Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Michael Cohen and Inspector Clouseau: Separated At Birth>

Top of the news for many of us this week has been the Trump 'Stormy Daniels hush money' trial in which former US President Donal J Trump is charged with false accounting, apparently because one of Trump's book keepers entered a payment made to bent lawyer Michael Cohen as being for legal expenses when the payment was in fact for ......... ahem .......... legal expenses.

Cohen (pictured below) has been in the witness box most of the week, evading questions and telling lies as one might expect from a man already doing jail time for perjury.

Every time I saw his face in a photograph or video clip this annoying feeling that I recognised him from somewhere would bug me for hours. Where did I recognise that face from?
Then it struck me, he featured in the famous Fart In The Lift scene from the Blake Edwards comedy Revenge Of The Pink Panther (watch the full clip)


Try to convince me it isn't the same guy.



Coronavirus: Something To Make Us Smile
Most of us are confused about the rules we’re supposed to follow during lockdown, and no one more so that the thick, blundering plod who seem to think they should be arresting people for buying non essential stuff like food, roughing up people who are sitting in their gardens, or kicking front doors down and busting up illicit social gatherings of one person sitting alone in his house. So here is a concise summary of the rules, which makes what you can and can’t do clear as mud

Germany’s Official State TV Channel Cheers Coronavirus For Killing Old People
Trawling around the weirder fringes of the web, as we bloggers and cyberjournalists are sometimes obliged to if we want to bring you the news the mainstream will not report, one occasionally comes across something important but disturbing – like being brought face – to – face with how sick and warped the far left ecopsychos really are. Take a sketch recently broadcast as part of a satirical show the title of which translates as Bohemian Browser Ballet, shown by German state broadcaster ARD.

Roald Dahl Rewritten By Woke Censors
The kerfuffle this week triggered by a 'woke' publisher's decision to censor the works of Roald Dahl, whose titles, including Matilda, The Witches, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, James and The Giant Peach and The Twits along with many others have been loved by children since the 1950s. By removng many words which the 'woke' brigade consider 'insensitive' but are often important for their onomatopoeic value, the humourless, killjoy censors have also spoiled ...

Facebook Blocking Magazine Cover Making Fun Of Joe Biden, Triggers Free Speech Row
>As if intent on giving the finger to critics who have attacked its political bias and blatant interference in political matters, and to show that rebranding as META was nothing but a cynical PR exercise, Social Media giant FACEBOOK has once again upset Free Speech advocated by blocking an advert satirising Joe Biden in a depiction of a magazine cover.

A Fairer Format for TV election debatesFaced with the prospect of Jeremy or BoJo I have been following the TV debates and political programs, Question Time, Andrew Marr etc.
Having listened intently to a wide range of our politicians I would like to share my ideas on how political discussion and debate should be formatted in future.

Lord’ Sugar Sugar called ‘racist’ for Senegal World Cup team tweet (but it was funny)

Alan Sugar (one of Blair's dodgy 'lords' and front man of the UK version of ‘The Apprentice’ TV show, has come in for a shitstorm of criticism online after tweeting a typical market traders gag about the Senegal World Cup team. Sugar posted a photoshopped image of the Senegal players standing over a row fake designer sunglasses and handbags and gave it the caption “I recognise some of these guys ...”

The Children From Hell
Children are like farts, your own aren't so bad but anyone else's are horrible." How many times has that been said by people in my age group I wonder.

A Couple of Smiles Before It Gets Even More Painful
Almost at the end of a month of bad and sad news; Iraq, Afghanistan, the Financial Markets, the environment and the death of Desert Orchid being just a few topics, its nice to hear something jolly.

For the sake of balance in the political debate I'd like to offer a few reminders of why Boris is the most popular politician in Britain and who, alongside Nigel Farage, he inspired the people of Britain to stand up to the emotional bullying of the Politically Correct Though Police by voting LEAVE and thus save Europe from tyranny for the FOURTH time in two hundred years. Over to Boris at his most diplomatic:

Cookie Dough Can Exoplodes In Woman's Vagina
Here is a story of a woman who was so hard up she shoved a can of dough up her chuff so her family could eat. And that terrorist loving, warmongering idiot Obama tells his country the economy is doing well and the USA can afford to wage wars on every little country that pisses him off? Don't believe it, Americans are starving. People are desperate (you have to be desperate to steal cookie dough, if someone can't afford to steal a family size pizza or Lasagne they are trult below the poverty line.

