The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich

A story picked up by Pam Geller (always a reliable fact checker although some dislike her sensationist style of reporting) of Muslim migrants raping German women while migrant women are being forced into prostitution is not playing well with the feminists and left wing extremists who want us to believe the lie that these barbarians actually enrich our culture. Follow the link below to lean how the "desperate, needy, oppressed refugees Hausfrau Merkel was so keen to welome to German are showing their gratitude to German women and girls, while pimping their own women out for €10 a fuck (really low rent and some of those middle eastern girls are very sexy - and hardly used.

Merkel's Beloved Muslim Migrants Trigger Rape Epidemic In Munich


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Muslim Only No Go Areas For Police And Emergency Services In Our Cities? - It Already Happened In Sweden.

Sweden continues to lead the way in surrendering its nation, culture and self respect to exremist Muslim dickheads, reasoning that the violent rapists and murderers of the relion of peace will thank them rather than kill them all. but the people all over Europe are waking to the betrayal of their elites.

Oil Rich Nations Treat Their Fellow Muslims as Second Class Citizens And Europe is Left Picking up the Pieces

As the migrant tide continues to flow unabated and the more plain speaking european leaders start to talk of twenty million more migrants intending to enter the EU illegally, we ask why the wealthy Arab nations of the middle east are not taking any on the mostly Muslim migrants but instead trying to guilt trip Europe into accepting them all.

If You Want To Help Refugees Stop Helping To Kill Them

As The Daily Stirrer predicted, the tide of illegal entrants streaming through Europe's porous southern and eastern borders is increasing. Italy, Greece and Hungary now have major problems and even non EU states in the Balkans are affected. This crisis will not be resolved until the EU leaders politically correct OCD is replaced and we resolve the Merkels, Camerons and Hollandes with people of resolve who will stand up to American bullying.

Refugee Crisis Or Existential Battle With USA for Europe

It has been clear for some years now that the USA, backed by its main NATO and EU military allies the UK and France (the FUKUS axis has been trying to provoke Russian into firing the shot that will be heard around the world and recognised as the startiung signal for World War Three.
Nothing is ever as it seems to be however, and views from middle east and far eastern journals suggest the USA is also working at destabilizing EU nations in order to force their support in its wars.

Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same

Germany has thrown open her doors to Syria, declaring it will welcome all that country’s asylum seekers. In doing so, it has overturned a EU convention which insists that asylum seekers must register in the first country they reach. Germany will now cease handing out forms which ask new arrivals to declare where they landed in the EU.

German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean and making their way (illegally) through the Balkans to Germany has passed the government’s worst casse estimates. The unprecedented influx has now forced Berlin to hastily revise the figure upwards. Although the German government had already acknowledged the need to revise estimates, the latest number is beyond all expectations ...

Christianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden

Religious, racist, and xenophobic “hate crimes” are at their highest ever level in Sweden, with “Christianophobic” crimes seeing the fastest growth.A new report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reveals 2014 was a record year for so-called hate crime in Sweden. The Scandinavian 'multicultural paradise' experienced the highest level of hate crimes in recorded history.

Sham Marriages To Beat Immigration Laws Are Out Of Control

With main immigration news on being dominated by the Mediterranean boat people crisis and the masses at Calais hoping to stow away in a freight container, we forget that another way of getting somebody into the country is the sham marriage. Numbers involved may be small, but it is another indication of our governments' failure to address the immigration problem.

Roads, Railways And Ferries Closed As Illegal Migrant Flood Overwhelms Europe's Transport Systems

As the tide of illegal immigrants trying to enter those E U nations offering the most generous cash, housing and medical care benefit packages swells daily, we bring news of another European nation that is comung to its senses. Soon only Germany and Sweden will be left on the road to national suicide. The Swedes are such politically correct wimps they'd surrender if someone dropped a smelly fart in Stockholm, as for Germany - TWO WORLD WARS AND ONE WORLD CUP!

MEP In Merkel Mask Mocks Juncker

An Italian MEP in a ~Merkel mask mocked the pusillanimous poltroon posing as President of the EU commission in Stasbourg yesterday as the Luxembourgischer nonentity Jean Claude Juncker (aka J-C Drunkard) lectured representatives of the sovereign nations that make up the European Union on what their elected government's policies should be.

