The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Regime Change As American As Thanksgiving

Russia's Sputnik News opined a few days ago that US President Barack Obama is someone to almost pity. For he has the unenviable task of standing before the nations of the world and blether the self — righteous lies of western propagandists, as he did again, during recent his address to the UN General Assembly.

By contrast, Russian President Vladimir Putin in his address to the UN may not have displayed the same oratorical flourishes as Obama's autocue, but Putin spoke about serious international problems with words that set out Russia's position clearly. When Putin spoke of the UN charter and international law being undermined by unilateral actions of the United States (usually supported bt the UK, France and the EU, he identified the cause of so much conflict, chaos and terrorism, in so many parts of the world.

To address these problems effectively the world needs a truthful and accurate diagnosis. Putin delivered that, by pointing to US meddling in the domestic affairs of sovereign nations (to enable the spraed of liberal democracy) which has almost always resulted in a humanitarian disaster, but on a few occasions has ended with a victory for the enemies of democracy. Obama, in idiotically saying that what is good for the USA is good for all other nations added further layers of obfuscation and misinformation, and by spelling out US committment to its ambition to be the global hegemon, making such problems ever-more insoluble.

As Putin stated, illegal US-sponsored regime-change campaigns thinly disguised as humanitarian interventions subvert international law and the UN Charter and are at the heart of long - running conflicts in Afghanistan to Iraq, from Libya to Syria, throughout Africa and to into Europe where the civil war in Ukraine was triggered by a CIA engineered coup d'etat.

American-led interventions have also fuelled the expansion of terror networks and extremist organizations through the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. Putin's Russia has provided the most logical, response to US backed terrorism; supporting legitimate, sovereign governments of Syria and other embattled regimes, no matter how illiberal they might seem to the western consciousness, to defeat foreign-backed terrorism in that country is one such solution. It cannot be denied that Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadaffi maintained a brutal kind of order and kept the lid on ancient sectarian hatereds that offered only a brutal kind of chaos.

Amid the farrago of violence that is Neo-Con and Neo-Liberal American administrations gift to the world, Obama tried to paint a rose-tinted view of the Pax - Americana world that was audacious in its absurdity. Perhaps as the USA prepares to celebrate it's annual Thanksgiving feast, the rest of the world should give thanks for the obduracy of Russia, China and Iran.

READ MORE ON: ISIS >> Obama >> Syria >> Terror >> USA

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