A Seasonal Miracle
South African Mr. (got that, Mr.) Charles Sibindana has been fined ZA$140 for making a fraudulent claim for sick pay. Mr. Sibindana submitted a certificate from his wife’s gynaecologist to back up ... >

The Lazy Pupil's Examination Aid.
In my school days, admittedly more years ago than I care to remember, trying to justify the non - delivery of homework projects with the excuse "please Sir, the dog ate it," was not exactly fresh and original but [ ... ] Now of course, in an era of mass communication and advanced technology it is a tired and lame excuse used as a last resort only by the terminally dull - witted. Family pets have advanced in status so much they can actually make a positive contribution to academic achievement ...

Personal Irritation Claims - Professional claims service
OMFG, we've had about ten calls yesterday and today about personal injury claims, mis - selling, unfair treatment at work, medical negligence, you name is, a bunch of shyster lawyers want to sue someone on your behalf for it.

Evolution: Theory, Fact or Fiasco?
Much as I have faith in Charles Darwin's Theory Of Evolution as a feasible explanation of how diverse species originate (The Origin Of The Species) it annoys me when science fans insist "Evolution is not a theory, its a fact." Especially annoying of course is when they cite evolution to explain the origin of life on earth or the development of human intelligence. Even more annoying is their assumption that anyone questioning them is a young Earth creationist. Here are a few thoughts on some of evolution theory's inconsistencies ...

You Know You Live In A Country Run By Idiots If ...
We all know our countries are run by idiots, but how do we prove it? One way is to observe someone and record how many times they do something that will undo something else they just did. Here are some examples:

The Duchess Of Kate Baby Referendum Scam Exposed
... in walk the three stooges, Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. "Look Kate old girl," they say, "there's a bit of a constitutional crisis heading our way over this Scottish referendum whatsit. We've been too complacent and the plebs up there in chilly Jockoland have got wind we've been keeping schtumm about ...

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ireland's Virtue Signalling Elite and EU Open Borders Policy Are Destroying Ireland


The Irish government has long been accustomed to substituting virtue signalling for policy makingthe and has thus has abdicated its most serious responsibilities: it handed the EU control of its monetary policy, and shifted responsibility for its borders over to Brussels by supporting the EU's Open Borders Migration Policy which commits EU member states to accepting all comers, including murderers, thieves, terrorists, Islamic extremists, rapists, child molesters and general gobshites. And the buck-passing has not stopped there: Europe dictates Ireland’s trading policy; Britain ensures its national security; and American race and gender dogmas have been imported by Irish elites to fill the spiritual void left by state-run Catholicism.

This has led to an influx of immigrants so culturally different from the Irish people that integration is almost impossible. And the elites, anxious as always to suck up to Brussels' woke ideology, to the disadvantage of the native Irish population, have completely failed to deal with the situation and now find their institutions are hostage to minority groups who demand exemption from Irish law.

You reap what you sow...why would the 'Equality and Integration Minister' (what are the position's stated objectives?) of such a small country send out a welcome to the entire Middle East? Presumably for the same reason Kamala Harris did to South America when the US Dementiacrats Democrats took office, and with the same result - they've been on the back foot on border control ever since and now the USA's welfare system is overwhelmed by the cost of paying benefits to illegal immigrants.

But Ireland's politicians have drunk the same Identity Politics Kool-Aid as Scotland's.,  And god only knows what Labour plan to do, forced sex changes for children under five, replacement of the Common Law with Sharia Law?. Apparently they think you can stop the boats by working with the French - as if we haven't been trying this for years now.

The simpering, limp wristed former Prime Minister Leo Varadkar tried to extinguish the last traces of Auld Ireland by removing terms like 'mother' and marriage, 'family' etc from the constitution and replacing it with 'durable relationships'; while he and his chums were able to advertise free stuff to all-in Arabic and Lord knows how many other languages- he had to go to the electorate for these in referenda and the electorate told him to shove it where the monkey shoves it's nuts.