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Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic

Last week Pam Geller a document from a German refugee center describing an epidemic of rape against women and children at these centers for migrants. According to this document women are “assigned a subordinate role” and unaccompanied females are treated as “fair game.” Many of these women, according to the document, are fleeing “forced marriage” and/or “female genital mutilation.”

It’s the same hate culture as is behind the Muslim child grooming and rape gangs in the UK.

The media narrative on this invasion is disgusting using children as human shields to sell the big lie much the way Hamas does.

Some German towns have Muslim majorities
Some German towns are already majority Muslim

On August 18, a coalition of four social work organizations and women’s rights groups sent a two-page letter to the leaders of the political parties in the regional parliament in Hesse, a state in west-central Germany, warning them of the worsening situation for women and children in the refugee shelters. The letter said (translated by fatsally):

“The ever-increasing influx of refugees has complicated the situation for women and girls at the receiving center in Giessen (HEAE) and its subsidiaries.

“The practice of providing accommodations in large tents, the lack of gender-separate sanitary facilities, premises that cannot be locked, the lack of safe havens for women and girls — to name just a few spatial factors — increases the vulnerability of women and children within the HEAE. This situation plays into the hands of those men who assign women a subordinate role and treat women traveling alone as ‘wild game’.

“The consequences are numerous rapes and sexual assaults. We are also receiving an increasing number of reports of forced prostitution. It must be stressed: these are not isolated cases.

“Women report that they, as well as children, have been raped or subjected to sexual assault. As a result, many women sleep in their street clothes. Women regularly report that they do not use the toilet at night because of the danger of rape and robbery on the way to the sanitary facilities. Even during daylight, passing through the camp is a frightful situation for many women.

“Many women — in addition to fleeing wars or civil wars — are also on the run for gender-related reasons, including the threat of forced marriage or genital mutilation. These women who face special risks, especially when they are on the run alone or with their children. Even if they are accompanied by male relatives or acquaintances, this does not always ensure protection against violence because it can also lead to specific dependencies and sexual exploitation.

“Most female refugees have experienced a variety of traumatizing experiences in their country of origin and while on the run. They are victims of violence, kidnappings, torture, rape and extortion — sometimes over periods of several years.

“The feeling to have arrived here — in safety — and to be able to move without fear, is a gift for many women…. We therefore ask you…to join our call for the immediate establishment of protected premises (locked apartments or houses) for women and children who are travelling alone….

“These facilities must be equipped so that men do not have access to the premises of the women, with the exception of emergency workers and security personnel. In addition bedrooms, lounges, kitchens and sanitary facilities must be interconnected so that they form a self-contained unit — and thus can only be reached via lockable and monitored access to the house or the apartment.”

After several blogs (here, here and here) drew attention to the letter, the LandesFrauenRat (LFR) Hessen, a women’s lobbying group that originally uploaded the politically incorrect document to its website, abruptly removed it on September 14, without explanation. (More evidence of Volksfuhrer Merkels suppression of free speech as she drags Germany back to 1933).

The problem of rapes and sexual assaults in German refugee shelters is a nationwide problem.

In Bavaria, women and girls housed at a refugee shelter in Bayernkaserne, a former military base in Munich, are subject to rape and forced prostitution on a daily basis, according to women’s rights groups. Although the facility has separate dorm rooms for women, the doors cannot be locked and men control access to the sanitary facilities.

Approximately 80% of the refugees/migrants at the shelter are male, according to Bavarian Broadcasting (Bayerischer Rundfunk), which reports that the price for sex with female asylum seekers is ten euros. A social worker described the facility this way: “We are the biggest brothel in Munich.”

German Police insist they have no proof that the rapes are taking place, although a police raid on the facility found that guards hired to provide security at the site were trafficking drugs and weapons and were turning a blind eye to the prostitution.

So as well as aiding and abetting the people traffickers, we can add to the crimes of the leftie hand wringers a

nd bleeding hearts, accessory to pimping, forcing migrant women to work as prostituutes (you bunch of leftie ponces and nonces), procuring women for rapists and sadists, accessories to rape etc. etc. And the Marxist and feminist hypocrites claim they care about these people, what festering gobshites lefties are,; not bottom feeders but creatures that feed from the bottom feeders bottoms.

Multiculturalism Today: Child Marriage, Honour Killings, Sharia Law Zones, & ‘Punishment’ Gang Rapes