The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Hackers Hacked - Government Ties Exposed

by Xavier Connolly

Are you being hacked right now (source)

An Italian company develops hacking tools for government security agencies itself became the target of a hacker attack, resulting in its internal documents being leaked online and its deals with numerous governments being exposed.

Milan-based Hacking Team develops spyware and malware tools that can target computers and mobile devices across diverse operating systems. The company claims it legally sells its products used in law enforcement.

Over the weekend the firm was reportedly targeted by a cyber-attack that resulted in 400 gigabytes of documents and source code being leaked online. The identity of those who leaked the sensitive information or the way they obtained it remains unknown. However, the attackers gained control of Hacking Team's corporate Twitter account to report the breach and share a link to a Torrent file with the stolen data.

help, we're being attacked!

— Hacked Team (@hackingteam) 6 ???? 2015

The hack has shone a spotlight on the widespread demand for such services from governments around the world.

Among Hacking Team’s clients, revealed in invoices and other stolen documents are nation including but not confined to The United States, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Mexico, Panama, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxemburg, Bahrain, Oman, and the UAE.

No doubt the name of a nation close to you will surface as the documents are trawled more thoroughly.

Cellular Technology: Can Governments Use It To Rearrange Your Brain

The controversies around cellular technology and the cellular masts or towers that make up the network grids just will not go away. It is not just the issue of do cellphone damage brain tissue that concerns us now, but certain rumours about what might be transmitted from the masts into the electro-magnetic mush that surrounds us all.

Silicon Valley Business Model Threatened As Wireless Carriers Start Blocking Online Ads
It looks like the founding hippy's insane business plan for the internet, get rich by giving stuff away, is finally about to foll apart. Typoically of the Californin dope head culture of Silicon Valley, the tech companies were stealing other peoples' resources to make their ad revenue.
The Spy In Your Smartphone
An article in OS news opens by saying those of us with experience in digital technology have known about the nasties hidden in your internet enabled computers and gadgets for years.This is absolutely true. Why did people like me not sound the alarm then, you might well ask?
Index: Internet Technology
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