Around that time he was filmed having what was clearly not a 'durable relationship', snogging some bloke (not his partner) in some club or another.

He has now cleared off, declining to face the backlash, but the damage he and his like caused lives on. The future looks bleak for Ireland.




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Monday, May 13, 2024

Climate Change Scare Alert: Heat-related Deaths In Europe Rise by 30pc, Says The Lancet

A firefighters runs as wildfire intensifies in the village of Sidiro and Yannuli in Evros, Greece on August 31, 2023 Credit: Ayhan Mehmet/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

According to an article in the once respected medical journal The Lancet, which has now become simply another propaganda vehicle for globalist narratives, new diseases are spreading, the hayfever season is starting earlier and even the hours in which it is possible to practise sports are changing.

The driving force behind all these and other changes to human health is climate change.

A report in the Lancet, the 2024 Lancet Europe Report On Health And Climate Change warned that rising temperatures in Europe may have far reaching impacts on general health of the population. The report traces links between climate change and health across the continent, exploring 42 indicators.

As scorching summers are expected to hit the continent with increasing regularity, heat-related deaths per 100,000 people have increased by 30.8 per cent from the period 2003-12 and 2013-22, according to the report.

Now 68 people per 100,000 are estimated to die of heat related issues, up from 50.8. 

“Climate change is here, in Europe, and it kills,” the 2024 Europe Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change said.  We beg to differ.

We can only wonder are these 'heat related deaths' similar in any way to Covid-19 related deaths. i.e. man falls off long ladder and breaks neck: cause of death Covid-19 becomes 99 year old person with heart failure, diabetes and shingles dies on a hot day, cause of death: climate change.  

To put this report in perspective, we are being asked to accept the whole scaremongering of "heat - related deaths" narrative  on a 0.02% increase. Basically, so tiny as to be statistically insignificant and subject to massive variance.

Anyone reading the report or extracts from it reproduced in mainstream media should bear in mind the figures are reported per 100,000. This is a way of reporting intended ti be confusing and lead the readers who does not have an educational qualification in statistics to draw the wrong conclusion. The total number of all cause deaths per 100,000 is remarkably consistent across the whole of Europe at around 1500 plus or minus 0.5%. That said, 68 heat related deaths per 100,000 is more than expected. However, it is likely that heat was only a contributing factor in many of those deaths. We might reasonably suspect many of the victims heat - related morbidity were elderly and not in the best of health and the heatwave tipped them over the edge. The question of how many quality adjusted life years were lost is apparently not being asked?

What we can infer from figures available in the public domain is for every death linked to heat, nine are connected to cold. Excessive cold can exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.The remedy is simple of course, turn up the heating in your home. But to heat people's homes needs energy - cheap energy, and the availability of cheap energy for home heating has been all but killed of by 'net zero' policies. 

Wait until the next hard winter when the wind does not blow for two weeks and a weak, watery sun is too low in the sky to cast down much energy on solar panels. We can expect thousands die of the cold because they can't afford heating. 80% of UK use gas for heating; so why does the government want to move green taxes from electricity to gas.

The answer to heat related deaths is simple. Arabs don't die of heat. They live in areas where the temperature regularly reaches 45°, dress accordingly and stay indoors with air conditioning (if they have it,) turned on. 

Heat related deaths is just the latest attempt to spread fear and panic in order that people when further attacks on our rights, freedoms, prosperity and personal sovereignty are perpetrated by globalist power seekers who justify their undemocratic activity with bogus narratives about saving the planet. Question everything. Do not comply.

[ Climate change ] ... [ Climate lies ] ... [ CO2 effect overstated ] ... [ Net Zero reality ] ... [ Green dreams ]

Globalists Say Climate Change Is A Threat To Democracy But The Real Threat Is Globalism
While most of the large economies in European are backing off their pledges on 'net zero', over in the USA, even as the public reject the scaremongering of climate alarmists, the increasingly crazy Biden administration are still trying to push this de-industrialisation agenda without without any apparent concern for public opinion or for the misery and impoverishment The Childsniffer's regime is inflicting on many Americans.

