The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Women Fear To Go Out Alone In Danish Town Due to Migrant Assaults

Banners made by protesters (often in English for the benefit of UK and US news cameras) show the attitude of most Muslim immigrants to integration with European culture (Image source)

Numerous instances of young girls being sexually harassed or intimidated by Muslim migrants have provoked the citizens of Thisted a town into realized the Islamophiliac elite will do nothing to help and the people must take the law into their own hands or accept Sharia Law.

The quiet, normally law abaiding town has experienced problems from the moment an asylum camp hosting 365 migrants opened in November 2015, Denmark's TV2 channel reported.

Lars Sloth, the director of the children and families unit for Thisted town council, recounted regular scuffles between the locals and the asylum seekers who sexually assault young women by groping their breasts and genitals and sayink "ficky, ficky" (fuck, fuck, which apparently is the average brutish third world peasant's idea of a cool chat up line) Danish women in the town are now afraid to go out alone or in all female groups after dark.

TV2 reporters spoke to members of the local branch of the Night Ravens, a group of volunteers that encourages adult, sober citizens to patrol the city in groups at night to prevent violence and anti-social behavior. These vigilantes said that the number of young women feeling unsafe when outdoors at night had recently gone through the roof. Is it any wonder with neighbouring Sweden and Germany both experiencing a surge in the violent rape of European women by Muslim immigrants whose religion encourages them to think of women to do not submit to male superiority and behave in a servile way as 'impure' and thus fair game for sexual exploitation.

According to Lars Sloth, the local community is considering a program to teach the asylum seekers national attitudes to sex and consent as part of compulsory language courses to bring the situation under control.


So Long, Schengen: Six EU States to Resurrect National Borders in Mid-May

The governments of six European state have announced they will reinstate border controls as the immigration crisis starts to gather momentum once more with the onset of warmer weather. The authorities of Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden are in favor of extending the temporary border controls within the European Union, which are due to expire in May, in the framework of the Schengen Borders Code rules, German media reported Saturday.

Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham
Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK
Immigrant rapes
Immigration omnibus
Immigrant sharia law zones in European cities
Immigration and benefits, how to bankrupt developed nations
Sweden: Suicide of a nation
Sweden dystopia omnibus
Girmany headsing for civil conflict
Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015

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London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report

A London street gang (
Image source

Since the outrage of the mass sex crimes against German and European women in Cologne, Germany at New Year, 2016, more details are emerging from many countries in Europe of the nature of 'cultural enrichment' that left wing,politically correct thinkers insist is bestowed on our nations by immigrants from third would shit holes where a woman's social status is somewhat below that of a goat or camel.

A new report from the UK Home Office, the government department that deals with law and order reveals that the street gang culture imported along with these illegal immigrants has led to girls as young as nine unlucky enough to live in areas 'controlled' by these gangs are being sexually exploited and forced to service multiple men, after being groomed to think such behaviour is 'normal'.

The report on urban gangs in 19 London boroughs and 14 local authorities, reveals young girls are having sex with up to five gang members, without realizing they are being sexually exploited. (Download the full report or read online (.pdf) )

Echoing reports into the official coverup of police and local authority failures to investigate cases of grooming and sexual exploitation of under age girls by gangs of Asian men in Rotherham, Oxford, Manchester and many other cities and large towns, the report, compiled from evidence by police and other officials working to tackle gangs, also found the children are often persuaded to engage in such activities with the lure of earning money or being given new trainers and tracksuits.”

It also warns of the use of young, often vulnerable, people to transport drugs to other parts of the country.” or become involved in other types of criminal behaviour.

Ministers have warned that children aged 9 to 14 are more likely to be involved in gangs now than they were two years ago.

The report’s findings come as the Home Office revealed new plans for tackling gangs. Measures include protecting children in care homes and pupil referral units from being “targeted” by gang members. Fine words, but of course there have been plenty of fine words and good intentions in the past, yet nothing changes.

<p style="margin:50px">from the report: Asked whether a girl got anything out of sex with 10 men, one associate said: "She gets to brag about it with her brethren."</p>

“Change taking place in society, whether violence in the home or on the streets, has lead to casual acceptance of violence which increasing in society. There is a cultural change,” Commander Dean Haydon, head of Scotland Yard’s homicide and major crime command, told The Guardian.
Drug dealing by gangs is “widespread,” with robbery and sex attacks being the most common criminal activities, the report reveals. One campaigner involved in tackling gang culture in London said:You get the guys talking of having group sex with vulnerable girls.
“Then you’ll have the girls talking about it as well but both will refer to it as though it was a normal thing. If you were to suggest it was rape or exploitation, they’d be horrified.

Read more on: Crime >> Europe >> Culture >> Immigrant >> Law >> Sex

Underage Girl Used Like ‘Piece of Meat’ By ‘Asian’ Grooming Gang

Four “Asian” men have been found guilty for their roles in sexually grooming a 15-year-old girl, who the court heard the men passed around like a “piece of meat”. The grooming gang members were found guilty of rape and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The men were convicted at Sheffield Crown Court on Wednesday

The grooming gang cover-up is Britain’s real racism scandal

Forget pathetic 'Princess Pushy' Megan Markle petulantly playing the race card when she found life in the goldfish bowl occupied by Britain's Royal Family was not to her liking, the grooming gang cover up is Britain's racist scandal - and it is far worse than the trivialities that get American libtards screaming about "White Privilege ..."

Asian grooming gang given free pass to rape; police officers told ‘find other ethnicities’ to investigate – detective.
A report published today, authored by child protection specialist Malcolm Newsam CBE and former senior police officer Gary Ridgway, comes following the reopening of an investigation into the death of 15-year-old Victoria Agoglia, who – after years of abuse and days after she was injected with heroin by a 50-year-old man – died in hospital of an overdose in 2003.

LABOUR’S SHAME: Brown’s Government ‘Urged’ Police Not To Investigate Muslim Grooming Gangs
The Former North West Chief Prosecutor alleged that the Home Office, under Gordon Brown’s Labour Government, ordered police to ignore grooming gang claims in 2008. Nazir Afzal, told the BBC that in 2008 the Home Office sent a circular email to all police forces calling on them to not investigate the sexual exploitation of young girls in towns and cities across the UK ...

Residents Of Paris Suburb With Migrant Ghetto Feel ‘Abandoned’ as Crime Surges
In the areas where [ migrants ] have congregated, usually places with a surfeit of run down municipal housing the lawless behaviour in the migrant communities is causing problems for French people. Despite promises from government to increase police presence, residents of the 18th arrondissement of Paris say they feel abandoned as crime rises in the area.

Councils Sack Immigration Control Officers After Pressure from Open Borders Left

Muslim Rape Gang Victim Talks: Girls Still Targeted Because Police Refuse to Act

Muslim men who groomed and violently abused young girls in a quiet English town have been left to carry on raping girls, despite being named to the police, one of their victims has revealed in an interview. Kaitlyn (not her real name) suffered years of abuse at the hands of hundreds of men in her home town, and in locations across the UK. Yet despite handing a list of more than 80 names to the police for investigation, her attackers are still working as taxi drivers, businessmen, and even on the local council.

Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham
Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK
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Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015

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