a further deterioration in domestic demand".
After the Nice truck attack last year, and the inevitability of being harassed by immigrants selling tat, foreign tourists are shunning France in ever greater numbers, with hotel occupancy rates in Paris down 50% compared to 2015. A whopping 1.5 million fewer French and international tourists visited Paris in 2016 compared to 2015. In Italy, now the frontline of the migrant crisis as a result of NGO boats ferrying "refugees" from Libya into the country in a de facto taxi service after the Balkan states closed their borders, tourism is also on the decline, with visitors avoiding Rome due to terror fears.
In Sweden, the politically correct stupidity capital of Europe, the government’s program of turning holiday resorts into migrant centers has led to severe accommodation shortages for vacationers. "In some municipalities, there will be no hotel beds at all, as the government has allocated them all to refugees," said Lena Larsson, CEO of Smaland Tourism.
Tourists are believed to be deciding to travel to the U.S. rather than Europe because it is significantly safer as a result of not having admitted millions of migrants from Muslim countries, many of whom are supporters of ISIS, The Muslim brotherhood and other jihadist groups(though Obama did his best to encourage them before he left office).
Manchester Bomber Repeatedly Reported to Authorities over Five Year Period
In the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing it has emerged that police and security services failed to act on numerous over five years that suicide bomber Salman Abedi was a potential terrorist. Had law enforcement authorities not been such pussies thay are afraid of being called racist, Abedi’s deadly terror attack might well have been prevented, according to information from independent investigators.
NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.
NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.
NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.
NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.
Western Liberals Not Outraged With Terrorist Who Lured Children With Food, Then Blew Them Up?
Just a few weeks ago we sane people were almost deafened by the screeching of Social Justice Warriors (who were once fanatically anti war but now seem to have changed sides, given their support for the invasion of Syria and constant provocation of Russia and China by the USA and NATO. The most recent screeching session was prompted by an alleged use of an illegal chemical weapon by the Assad regime in Syria's civil war. It was obvious that attack, if it took place at all, was a false flag event
ISIS touts chemical weapons attacks, but Iraqis, US play it down
Islamic State may be on the brink of defeat in Mosul, but the terror group is determined to go down with all guns blazing. A few days ago the world was going crazy about the alleged chemical weapon attack by the Assad regime in Syria. But while European and American media and politicians were laying the outrage on with trowels, in Mosul, Iraq, the US backed 'moderate rebels' (the same ISIS afilliated guys as are our allies in Syria,) were attacking Asmerican and Iraqi government personnel with chemical weapons of their own ...
‘There Are Dead People In The Street’ – Latests Truck Terror hits Stockholm
From the news feeds we are seeing news of another terrorist atrocity, this time in Sweden. In what appears to be another example of the growing trend for using vehicles as weapons in terror attacks, a truck has been deliberately driven into people on a busy street in central Stockholm. Aftonbladet newspaper reports the incident took place when a truck was driven into a department store, causing multiple casualties.
The War On Cash Intensifies In Response To Trump and Brexit
It appears Europe is charging towards a cashless society. Just days after Davos’ elites discussed why the world needs to “get rid of currency,” the European Commission has introduced a proposal enforcing “restrictions on payments in cash.”
– because only terrorists and drug-dealers need cash (nothing at all to do with totalitarian control over a nation’s wealth) – we are not surprised that this proposal from the European Commission would appear…
France Falling Apart As The World Looks On
France will elect a new president in May 2017. Politicians are already campaigning and debating about deficits, welfare recipients, GDP growth, and so on, but they look like puppets disconnected from the real country. Violence. It is spreading. Not just terrorist attacks; pure gang violence. The media does not dare to say that this violence is coming mainly from Muslim gangs
Support For Merkel Plunges After German Terrorist Attacks
After the recent wave of terror attacks on German territory conducted by recent immigrants claiming refugee status, as expected Chancellor Merkel's "Open Door" policy is being blamed for letting such lawless elements into the country. As a consequence popular support for Merkel has plunged to new lows. Few expected the turnround in support for Merke'l government to be as dramatic as is reflected in opinion polls ...
Europe is at The End of its Existence. Western Europe Is Virtually Dead
The free flow of guns and grenades West is not the main problem Europe faces said the counter - terror expert said. Pointing to the existential crisis Mr. Wrona said: "The worst problem for is political correctness. Europe is at the end of its existence. Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who [only want] to make money, as once did the barbarians".
Rise In Intercommunity Confrontations Mean "Civil War Is Inevitable" In France According To State Officials
In the wake of the latest Islamic terrorist outrage in Nice, some state officials in France are warning that if the government does not act to suppress Islamic extremist and regain control of immigrant areas in the cities there will be civil war.
Why Do The Weatern Powers, The United nations And The EU Continue To Tolerate The Terror Sponsor Erdogan And Turkey
The terrorist links of NATO member Turkey and its corrupt and tyrannical President Erdogan are so well documented they are beyond reasonable doubt... Erdogan has traded oil and arms with ISIS, committed humanitarian crimes against The Kurds and given refuge to ISIS fighters in Turkey. And yet Barack Hussein Obama continues to support his regime and the European Union is determined to fast track Turkey to full membership.
Orlando Shooting: Eyewitness Testifies ‘More Than One Shooter’
Just as happened with the San Bernadino shooting in California and the Paris attacks of 2015, accounts of the incident in Orlando in May 2016 from people who were at the scene differ from the version of events given mainstream media. A victim of Sunday’s terror attack at the gave a bombshell interview to ABC news in which he alleged there were several terrorists rather than the lone gunman news reports describe.
The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Confined To Syria
So the 'humanitarian crisis' as US politicians choose to call it when demonising Russia and claiming the war could be ended in a week if the Russians would only stop bombing civilians, is not a crisis of Russia and Syria's making and could be ended in a week if the USA and it's allies would simply stop supplying ISIS and Al Nusra Front terrorists with arms and ammunition.
FUKUS Axis Abandon Diplomacy In Push For War With Russia
The FUKUS axis (France, the United Kingdom and the USA, regular readers may recall) were never truly interested in a diplomatic solution for the conflict in Syria. Why would they be? As this blog and our companions Boggart Abroad and The Daily Stirrer have reported many times, it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that the main terrorist group, ISIS was a product of US attempts to manipulate middle eastern politics ...
Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time?
The airstrikes by a US led coalition that killed many Syrian soldiers fighting for the legitimate government of Bashar al Assad against the terrorist forces of ISIS has raised the level of hostile rhetoric between the USA / NATO coalition and the Russia / China / Iran alliance. The likelihood of war seemed to have receded through the summer, after it seemed possible early this year, that one stray shell or bullet could spread the war beyond the middle east.
Die Hard With A Tribal Mask: 23 Dead After Al-Qaeda Storms West African Hotel
The renewed turmoil in Burkina Faso the landlocked country which is Africa’s fourth-largest gold producer and which has been torn by civil conflicts since it gained independence from France in 1960. Coup d'etats in 1966, 1970, 1977 and 1983, with changes of political style from the new regimes each time destabilised the country and obstructed progress.
Seeking Asylum (parody)
The Dinner Plates Of Old England
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