The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Women Who Hate Women Who Voted For Trump

originally posted by Greg Schiller on Facebook

Photographer Jayne Riew photographed and interviewed seven women who voted for Donald Trump. In her intro, she writes:

"In the days after the election, people around me struggled to make sense of what had happened. Perhaps the biggest surprise was the female vote. Among women who cast ballots, 42% were with him, not with her. Most of the women and mothers I knew were shocked or angry that other women and mothers could choose Trump over Clinton.

I was very apprehensive about a President Trump. But I was repelled by the ugly stereotypes and facile theories about his supporters. In the subway and coffee shops of lower Manhattan I overheard people trying to picture the Americans who had handed Trump the election: “people who haven’t seen the world,” “no one with a daughter,” “resentful of our success,” “unskilled and no-tech,” “old and behind the times,” “duped,” “white people who are afraid,” and all the usual –ists.

In many parts of America, female Trump supporters knew they had to keep their voting intentions hidden, not just from pollsters, but from people close to them. That intrigued me. What else did they have to say?

To reach 42%, Trump had to have drawn in women who didn’t fit the stereotype. I set out to find some. Asking friends of friends, I identified dozens of women and reached out to them. Most said no. A few felt they could take part in a photo essay only if I hid their faces and identities. Others backed out when they learned that I had voted for Clinton. But seven generous women gave me their trust as well as their insights and personal stories.

I’m not a political thinker. I’m an artist and photographer, and all day long I think about making stuff. But I also like to learn people’s stories and tell them. In this project I have used portrait photography to present seven women who acted contrary to stereotypes and social pressures. I have tried to convey their character, optimism, strength and vulnerability. Thanks for visiting She’s With Him. "
Jayne Riew
New York City

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TIME Magazine runs vile hit piece against Robert Kennedy Jr. for daring to tell the truth about mercury in vaccines

When newly inagurated President Donald Trump appointed Robert Kennedy, Jr. to head a commission to investigate and report on vaccine safety, it was inevitable the Big Pharma Corporations, the big money interest behind them, and their 'pet poodle' scientists would hit back and try to undermine the initiative. That it would happen so quickly, with higly respected fake news publication Time magazine lining up its biggest hitters to smear Kennedy's reputation in the public’s eye. He hails from a family of political and humanitarian icons of modern history, darlings of the liberal left, the university brainwashed, emotionally needy losers who are always quick to jump on any bandwagon, particularly those related to health, so it’s no wonder that Time feels the need to destroy him before any of those sheep like liberals decide this intelligent and educated man might actually have good grounds for being sceptical of the money - spinning vaccine industry.

Ironically the man Time is trying to smear has previously named one of the magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his environmental work. But when a high profile truth-teller goes up against the corporate propaganda machinery, and the corrupt denizens of the scientific academe that controls mainsteam media, that person will be vilified, discredited and if possible destroyed. They did it with Bernie Sanders, they tried to do it with Trump but he had enough cash and enough support to resist them and as we know the person anointed by The World Domination Society to succeed their lapdog, the Cocksucker President barack Obama was humilated in the election as ordinary American voters sent a loud and clear message that they had had enough of politically correct bullshit and condescending liberal and progressive politicians, journalists and media luvvies telling them what to think.

What makes the Time magazine propaganda so dangerous is the position they enjoy in the consciousness of the professional and managerial class. This gives them a platform from which to spread ideas and influence the public mood. Time is considered a publication of record in the minds of millions of readers, and it portrays itself as a serious and sober voice of authority, if Time supports an idea it must be valid, right? Well; once upon a time but these are the days of corporate media and a campaign for a corporate controlled world government. Many topics are covered fairly and accurately still, but a well hidden agenda is afoot, and when an issue that touched on the suppresion of individual liberty is being addressed all bets are off. Time magazine’s crafty article “Why Donald Trump’s Choice of RFK Jr. as Vaccine Czar Is a Terrible Idea” is so full of half-truths, diversions and misrepresentations it’s hard to know where to start.

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