The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Russia throws down the gauntlet: energy supply to Europe cut off; petrodollar abandoned as currency war escalates

Today Natural News reported (channeling the UK's Daily Mail newspaper; "There are some big moves taking place on the global stage that you need to know about, as this could all lead to World War III. Yesterday Russia cut off its natural gas supply to Europe, "plunging the continent into an energy crisis 'within hours' as a dispute with Ukraine escalated. This morning, gas companies in Ukraine said that Russia had completely cut off their supply. Six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas shipped via Ukraine today, in a sharp escalation of ..."

It is absolutely true but this blog and our parents Boggart Blog and The Daily Stirrer were reporting the death of the petrodollar several months ago, our favourite uncle Little Nicky Machiavelli ran this report in April 2014.

US Threatens Russia Over Petrodollar-Busting Deal

I'm really having trouble keeping up with what I posted where at the moment. Not so long ago The Daily Stirrer posted an article on how the west had much more to lose in an economic war with Russia. While the rent boy President, Barack Obama huffed and puffed and drew red lines (with a crayon) Putin grinned, flicked V signs westwards and sang "Who's got all the gas, who's got all the gas ...
And no wonder, things are progressing very quickly. The American economy depends on the 'petrodollar', while the US dollar is the global reserve currency in which nations conduct cross border business, the US can dictate what price it will pay for commodities. But once other nations abandon the dollar, the fundamental weakneses of the US economy are exposed.
I warned of this a long time ago: how Saddam May yet Win The War
We are a lot further down the line now and I can see how true my predictions were: USA, Russia, Economic War Over Ukraine - an explainer which shows how Russia need not fear western economic sanctions if they are not supported by China, India and the Islamic world.
It does not end there however. We also reported on Putin's plan, hatched with his Chinese allies, to ditch the dollar as reserve currency:
Putin Flushes The Dollar Down The Toilet - We Told You So
And now our always reliable friends at Zero Hedge are on the case too:
US Threatens Russia Over Petrodollar-Busting Deal

Just because something is ture does not mean it is news. Try to keep up Daily Mail.


RELATED POSTS: De-Dollarization Accelerates: Russia Launches SWIFT-Alternative Linking 91 Entities
Imminent collapse of the petrodollar
India and Turkey joint move against the petrodollar
Iran and the petrodollar
How Saddam Hussein May Yet Beat The USA
Ukraine caught in proxy war for the petrodollar
The Collapse Of The Economic System Thanks To American Warmongering
2015 The Story Of China, Russia, Iran and The Petrodollar Death

Today's Roundup: More corporate crookedness and mainstream media misdirection.

The cover pic, a portal in Whitby Abbey is more significant than most people will realise. In the seventh century Whitby Abbey was the scene of a meeting that shaped the future of Europe's political and cultural map.

As we continue to build this blog as a useful addition to our cluster of we site, t seems like a good idea to provide a daily roundup of posts to increase the significance of our most featured topics, political malfeasance, corporate corruption, scientific jiggery pokery, left wing hypocrisy and the insanity of politically correct, globalist thinking.
The page will be updated throughout the day as more posts are added.,/p>
Here we go then with the round up for January 17, 2014.
Seventy Years Down The Line And We Have Come Back To Appeasement As A Means To Peace.
As a spate of increasingly bloody and violent attacks on civilized values and the democratic freedoms of the western nations (free speech for example) continues to cause revulsion among the general population, our spineless leader are calling on us to be tolerant. The cowardly hypocrites who lead us may be ready to surrender, but anger is mounting in the cities and towns.
‘Uncaged Corporate Parrots’ Of The Political Elite and The GMO False Narrative
The Environment Secretary in the UK Coalition Government, Elizabeth Truss has argued that genetically modified (GM) food should be grown in Britain because it is more ‘eco-friendly’. She adds that steps should be taken to speed up this development.

Earth’s CO2 Levels Pass Global Warming ‘Milestone', Nothing Happens - Daily Caller.
After two decades of panic stricken scientists and screeching lefties wailing about the catatrophe that would ensue once the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere passed 400 parts per million, that figure was reached in December 2014.

Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out On The Real Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food I retired 10 years ago after a long career as a research scientist for Agriculture Canada. When I was on the payroll, I was the designated scientist of my institute to address public groups and reassure them that genetically engineered crops and foods were safe. There is, however, a growing body of scientific research – done mostly in Europe, Russia, and other countries – showing that diets containing engineered corn or soya cause serious health problems in laboratory mice and rats.I don’t know if I was passionate about it but I was knowledgeable. I defended the side of technological advance, of science and progress. I have in the last 10 years changed my position. I started paying attention to the flow of published studies coming from Europe, some from prestigious labs and published in prestigious scientific journals, that questioned the impact and safety of engineered food. I refute the claims of the biotechnology companies that their engineered crops yield more, that they require less pesticide applications, that they have no impact on the environment and of course that they are safe to eat. There are a number of scientific studies that have been done for Monsanto by universities in the U.S., Canada, and abroad. Most of these studies are concerned with the field performance of the engineered crops, and of course they find GMOs safe for the environment and therefore safe to eat. Individuals should be encouraged to make their decisions on food safety based on scientific evidence and personal choice, not on emotion or the personal opinions of others. We should all take these studies seriously and demand that government agencies replicate them rather than rely on studies paid for by the biotech companies. RELATED:
Black Hat Biotech index
GMO corporate lies
Europe’s Intensifying Immigration Debate
In an absolutely gobsmacking psychological meltdown and an unparalleled display of bourgeois self hate, the former Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt demonstrated how wide the gap between the political and academic elite and reality has become in the materially advanced democracies. He also made himself an early fron runner for the title "cupid stunt of the century.