Britain To Harvest Power From Sahara Solar Farms Using 700ft Ship? Another Green Dream
World’s biggest cable-laying vessel will link Moroccan renewables with Devon substationread a headline in a UK mainsteam news website recently. A project to feed power from the Sahara Desert to Britain moved a step closer to fruition as its financial backers prepare to commission the giant cable-laying ship.

Is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Really A Pollutant Or Are The Green Blob Scamming Us all
A new study has been published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation, which claims that a phenomenon known as CO2 fertilization is contributing to increased greening of the globe. The authors of the study, “The global greening continues despite increased drought stress since 2000”, used the measurement of Leaf Area Index (LAI) to shows that more than half of the land area on earth is greening at an accelerated rate since 2000.

Hottest Ever UK January Day - In One Small Village
Today’s high is not due to ‘climate change’ although Warmageddonists and climate alarmists have been quick to claim it is, but is a result of a rare phenomenon known as the Fohn (or Foehn) effect (literally ‘the hairdryer effect’) that sees isolated spots near mountains hit with a narrow blast of hot air.

Net Zero Is Dying Says The Manhattan Contrairian - But Is It Taking Western Civilisation With It?
We Boggart Bloggers have always been sceptical of the Climate Change scam. And as most of our readers will be aware, the scam had to be rebranded as 'Climate Change' because after a brief (and statistically insignificant,) warming trend in the 1980s and 90 the apparent warming stopped until 2016 when there was a brief blip because of an El Nino event on the Pacific region before global mean temperatures started flatlining again ...

Globalists Say Climate Change Is A Threat To Democracy But The Real Threat Is Globalism
While most of the large economies in European are backing off their pledges on 'net zero', over in the USA, even as the public reject the scaremongering of climate alarmists, the increasingly crazy Biden administration are still trying to push this de-industrialisation agenda without without any apparent concern for public opinion or for the misery and impoverishment The Childsniffer's regime is inflicting on many Americans.

Britain To Harvest Power From Sahara Solar Farms Using 700ft Ship? Another Green Dream
World’s biggest cable-laying vessel will link Moroccan renewables with Devon substationread a headline in a UK mainsteam news website recently. A project to feed power from the Sahara Desert to Britain moved a step closer to fruition as its financial backers prepare to commission the giant cable-laying ship.

Is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Really A Pollutant Or Are The Green Blob Scamming Us all
A new study has been published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation, which claims that a phenomenon known as CO2 fertilization is contributing to increased greening of the globe. The authors of the study, “The global greening continues despite increased drought stress since 2000”, used the measurement of Leaf Area Index (LAI) to shows that more than half of the land area on earth is greening at an accelerated rate since 2000.

Hottest Ever UK January Day - In One Small Village
Today’s high is not due to ‘climate change’ although Warmageddonists and climate alarmists have been quick to claim it is, but is a result of a rare phenomenon known as the Fohn (or Foehn) effect (literally ‘the hairdryer effect’) that sees isolated spots near mountains hit with a narrow blast of hot air.

Net Zero Is Dying Says The Manhattan Contrairian - But Is It Taking Western Civilisation With It?
We Boggart Bloggers have always been sceptical of the Climate Change scam. And as most of our readers will be aware, the scam had to be rebranded as 'Climate Change' because after a brief (and statistically insignificant,) warming trend in the 1980s and 90 the apparent warming stopped until 2016 when there was a brief blip because of an El Nino event on the Pacific region before global mean temperatures started flatlining again ...

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

World's Biggest Floating Solar Farm Smashed By Storm

 While on one of our regular long lunch breaks earlier this week we Boggart Bloggers got to thinking about the history of this blog. Although it did not do much  its first few years because we used it to give inward links to our main Boggart Blog on the now defunct platform, even in those early days we dedicated out content to questioning narratives, challenging politicised science, polititicised justice and polititicised public services.

And we tried to warn about the various scams and psyops being used by governments to keep the people in a state of fear and so avoid a series of popular uprisings against the apparent mismanagement of government policy (the chaos in global politics, the economy, health, foreign policy and energy security is not down to incompetence, it has been created deliberately,) while globalist supra national bureaucracies gather more power and further erode the freedoms and prosperity previous generations worked and fought so hard to gain.

