The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

GM Crops: Scientists call for new review of herbicide, cite ‘flawed’ U.S. regulations

by Carey Gillam

U.S. regulators have relied on flawed and outdated research to allow expanded use of an herbicide linked to cancer, and new assessments should be urgently conducted, according to a column published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday.

There are two key factors that necessitate regulatory action to protect human health, according to the column: a sharp increase in herbicide applied to widely planted genetically modified (GMO) crops used in food, and a recent World Health Organization (WHO) determination that the most commonly used herbicide, known as glyphosate, is probably a human carcinogen.

The opinion piece was written by Dr. Philip Landrigan, a Harvard-educated paediatrician and epidemiologist who is Dean for Global Health at the Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York, and Chuck Benbrook, an adjunct professor at Washington State University’s crops and soil science department.

“There is growing evidence that glyphosate is geno-toxic and has adverse effects on cells in a number of different ways,” Benbrook said. “It’s time to pull back … on uses of glyphosate that we know are leading to significant human exposures while the science gets sorted out.”

The column argues that GMO foods and herbicides applied to them “may pose hazards to human health” not previously assessed.

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MAIN KEYWORDS:GMO >> Monsanto >> Health >> Science

World Bank Aims to Hand Over Seed Industry to Agribusiness

Today Donald Trump will be inaugurated as 45h President of The United States, his victory in the November election having been a major setback to those dark forces that give the impression only one more big push was needed to drive the world into accepting a global authoritarian government. Trump's victory, combined with 'Brexit' the vote by British citizens to leave the EU, combined to make 2026 a bad year for the globalists.

‘Uncaged Corporate Parrots’ Of The Political Elite and The GMO False Narrative

The Environment Secretary in the UK Coalition Government, Elizabeth Truss has argued that genetically modified (GM) food should be grown in Britain because it is more ‘eco-friendly’. She adds that steps should be taken to speed up this development. Her statements come as little surprise to many because Truss’s predecessor, Owen Paterson, was also a staunch supporter of GM technology.

American GM Wheat Losing Out To Russian Organic Wheat In World Markets
We've been trying to get the truth out on GM crops, loved by American corporate business, rent-a-quote scientists and politicians for several years. The massed ranks of big money and big politics are still ranged against us but it seems that one again we the New Media are winning. The more the 'experts', professors and politicians tell us genetically modified crops are good, the mor suspicious we become.

Bee Apocalypse: France Bans Bee Killing Pesticides
France is the first nation in Europe to act to ban the bee killing pesticides, neonicotinoids. While the EU's ruling bureaucracy has pressured member nations to go with the pesticides, and with glysophate (brand name Roundup) associated with Genetically modified food crops but recently named as a likely cancer causing agent in humans ...

Monsanto knew of glyphosate / cancer link 35 years ago.
It will be no surprise to followers of alternative media that Monsanto, the corporate business that wants to control the world's food supply through its geneticlly modified (GM) seed has actually been faking the data they used to prove to government food standards agencies that gm crops were safe for human consumption for over three decades.
More on GMO fraud: Black Hat Biotech menu

MORE: Daily Stirrer - April, 2015

Another 'Scientific Consensus' Turns Out To Be Corporate / Government Scam

So there are no scientists in the world who question the corporate lieOpen Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The World Scientists Statement dates from 1999. It was superceded by the Independent Science Panel Report in 2003, and by the most recent report Ban GMOs Now in 2013.

'No Monsanto!': Protest Against GMO Food Goes Global

Thousands took to streets across the world’s cities on Saturday to protest the use of GMO products, with Giant Monsanto being the main target. Over 50 countries have been taking part in the march for world food day, and across 47 different US states. Berlin, Strasbourg, Chicago, London, Sydney and Mumbai are just a few of the 500 cities worldwide involved in the rallies, with each one drawing hundreds.

Roundup Weedkiller Linked To Global Epidemic of Fatal Kidney Disease

thousands to die each year from a MYSTERY fatal kidney disease, with evidence pointing THE herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) as the primary culprit. A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health proposes a link between the herbicide known as Roundup (aka glyphosate) and a series of mysterious epidemics of fatal ... MORE

The World has Really Been Turned Upside down When We Look To Russia To Defend Our Rights

Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, the land of the free, defends corporate fascism, even when it threatens the future of western civilisation. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, a nation with a long history of authoritarianism and tyranny, stands up for human rights and putting protection of the environment ahead of corporate power and profit. What's going on?

New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals

More evidence that Gemetically Modified organisms are totally unsuitable to be part of the human or animal food chain. When will the message sink in that our politicians and "experts" who advise them just steal our tax money on behalf of fascist corporations like Monsanto.

Are 90% Of Cancer Research Studies Fraudulent?

A shocking report published in nature magazine has revealed that up to 89% of cancer research studies may be fraudulent. In that many cases the results reported were not reproducable and were in the interests of Pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations rather than cancer sufferers. It is not clear in how many cases the researchers were knowingly dishonest and how many were just stupid ...

Diabetes skyrockets across America as Big Pharma drugs fail yet again

In spite of year on year increases in medication usage rates for preventing and treating Type II diabetes, the condition is becoming more prevalent throughout the U.S.A., according to a new study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1995 and 2010, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in nearly half of all the U.S. states more than doubled, ...

Death By Genocidally Modified Food

The now notorious Monsanto Protection Act, recently passed by the US Congress, which gives biotech corporations, particularly Monsanto immunity from criminal or civil prosecution should harm to humans or the environment arise from ...

Has The Global Food Supply Fallen Under The Control Of The Big Food Cartel?

Speed Up Introduction Of GM Crops Says Increasingly Stalinist Coalition Government The coalition is selling us out to the global government Nazis and the corporate fascists. This time is is over the introduction of GM crops which will not feed the world but will create a much greater environmental hazard than carbon dioxide. But GM crops were never about feeding the world, that are about power and control. A global tyranny is on the way if we do not start to resist now.

Dairy Farmers Ruined: Free Markets Versus Corporate Dictatorship
Thatcherite conservatives in the UK and Reaganite Republicans in the USA love to talk of free markets and the utopia they create. But do free markets ever exist. In response to one free market enthusiast and proponent of globalisation, the Daily Stirrer and Ian Thorpe show that what looks like a free market from above is anything but when viewed from the ground. What is supposed to protect the efficient has actually been hijacked by a cartel of food retail chains. Dairy Farmers are being driven to bankruptcy because the "free market" in milk in which market forces are s UK

Dangers of GM foods - The Scientific Evidence

Genetically modified lies used to sell GM foods

GM will not feed the world - GM crops don't provide increased yields, expensive fertilisers do

Genetically Modified Humans - The GM food fad is a vast experiment on the human race

Geneticist says GM foods will never be safe

Black Hat Biotech index

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