Source: Yotivationnation at
Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it's roll out. This is a product that had minimal testing but is being pushed on the masses. Must we all get the shot for things to "go back to normal"? Are you going to get the shot? Dr. Peter McCullough has been the world's most prominent and vocal advocate for early outpatient treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection in order to prevent hospitalization and death. On May 19, 2021, he was interviewed regarding his efforts as a treating physician and researcher. From his unique vantage point, he has observed and documented a PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING POLICY RESPONSE to the pandemic -- a policy response that may prove to be the greatest malpractice and malfeasance in the history of medicine and public health. Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FAHA, FCRSA, FCCP, FNKF, FNLATuesday, June 01, 2021
Senior vaccine adviser repeatedly told to shut up after warning end of lockdown could be delayed
Yet another accidental admission from the Health Fascists that the vaccines are not going to protect you from morte lockdowns and more scientific terrorism. In response let's have more protests, more civil disobedience and more of everything that can be done to let the government know we will not surrender to fascism and make the medical professions aware their current standing in society is on a par with muggers, drug dealers and extortionists as they have all been party to the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.
from Yahoo News, 1 June 2021
A government scientist says he has been “told to shut up” by people who don’t want to heed his warnings about exiting the coronavirus lockdown too early.
Professor Adam Finn, from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said his concern about England unlocking too early on 21 June has been met with a barrage of criticism.
He is one of a number of experts calling for scheduled easing in three weeks to be delayed because of the continuing spread of the Indian COVID-19 variant.
Under the next phase of England’s lockdown easing on 21 June, all legal limits on social contact are set to be removed, while nightclubs can reopen and restrictions on weddings would be lifted.
Discussing his warning over the unlocking, Prof Finn said: “There are a lot of people who are very fed up about the idea of us even worrying about this.”
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Since I’ve been saying in the last 24 hours that we should be cautious I’ve been getting lots of messages from people telling me to shut up basically.”
Prof Finn warned that having to reimpose lockdown restrictions would be both worse economically and for public health.
“There’s vulnerability across the country. The idea that somehow the job is done, is wrong,” he said.
“We’ve still got a lot of people out there who’ve neither had this virus… nor yet been immunised, and that’s why we’re in a vulnerable position right now.”
Asked in a separate interview on Tuesday with LBC radio about whether the final easing should take place on 21 June, Prof Finn said: “I fear it may be a bad decision to go with it.”
His comments echoed those of fellow government adviser Professor Ravi Gupta, a member of the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), who said the 21 June unlocking should be postponed.
On Monday, Prof Gupta, from the University of Cambridge, warned that the UK is in the early stages of a third wave of coronavirus, after more than 3,000 new cases were reported for the sixth day in a row.
“What we are seeing here is the signs of an early wave,” Prof Gupta told the Today programme.
On Tuesday, he repeated his calls to delay the 21 June lifting of restrictions by “a few weeks”.
He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “Even a month delay could have a big impact on the eventual outcome of this.
“As long as it’s clear to people this is not an unlimited extension of the lockdown but actually just a reassessment, that would be realistic.”
He stressed that the race between the virus and the vaccines is still a close one, saying: “We must remember this is a virus that does adapt, and faced with vaccines it will eventually start to make mutations to avoid them even further, and then we could be in an even more precarious situation after that.”
A final decision on whether the lockdown in England will be eased will be made on 14 June.
Environment secretary George Eustice said on Monday the government is not ruling out delaying the scheduled 21 June lockdown easing.
He said: "We can't rule anything out. We know this has been a difficult pandemic, a dynamic situation. We have to make that judgment a couple of weeks before.
"It will only be by then that we will see the impact of the latest easement we made on 17 May."
On Monday, Twickenham Stadium in south west London was transformed into a walk-in vaccination centre as up to 15,000 people were invited to get their first jabs.
The mass vaccination was organised in an effort to counter the spread of the Indian variant in Hounslow, west London.
People aged 18 and over were invited to come forward for their jabs due to a surplus of vaccines, even though nationwide the level is 30 and over.
Also on Monday, the rise in COVID-19 cases in Bolton – one of the areas which has seen a sharp rise in numbers of the Indian variant – showed signs of slowing.
The seven-day rate in Bolton currently stands at 386.7 cases per 100,000, down from 452.8 on May 21, suggesting the recent surge in cases in the town may have peaked.
Health teams in the local authority area have been running surge testing for the virus, along with “surge vaccinations” to boost take-up among everyone who is eligible for the vaccine.
Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the safety and effectiveness studies of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.
Zika Virus Threatens Rio Olympics As WHO Declares Global Emergency
This could just be another jolly jape for the fear and panic industry, remember Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, Mad Cow Disease, AIDS and all the other things that didn't wipe us out? After an inauspicious start when it was discovered in the Ugandan forest about sixty years ago to genetically-modified Mosquitoes in Brazil, the latest threat to humanity (most notably to pregnant women who get infected) is the ominous-sounding Zika virus.