One of the scams we have consistently warned of  is the 'sustainable cheap energy' scam which involves the developed nations abandoning secure, reliable sources of energy such as coal, gas and nuclear ans instead generating all of the huge amounts of electricity needed to keep a modern nation running from wind turbines and solar panels which are intermitterent sources dependent on the vagaries of weather and vulnerable to hostile weather events.

Here's an example.

Authored by Eric Worrall via Watts Up With That,

Who could have predicted acres of fragile floating structures would be vulnerable to bad weather?

Madhya Pradesh: Summer Storm Damages World’s Largest Floating Solar Plant at Omkareshwar Dam (Watch Video)

Indore: A summer storm on Tuesday damaged a floating solar plant at Madhya Pradesh’s Omkareshwar dam. The floating solar plant, situated in the backwater of the dam, is the biggest of its kind in the world. A joint venture between  Madhya Pradesh Govt and National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC), the project was nearly completed and ready for its launch. A part of the project became operational last week.

The project near the village of Kelwa Khurd, aimed at generating 100 MW of electricity, with additional capacities of 88MW at Indawadi and 90 MW at Ekhand village. However, on Tuesday, summer storms with the speed of 50kmph hit the project and threw the solar panels all around the place. No employee was fortunately injured.

Read more:


UK Gov. Fossil Fuels U Turn Means Its All Over For Net Zero
The Announcement made by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak acknowledged at last that to keep the lights and heating on in our homes and the wheels of industry turning it will be necessary to start building new gas-fired power plants because the great science backed leap to transition energy productions to clean, green, pollution free, sustainable, renewable, blah blah blah sources has failed dismally.

Britain To Harvest Power From Sahara Solar Farms Using 700ft Ship? Another Green Dream
World’s biggest cable-laying vessel will link Moroccan renewables with Devon substationread a headline in a UK mainsteam news website recently. A project to feed power from the Sahara Desert to Britain moved a step closer to fruition as its financial backers prepare to commission the giant cable-laying ship.

Furious French Farmers Stage Shitfest Protest In Toulouse
Inspired perhaps by the protests of farming communities in Germany and Netherlands, angry French farmers gathered in the historic city of Toulouse, South - west France this week and dumped piles of farmyard manure on the steps of City Hall and in the streets and squares in fron of other public buildings. Such shitfest protests are a favourite tactic of French farmers when they want to let their government know its policies stink ...

Thousands Of Tractors Blocks Berlin Traffic Over Plan To End Diesel Subsidy
Thousands of German truck drivers, farmers, and agricultural workers parked in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin yesterday as another massive protest over the government's 'green' plans to end tax breaks on diesel fuel and subsidies to farmers prevented from getting the best out of their land by loonytoons EU 'rewilding' policies.

German Farmers target nation's vice chancellor in subsidies protest
German farmers angered by cost-saving plans impacting the country's agricultural sector blocked the EU state’s vice chancellor from disembarking a ferry on Thursday, in a protest that was criticized by both government and opposition figures. The farmer's ager was triggered by financial cutbacks imposed by EU policy on member state’s agricultural industries have.

Irish farmers protest plans to cull livestock to meet climate targets
Farmers in Ireland are protesting government proposals to cull livestock — including up to 200,000 cows — in an effort to meet national and European Union (EU) climate targets. According to Ireland’s Independent, up to 65,000 dairy cows and 10% of the livestock herd would have to be removed from the national herd every year for three years at a cost of €200m ($215.2 million) if the farming sector is to “meet its climate targets.”

Hottest Ever UK January Day - In One Small Village
Today’s high is not due to ‘climate change’ although Warmageddonists and climate alarmists have been quick to claim it is, but is a result of a rare phenomenon known as the Fohn (or Foehn) effect (literally ‘the hairdryer effect’) that sees isolated spots near mountains hit with a narrow blast of hot air.

Net Zero Is Dying Says The Manhattan Contrairian - But Is It Taking Western Civilisation With It?
We Boggart Bloggers have always been sceptical of the Climate Change scam. And as most of our readers will be aware, the scam had to be rebranded as 'Climate Change' because after a brief (and statistically insignificant,) warming trend in the 1980s and 90 the apparent warming stopped until 2016 when there was a brief blip because of an El Nino event on the Pacific region before global mean temperatures started flatlining again ...

