The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, September 22, 2023

"Go To Hell": Brave EU Politician Tells Globalist Politicians And Billionaire Pshycopaths

by Ian Thorpe, 22 Septenber 2023


Christine Anderson. Picture: Rumble

If you are a regular reader of Boggart Abroad or our other web pages the name of MEP (Member of the European Parliament) Christine Anderson might seem familiar. As the pushback against an elitist power grab that would end democratic government and establish an authoritarian, technocratic global government struggles to gain momentum in the face of a torrent of scaremongering propaganda, Anderson, a member of Germany's AfD party, has been a consistently vociferous opponent of Klaus Schwab’s Word Economic Forum (WEF) and its ‘Great Reset’ and agenda 2030 power grab. 

Previously best known for her famous smackdown on Canadian leader Justin Trudeau,  Anderson has established a reputation for being one of the few politicians left who represent the interests of the European people against the unelected bureaucrats who plan to turn the 27 sovereign states of the European Union into a single federal superstate.

“Now, when my colleagues and I were elected to this parliament, there was no question about it. We were on the side of the people because the people actually pay us to act in their best interests. That’s our job. And once again, I will say to every single elected representative around the world, to every single member in every elected government around the world, if you do not unequivocally stand with the people and serve in their best interests, act in their best interests, you have no place in any parliament or in any government. You belong behind bars. You may even rot in hell for all I care at this point because that’s exactly what you deserve if you sell out the people.”

Frau Anderson continued. “Now, I would like to make a promise to the people, and I’m pretty sure I can speak or speak on behalf of my colleagues. We will continue to stand with you, the people. We will continue to fight for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. We will not shut up, and we will not stop going after those despicable globalitarian misanthropists.

“But we would also like to have you make a promise to us. You may have heard it’s all coming back. The first country is already starting [to talk about] mask mandates in Israel. They’re already imposing it. I’ve heard of a few universities in the United States. They’re already bringing it all back. And I would really like for you, the people, to not go along. Simply say no! They want you to wear a mask; say no. They want you to put in another mRNA shot; say no. They want to impose a curfew on you; say no. That’s really all you have to do.

“And it might not be or might sound a little hard, but it’s actually not that hard. Because once you have made it clear to them that you will no longer go along, once you’ve let them know, they cannot scare you anymore. Because as long as you are afraid of what they might do if you don’t comply, they have power over you. Take the power away from them! Simply say no. Once you do that, they don’t have power over you anymore. You will feel so free. Simply say no.

“And considering what we’ve heard today, and considering what we’ve seen in the last three years. Considering what we know they want to implement, heck, you might even be well within your right to tell them to screw themselves and go to hell! That’s where they belong. What will you get out of that? I can tell you. Once you’ve done that, once you’ve told them to just go to hell, they no longer have power over you. You will have an incredible feeling — kind of like a sensation of freedom will swap through your body. I promise you will feel so relieved.

“And this is the state of mind that I would ask all of you to get to. Simply don’t let them grind you down anymore. You are worth it. You are deserving of just standing up for yourselves. And tell them all to go to hell. Thank you very much.”




In that single speech Christine Anderson pinpoints the real problems facing the world (i.e. We The People,) and identifies the globalist ruling class and their work against the will of the people as the root cause of all those problems.

Most concerning ought to be the marriage of Government and mega Corporations, because this joining of state poer to corporate economic influence was the definition of Benito Mussolini's Fascism.  So much of the economic chaos we are seeing in the liberal democracies, though blamed on the incompetence of hapless political leaders, has been meticulously planned and on a corporate level for the sole purpose of centralising and consolidating power on a single flobal authority and corporate cartels such as Big Pharma, thus squezing out small and medium size companies, to eliminate competition and enslave The People by making them dependent of government for healthcare, housing and essential needs (remember the WEF maxim: "In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy," which contains more that a slight echo of "slavery is freedom, a slogal of the fictional Big Brother regimes in George Orwell's novel '1984'.  

Nothing furthered that cause more than Covid restrictions, where the corner shop was shut down, while Amazon and , Walmart gained market share and boosted profits.  Most of the COVID restrictions, though imposed by governments, were enforced not by the police, but by employers, and the Big Media cartel which though completely biased reporting and slavish adherence to the official narratives presented a totally false picture of what was happening. Corporations became the muscle behind the globalist's unlawful edicts.  It was not jail time that we faced, it was losing our job if we resisted being forced to take bogus COVID tests, or being treated as lepers in medieval society if we refused to accept an experimental, untested, admittedly ineffective and potentially dangerous injection. .  Corporate businesses became the enforcers of  the globalists illegal, unconstitutional and human rights defying orders!

Your employer, your computer and smartphone, maybe even your TV, your banking and credit card activity, travel arrangements, and even your car if you drive a recent model, are all monitoring you for the government.  We all sign agreements or click on the box indicating we accept the terms and conditions but few of us (me included, bother to read  the small print and by doing so learn that buying an item, reading an article or making a phone call requires us to surrender your data which will be sold to whoever is willing to pay the asking price. 

Christine Anderson is right, we must learn to say no,  but not just to the ruling class politicians and their lawless demands, and the mega corps who farm us like cattle for that ruling class, but also to ourselves. NO, I will not buy that 'must have gadget, NO I will not follow the crowd, NO, I WILL NOT COMPLY.



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from The Daily Telegraph
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