California’s Mandatory Vaccinations Bill: Big Pharma Lobbyists Call the Shots, Community Opposition Ignored After the historic outpouring of families to halt the passing of SB-277 last Wednesday in California, information has now been made public to further put into question the bill’s credibility. After passing the Sacramento Health Committee vote, the bill was delayed as committee chair Senator Carol Liu wisely told the bill’s author Richard Pan “If I were you, I would not take a vote today.”
Dr. Offit, Vaccine Pusher in Chief is exposed as a liar.
Some time ago my editor-in-chief was the target of hate attacks by left wing sheeple for questioning the effectiveness of vaccines as anything but profit drivers for Big Pharma. Well Ian has thick skin so he was quite pleased to have provoked a few death threats. One of his targets howver was Dr. Offit who had famously said new born babies could have 10,000 vaccines at the same time without suffering harm. He has not fared so well, having become an object of ridicule.
Simple Tips for Boosting Immunity Everyone Should be Doing To Improve Resistance Against Diseases Like Cancer.
While medical science, funded by research grants from Big Pharma and corporate health care pushes to find ever more costly (i.e. profitable) therapies for the diseses that threaten us, the body is its own best doctor, as our ancestors knew. All we need do in many cases is give it the right support.
The Ebola Outbreak - Natural Disaster Or Man Made Catastrophe The Daily Stirrer has always tried to bring you a controversial and off-message view of major news stories. We were ahead of the game on Malaysia Airlines Flights MH370 and Flight MH17. We went out on a limb again over the Ebola fever outbreak in west Africa, arguing that it looked more like a biological weapons experiment gone wrong that a natural disaster. And once again as evidence emerges the odds are swinging in our favour.
India To Prosecute Bill Gates For His Vaccine CrimesIt's about time someone prosecuted him, every version of Windows has been a crime against humanity. The man who made "Not fit for purpose" marketable quality, the man who made it possible for the NSA to spy on us all, has been protected for far to long by the US Government. Someyhing to do with his father having been a director of the CIA perhaps? ...You may say that, I couldn'r possibly comment.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Measles Witch Hunt - Propaganda War Against Parents Who Refuse Vaccine
A witch hunt against parents who decline to have their children vaccinated. Who would think such fascist tactics could be used by democratically elected governments in the twenty first century. Well elected (after a fashion) oiur governments may be, but they are not democratic. It is the bankers and corporate entities who hold the real power. And the pharmaceutical companies who make vaccines are among the most anti social of them.
Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time
Government and Corporate propaganda suggests there is no reason why anyone should have doubts about vaccines, they are 100% effective and can never cause harm. Propaganda is however the tools authoritarianism uses when the truth is unpalatable. Read below of how real world evidence exposes more big Pharma ciminality and dishonesty about vaccines
Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health. Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...
Evil Labour Government Helped Private Companies Profit From NHS
If you live in Heywood and Middleton and were thinking of voting for the greedy, paedophile loving, elitists' party, Labour because you have been taken in by the lies peddled at the Labour conference that the wicked Tories plan to privatize the NHS, think again.
The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?
After years of being told saturated fat is a killer and we should avoid it in favour of Big Food products that are the nearest modern chemistry can get to packaging arterial plaque, yet another scientific meta analysis shows the sat fat scare was based of fraudulent science and there is no evidence your steak is harming you.
Vaccine, that great profit driver for the pharmaceutical corporations, are under the spotlight again. This time it is a link between polio vaccine and cancer which makers and medical science has denied for fifty years that has finally been admitted by the US Centre for Disease control. How ironic they have owned up just weelks after the Obama administration granted Pharma corporations immunity from legal actions.
Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.
Another Pompous, Arrogant Bigot Slags Off Homeopathy. What Do They Hope To Gain
The argument about homeopathy is raging again. An article in a leading newspapers says oponents of homeopathic medicine must never tire of explaining that it doesn't work. But when these science fanboys come up against an articulate defender of homeopathy, they rapidly descent to trying to shout down any opinion that differs from theirs
Swine Flu Scam Exposed: Useless Drugs And Vaccines - Lying Science Whores
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. Five years after the even the lies and fraud that created the swine flu 'pandemic' of 2009 are exposed. It was just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers knew was no good.
Everything They Said Is Bad For You Is Good For You.Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the pleasuredome Nanny State's Politically Correct Thought Police are now using CAll Me Dave's Dave's nudger try to nudge us towards being better citizens, eating more shite and refusing things we like, drinking less booze, smoking less ciggies, avoiding dangerous sports like bowls and tiddleywinks, driving less miles in a less cavalier fashion and being less idle (unless of course being idle is the alternative to driving, boozing, eating or enjoying yourself by doing things the Thought Police do not like.
Government Spending Cuts Hit NHSGovernment spending cuts will stretch the NHS and social care services in England to the limit, according to a report by the Commons Health Select Committee. The committe of MPs say the plans assume efficiency savings on a scale never before seen in the NHS, or in other countries. Steven Dorrell, chair of the committee, said the NHS had to save 4% per annum for four years - a "huge target".