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to "net zero" will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

Europe's biggest economy would suffer a 6.5pc contraction if Russian energy is suspended, experts warn 
Even though the sanctions already imposed on Russia in respondse to the invasion of Ukraine are hitting the nations that imposed then harder that their intended target, the EU is preparing to committ economic suicide in an orgy of virtue signalling ...

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

p>The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. ... Continue reading >>>

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Go Public With: “There is No Climate Emergency”
As it happens the narrative promoting the risible idea that "The Science Is Settled," and a few other trains of misinformation to keep ramping up the fear level among the general public have been rocked by the publication of The World Climate Declaration (WCD) a study and report signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. The authors, meteorologists, physicists, biologists, naturalists and well qualified people drawn from a host of other professions and academic disciplines and from all around the world conclude there is no climate emergency.

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Friday, May 10, 2024

German AfD Politician Convicted for Warning About Gang Rapes


A court in the German province of Lower Saxony has ruled against a Bundestag AfD member Marie-Thérèse Kaiser for sedition and hate speech. The 27-year-old was also found guilty in the appeal hearing on Monday of inciting hatred against Afghan local workers by accurately quoting some statistics relating to migrant involvement in sex crimes that had been released by the government.

Marie-Thérèse Kaiser - guilty of speaking the truth (Picture via The European Conservative


For the heinous crime of telling the truth, the young politician now has to pay fines total ling  €6,000. In German law anybody sentence to pay more than a certain level of fines will have a criminal record, this might seem strange to people living in more liberal and tolerant nations but though the actions of the current far - left government are extreme, this is not the first time a German government has criminalised the act of speaking the truth. 

The charges against Kaiser were based on a social media post from August 2021. She wrote: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ acceptance; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”

Among other things, the politician linked to an article showing that Afghans in Germany are particularly heavily involved in gang rape. 

Kaiser’s 2021 post was prompted by Hamburg’s First Mayor, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), who announced that he would accept Afghan 'asylum seekers' in Hamburg. The AfD politician justified her concern about uncontrolled immigration with statistics and warned of rapes by “culturally alien masses.”

Before the district court hearing, Kaiser said: “The mere mention of numbers, data, and facts is to be declared a criminal offense simply because the establishment refuses to accept reality. I won’t let myself be silenced.”

This bizarre verdict by the court has outraged opinion in the developed world and also come to the attention of X CEO Elon Musk. He retweeted a post summarizing the punishment and wrote: “Are you saying the penalty was imposed for repeating accurate government statistics? Was there anything wrong with what she said?”

Judge Heiko Halbfas responded somewhat nonsensically on Monday: “Those who attack human dignity cannot invoke freedom of speech.” Does this judge, apparently a divorcee from reality as are so many members of the judiciary, consider that rape is somehow not an attack on human dignity?

It certainly seems that under its ruling coalition of the far left Social Democrats and the Maoist Green Party, Germany is charging backwards toward the kind of government it had in the 1930s. Another parallel is that the third coalition member, the classical liberal FDP has been marginalised by the more powerful partners, in a similar way, ironically, to how the Social Democrats were marginalised in 1933. 

And Germany's problem with lawless migrants is not confined to Afghans

[ Germany ] ... [ Immigration crisis ] ... [ Europe ] ... [ Islam catalogue ]

Germany haemorrhaging cash to keep country running on as ‘net zero’ becomes zeroeconomic activity
Germany was so desperate to achieve 'net zero' CO2 emissions that for years the country's government closed its fossil fuel-fired and nuclear power plants,replacing those plants with wind and solar power — as well as impoorting huge volumes of natural gas and oil from Russia. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, when NATO (aka the U.S.A.) mandated that the West impose retaliatory sanctions on Russia, including a ban on importation of Russian gas and oil, Germany found itself in a hole:

Germany is Now A “Total Dictatorship” Says Dutch Journalist
A Dutch journalist has claimed that Germany is now a “total dictatorship”. This may seem like a case of the pot calling the kettle black given the Dutch government's plan to evict up to 3000 farmer from their land and return those acreages 'to nature' in a bid to lead the way among EU member states, to enforce total compliance with the latest loonytoons EU climate policy which requires EU members to reduce that dangerous pollutant nitrogen, which accounts for 78% of the air we breathe ...

