Politically dominated by the Social Democrats for many years, Sweden has always been afficted by politically correct thinking but recently Swedish PC fuckwittedness has been leaving behind even that of the crazy Californians as the left seek new ways of destroying everything that is good about their country.
There are even prominent politicians who have gone on record as saying that ethnic Swedes should fuck off because Sweden rightfully belongs to immigrants. Add to that a loony leftie plan to import so many illiterate, undecuated third world peasants that they will outnumber ethnic Swedes and you stat to see how he lunacy of Sweden's politically correct thinking has taken self righteous stupidity to a new level.
Here's a perfect example:
A nude painting named Juno, which was painted by baroque artist G E Schroder and has hung in the dining room of the Swedish Parliament for 30 years has been taken down for fear of offending the sensitivities of feminists and Muslim visitors, Swedish newspaper, The Local reported on Thursday.

Explaining the ban on the baroque breasts, a source from the parliament said: "You have to think of the foreign guests, especially those from Muslim countries."
The deputy speaker of Sweden's parliament, Susanne Eberstein, also a prominent Social Democrat, added:
"I think it is more a feminist issue. It's tiresome (looking at) a bare-breasted woman when I sit at public dinners with foreign guests. I think it feels a little hard to sit there with men who look at us women."
(When you see how minging this woman is, you realise the idea of anyone looking at her as a sex object is utterly crazy. She has the sexual allure of cold vegetable soup - Boggart Blog)
One humourist in Britain wondered why Swedish lawmakers could not have emulated the famous English comic Mr. Bean (who once posed in a movie as an art critic) and get someone to paint a bra on top of the offending mammaries in order to preserve modesty and thus prevent offence.
In Sweden, the move is being lambasted as political correctness gone mad. It is not clear whether the Swedish Parliament will now stop taking women, and guests from Muslim countries to art museums.
Sweden is known for a conflictual relationship with issues of tolerance. The country recently attracted international attention for allowing a convicted paedophile man in his 60s to adopt a young child.
Original story - thecommentator.com
So Sweden's loony lefties have taken politically correct fuckwittedness to new heights, not only have they surpassed Rotherham and Oxford Labour councils by handing over young girls to perverts with the message "Enjoy!", they have sent the extremists who were promised a warm welcome in their country that all demands, no matter how nutty, will be met with alacrity.
When the gangs move out of the ghettos that have sprung up in Swedish cities, and start treating the daughters of respectable bourgeois burghers as sex toys it will be too late to reverse the trend. But will the left want to, even then or will they carry on their war on European culture?
We know what we'd bet on. As Bronn says to Tyrion in Game Of Thrones, "There's no cure for being a cunt."
Swedish Commentator: Migrants Enforcing Sharia Law, Bill Clinton ‘Evil’ For Wishing Same On U.S.
Swedish writer and news commentator Ingrid Kristina Carlqvist, speaking on an internet radio station, said that Islamists and migrants "have already succeeded in introducing Sharia law to Sweden". Speaking to Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam, she explained that, because Swedish girls are becoming afraid to go to certain places where there have been rapes and attacks, key tenets of Islamic law are effectively being enforced.
Disillusionment With EU Grows as Swedish Support Slumps By 30%
A new opinion poll carried out on support for the European Union in Sweden has produced some shock findings as a massive turnround among Swedish voters probably due to mass immigration and migrant related crime waves in cities. From being one of the most solidly pro-EU member states, Sweden now has a substantial majority against membership of the EU.
Failed Immigration Policy Threatens Press Freedom In Sweden
Stockholm: Beautiful, civilised Sweden being turned into a third world cesspit by idiotic socialist politics and barbaric immigrants ...
Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next
Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?
Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.
Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigtant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...
Watch two Finnish shopgirls out a couple of male Muslim shoplifters.
Arthur's introduction (in his usual inimitable style) to this video from Finland might offend some people, but the attitude of Muslim immigrants that they can just walk into shops and take what they want, force themselves on women whenever they please, molest young children and tel us how to run our countries in Europe needs to be challenged.
When Donald Trump, currently frontrunner in the contest to be Republican Party candidate in the USA's 2016 Presidential Election, in a campaign broadcast commented that Islamisation of the west has gone so far parts of London are so heavily populated with Muslim extremists there are now no go zones for police and emergency services, he was attacked by politicians and the mainstream media.
Politically Unbiased BBC Launches Left Wing Attack On Donald Trump For Illegal Immigrants Stance
The BBC, Britain's publicly funded broadcaster is bound by a charter which commits it to be balanced and non partisan in its news reporting. Repeatedly however, the BBC, its management now doniated by left wing luvvies is becoming more and more blatantly left wing in its unbiased reporting
Autumn Gets More Interesting As Merkel Admists She May Have Caused balkans War.
The autumn of 2015 has been interesting with the escalation of the war against ISIS by Russian air Force jets and Iranian ground troops in Syria and Iraq, Europe's migrant crisis pushing prosperous north European nations towards civil unrest, and the downing of a Russian airliner over Sinai by as yet unknown causes though western intelligence reports suggest a terrorist bomb was planted on board before take off. And it is set to get more interesting ...
Swedish Immigrant Street Wars Spread: Stockholm Grenade Attack Follows Kurd-Turk Migrant Clashes
Violence between migrant gangs of different ethnicities vying for territorial rights to run organised crime has become the norm in Malmo, southern Sweden. Now it appears that as a consequence of the Swedish loony left government’s insane policy of flooding the country with third world migrants without
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