The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Orlando Shooting Suspect Identified As Omar Mateen, An Afghan With Links To ISIS
According to Washington Post, the ex-wife of the 29-year-old Afghan born shooter said he was violent and mentally unstable and beat her repeatedly while they were married. The ex-wife said she met Omar Mateen online about eight years ago and decided to move to Florida and marry him. At first, the marriage was normal, she said, but then he became abusive.
(UPDATE: After logging off last night we learned the Orlando attacker was in fact born in New York to Afghan parents - apologies for the error, our sources for breaking are 24 hour news feeds and it is difficult to verify details given in early reports of major news stories)
“He was not a stable person,” said the ex-wife, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she feared for her safety in the wake of the mass shooting. “He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.”
Mir Seddique, the Afghan father of Mateen, said it is intolerance of homosexuality, and not affiliations with ISIS or any other terror group fanatical supporters of Islam, that likely provoked the attack. "This has nothing to do with religion," he told NBC, stating that he was “in shock like the whole country.”
He went on to relate a “recent incident” that demonstrated his son’s attitudes. "We were in Downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music. And he saw two homosexuals kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry. They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, 'Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that.' And then we were in the men's bathroom and men were kissing each other."
It is difficult to say that any good can come of such and incident, but if this outrage serves as a warning to 'liberals' (particularly the pair in The White House who are obsessed with gay and transgender rights) that it is sheer folly for a nation apparently determined to elevate gays and lesbians to the status of an elite caste to be equally enthusiastic about importing followers of a religious group in which homosexuality is not tolerated.
Gay cake controversy
We have a duty to tolerate homosexuality, we do not have to celebrate it
The folly of appeasing Islam
ISIS Paris atrocity
Muslim intolerance
America is being destroyeed by political correctness
American Liberal
A Liberal's Dilemmas
What drives Liberal Hate
Six-Figure Fines for failing to use the right transgender Gender Pronouns?
Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure
French Goss Mag Outs Gay Politician, Sparks Privacy Row
Obama More Concerned Islamists' Rights Than Protecting America
Barack Obama: A Pacifist Turned Warmonger Threatens Nuclear Holocaust
Six Months On From Cologne Outrage: Government Admits Sex Attackers WERE ‘Refugees’
Former Head Of UK Equalities Commission Admits He Was Wrong To Believe Muslims Would Blend Into Britain…
Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
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'Leave' Takes Shocking 19-Point Lead In Brexit Poll
But what the polls published over this weekend do tell us is that the REMAIN campaign had a terrible week.
The headlines go from bad to worse for the David Cameron, and the UK and EU political establishments as hot on the heels of two polls showing LEAVE opening a ten point lead this weekend the latest. by Opinium, shows "Brexit" leading by a remarkable 19 points (52% chose to leave the EU against 33% choosing to keep the status quo). This surge in "leave" probability comes despite an additional 1.5 million voters having registered this week (which many expected to increase "remain" support). Further anger towards EU was exposed when former cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith warned that seven new prisons will need to be built in the UK by 2030 to cope with the rising number of migrant criminals (presumably due to 'staying' in the EU).
The Express reports,
The Opinium Poll, commissioned by the Brexit-backing Bruges Group think tank, is further evidence that the Leave camp is gaining support and delivers the biggest margin of victory for Brexit so far, after giving voters the option of a choice of free trade agreements with the EU.Speaking last night Robert Oulds, director of the Bruges Group, said it was important to which allow trade with the European Economic Area.
It found 52 per cent chose to leave the EU, with only 33 per cent choosing to keep the status quo.
Despite there being less than two weeks before the crucial referendum, on June 23, a further 15 per cent said they still didn't know.
Of those who voted to leave the majority, 39 per cent, said that Britain should have some sort of Free Trade Agreement with the EU, similar to the one currently enjoyed between the US, Canada and Mexico.
"This new poll shows there are a majority of voters who prefer an economic rather than economic and political arrangement with the EU. These include people who might otherwise have voted to remain in the EU," he said.He's right and the REMAIN gang screwed up badly when they relied on smear and sneer tactics and the notorious Project Fear, with Europhiles making ridiculous claims about economic catastrophe, and even trying to tell people that Britons would not be allowed to visit EU countries for holidays.
“Clearly we can be free, have more democracy and be better off if we ditch or cancel our EU membership, and join a Free Trade Agreement like the one people thought they were voting for in 1975.”
The political left have further antagonised working class voters with risible claims that supporters of REMAIN are more intelligent, liberal and open minded and Brexit supporters are knuckle dragging, racist, Xenophobic neanderthals. It is typical of the arrogance and stupidity that they believe such behaviour will win over their opponents.
Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU.
Few of you were aware probably that there is an EU referendum vote in The Netherlands this week. As usual with anything negative about the EU barely a word has been printed in the topic in mainstream media and the silence from our notionally unbiased national broadcaster The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been deafening.
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism
Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.
Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone
Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.
Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave
OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine
As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.
Cameron Plays Deal Or No Deal In Europe
David Cameron, who was apparently up all night trying to make other European leaders understand why his country needs a better deal in order to poersuade the prople it is a good idea stay in the EU. Unless Cameron gets what will enable him to sell the idea of surrendering national sovereignty to a Federal European Superstate ruled by a committee of unelected bureaucrats in to the British public he will not campaign for the UK to remain in the bloc
Cameron's EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament?
Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself. But what is really at stake is more important than economics ...
Obama's intervention in UK politics triggers angry backlash
Angry Britons have launched a petition calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to be prevented from speaking in the UK parliament on Britain's forthcoming referendum on European Union (EU) membership.
NATO Rhetoric About Russian Threat is 'Absurd'
The reasons being given for the latest NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe, the idea that the Russian 'Russian threat' to Eastern Europe grows every day is "simply absurd," according to former US diplomat and Senate policy advisor Jim Jatras. Effectively, Jatras says, the buildup is an attempt by the US to keep Germany and France on board with Washington's world domination agenda and ...
E U To Push TTIP Trade Deal Before Obama Leaves Office
TTIP, the Trans Atlantic Trade And Investment Partnership is being promoted bt the US government and the EU Commission as a free trade deal that will create thousands of jobs and bring economic benefits to partners. It's critics however claim it is a blatant attempt to shift power from national governments to corporate business.
Europe posts menu
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NSA Planning To Exploit 'Internet Of Things' Including Biomedical Devices
“We’re looking at it sort of theoretically from a research point of view right now,” Richard Ledgett, the NSA’s deputy director, said at a closed conference on military technology in Washington on June 10. Biomedical devices could provide nformation helpful to the NSA’s obsessive fascination with the idea of using 'big data to build computer models of group behaviour. This kind of thinking shows a failure to distinguish science fiction from reality, but that is a well know mental defect in many silicon valley idiot - savants, and paranoid control freakery is de rigeur for members of national security organisations.
In choosing the most effective ways exploit different new devices, the NSA has to prioritize its resources, which are usually focused on the “bad guys’” tech of choice rather than popular gadgets in the U.S., Ledgett explained. This should have prompted the question, "Then why not focus on the bad guys rather than spying in everybody?" Perhaps nobody asked because they knew an answer would not be forthcoming.
When asked why the agency was looking at spying on ctizens through washing machines and TVs when they could not break the security on a terrorists iPhone Ledgett explained the NSA wasn’t able to help the FBI crack the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter, because NSA had not yet invested in exploiting that particular model of phone. “We don’t do every phone, every variation of phone,” he said. “If we don’t have a bad guy who’s using it, we don’t do that.”
In other words, "We spy on everybody and hope our prsing of Big Data throws up something suspicious." In that case one would think one of the most popular cell phines in the world would be a priority. but then it has often been said that Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
Judge Denies Attempt To Block Obama's Transfer Of Internet Oversight To UN
October 2016: In a last ditch effort to block Obama's plan to allow the US Commerce Department to hand over oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to a multi-stakeholder community - which includes the technical community, businesses, civil society and foreign governments - 4 state attorneys went to a Texas federal court alleging that the transition, in the absence of congressional approval, amounts to an illegal forfeiture of U.S. government property. Confirming once more that under Obama's Presidency the judiciary and legal system have been totally politicised, their case was thrown out on a technicality.
Cellular Technology: Can Governments Use It To Rearrange Your Brain
The controversies around cellular technology and the cellular masts or towers that make up the network grids just will not go away. It is not just the issue of do cellphone damage brain tissue that concerns us now, but certain rumours about what might be transmitted from the masts into the electro-magnetic mush that surrounds us all.
Internet of things
Internet: privacy online
Technology of mind control
Slaves of the machine
Surveillance society
Surveillance goes over to the dark side
Surveillance: Cellphone fascism
Surveillance, the tool of the totalitarian state
Surveillance will be total soon
Silicon Valley's War On Free Speech: Google Plays Politics
New German Government Smartphone Spyware Will Monitor Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND See Through Their Camera Lenses
US-EU Privacy Shield Data-Sharing Agreement Blasted as Inadequate
John Kerry Calls For The Internet To Be Placed Under The Authority Of The United Nations
World Domination Freak Bill Gates Appeals For World Government
The Internet Of Things: A Dystopian Nightmare Where Your Entire Life Will Be Monitored On The Internet
Google buys Nest for $3.2 billion: Does this home automation acquisition point to ‘the internet of things
Thousands To Make Legal Stand Against UK Government Surveillance
Virtual ID has arrived – why you should resist taking it up
Google a step closer to developing machines with human-like intelligence
World’s largest supercomputers took 40 minutes to calculate 1 second worth of human brain activity
Google Driverless Car Project
Transhumanism - Elitist and Mad Scientist Collaboration To Turn Us Into Automatons.
The Robotification Of Human Society Is being Implemented
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