German Interior Minister Caught Faking Asylum Numbers To Hide Migrant Crisis
Germany’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is trying to fend off claims that she has faked statistics on refugee numbers to hide number of illegal immigrants claiming entry to Germany by posing as asylum seekers since the beginning of this year. While official figures show only 57,647 refugees have been admitted to Germany, the federal police have registered 101,900 arrivals of undocumented migrants since January

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party ... Continue reading >>>

German NatGas Consumption Too High To Avoid Energy "Emergency", Regulator Warns As Norway Increases Gas Production
Germany tok great pride in leading the race among developed nations to achieve a net xero economy but now the folly of that policy is being exposed as gas supplies from Russia dry up and the inadequacies of wind and solar are exposed

An Energy Crisis In Tandem With A Food Crisis On Top Of An Economic Crisis And A War. This Cannot End Well
As politicians in North America and Europe try to deflect from their own failure that have contributed to the current plethora of crises by blaming Russia and Vladmir Putin for all the current problems, while the war in Ukraine is a contributory factor in each, the real blame lies closer to home.

The Federal Republic of New Normal GermanySo, the government of New Normal Germany is contemplating forcing everyone to wear medical-looking masks in public from October to Easter on a permanent basis. The fanatical New Normal fascists currently in charge of Germany’s government are discussing revising the “Infection Protection Act” in order to grant themselves the authority to continue to rule the country by decree, as they have been doing since the Autumn of 2020, thus instituting a “permanent state of emergency” that overrides the German constitution, indefinitely ...

After Triggering Mass Migration Crisis, Germany Bribing Foreigners To Leave
Angela Merkel is seen by many Germans as more committed to advancing Islam in Europe than respresenting the wished of German voters. (picture source: ) Though Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel only clings to power by her fingernails as the fragile coalition she leads staggers from crisis to crisis, the damaging effects of her ‘open …

Labour MP Says Cologne Sex Attacks ‘Very Similiar’ to Normal Weekend in Birmingham Speaking as a panelist on BBC television’s political debate show Question Time on Thursday 28 January, Labour MP Jess Phillips said the mass sex attacks which took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve 2016 were no worse than an average weekend night in Birmingham UK

Watch two Finnish shopgirls out a couple of male Muslim shoplifters. Arthur's introduction (in his usual inimitable style) to this video from Finland might offend some people, but the attitude of Muslim immigrants that they can just walk into shops and take what they want, force themselves on women whenever they please, molest young children and tel us how to run our countries in Europe needs to be challenged.

Germany’s Migrant Crisis To Bring Down Merkel
Weekly protests by the PEGIDA movement showed German citizens feelings about Merkel’s immigration policies (Picture: ) Longstanding disagreements on migration policies between German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s crypto – socialist Christian democrat Union (CDU) and her Bavarian allies the traditionally conservative Christian Social Union (CSU) have led to a crisis that could potentially unseat the …

Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.

‘Islam Doesn’t Belong to Germany’ – New Interior Minister
While mainstream media was hailing the political mastery of Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel in negotiationg a new coalition deal to keep her in power for another four years, after Germany had been without a government for almost six months, The Daily Stirrer (and other alt_news sites to be fair) warned that the new government of …

Immigrant Invasion
Immigrant rapes
Immigrant Sharia zones
Immigration omnibus
Immigration marginalising europes white working class

Saturday, May 04, 2024

If You Don't Already Believe Western Leaders Are Determined To Start WW3 ...

 May 4, 2024 (may the fourth be with you)
by Mac Slavo, SHTFplan

French Ruler’s Insane Idea Could Ignite WW3

The ruler of France, Emmanuel Macron, has been parroting some ridiculous ideas about involving the West further in the war between Russia and Ukraine. If any of the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) members actually follow through with this insanity, it will ignite World War 3.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto agreed with this assessment. He has condemned the latest remarks from Macron about the option of sending troops to Ukraine and has warned such a move could ultimately spark an all-out nuclear war.

While speaking to French broadcaster LCI as reported by RT on Thursday, Szijjarto was asked for his take on Macron’s renewed threat to deploy his country’s troops to back up Kiev against Russia. The diplomat strongly condemned the idea, saying that the French leader’s comments themselves have contributed to escalating the situation. ... Continue reading >>>




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Friday, May 03, 2024

Ukraine & NATO versus Russia - No End In Sight Because The West Will Not Allow It


The latest wodge of US aid for Kiev, a package worth $61 billion which was only  pushed through Congress after six months of partisan mud slinging, with the war loving Democrats calling for more aid, more weapons and more lives to be sacrificed to the goal of humiliating Vladimir Putin's Russia is small change compared to what Ukrainian President-with-the-piano-playing-penis Vladimir Zelensky is linking up for his next sting on western leaders.

Kiev is negotiating with the  authoritarian bureaucrats who run the administration of demented, geriatric US President Joe Biden for a long-term and binding committment from Washington to provide Ukraine with military, economic, and political support for the next decade, Zelensky said on Sunday in his daily video address. 

Such commitments are needed to ensure Ukraine has the “efficiency in assistance” it needs to stem recent battlefield advances by Russian forces and gain the upper hand, he said, obviously reciting words written for him in Washington where the proxy war in Russia's backyard that the Pentagon and NATO have worked so hard and so long to engineer.

Some years ago as Russia and Eastern Europe, freed from the shackles of Soviet Socialist oppression, were in the process of transforming into modern nations  I was working for an international consortium in Stockholm. We were creating an advanced integrated services digital network for data, voice and televisual communications based in the Swedish capital, which was planned to extend eventually into Poland, The Baltic States and Russia. 

It was not easy to overcome the various bureaucratic obstacles thrown up when Russian and European Union bureaucracies clashed but it was possible. People in our team, from the UK, France, Germany and Scandinavia seemed to get on well with people in the former Soviet states and Russia, there was goodwill and a desire for cooperation on both sides. 

It struck me that at that time we had massive opportunities to build strong and mutually beneficial trade and cultural links with the new Russia and its geographic neighbours and presumably stemming from that our governments could bury the mistrust and hostilities of the past. Such naive optimism was always doomed to crash and burn, as it did due to interference from 'unknown sources' soon after an American telecoms giant joined the consortium and immediately began to trample, roughshod, on local sensitivities. 

Since then I have learned that many other atttempts to build bridges and increase cooperation in different industries have met the same fate, ending up with relations between the west and Russia in the sorry state we have today.

A commonly held opinion among free thinkers is that the current contratemps which has brought to world far to close to wholesale war for comfort, turned Russia away from the west and towards China and driven the global south into the arms of the Sino - Russian trade bloc, BRICS is as much, if not more, the fault of the Western World than it is of Russia alone. 

Putin as we see him today was in some ways formed in response to the bad diplomacy and miserable statesmanship the western world displayed in its dealings with the new Russia, particularly in the recruitment by NATO of former Warsaw pact nations, in contempt of an informal agreement between US President Bill Clinton and Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev that no such move would be made. 

Russia tolerated that but made its displeasure known through diplomatic channels. The west responded by adding insult to injury.  In 2014 a coup d'etat engineered by the CIA and US State Department overthrew a corrupt but democratically elected, pro - Russian government in Ukraine and replaced it with an equally corrupt, neo - Nazi, pro - western government which immediately embarked on an ethnic cleansing campaign to remove Russian speakers from Ukrainian territory.

Russia was of course blamed for atrocities committed against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. It is as if the western alliance was afflicted by a compulsion to cast Russia as a demonic rogue state intent on conquering the whole of Europe, (though there is absolutely no evidence that such ideas were entertained in Moscow,) and so we had to transform Putin into a monstrous bogie man, thus we end up with mainstream media's portrayal of today's wannabe Hitler caricature.

It now seems that US policy towards Ukraine owes little to the need to halt the appalling slaughter and destruction and everything to do with ensuring the conflict continues and escalates in the hope that presenting the babbling, shuffling clown  Biden as a heroic war leaders will win the Presidential election and ensure the Democrat party controls The White House for another four years. 

Anyone with more active brain cells than they have tits or testicles as the case may be, can now see this war is gaining nothing for the ordinary people of the UK or Europe or the USA and our leaders could bring it to a halt very quickly if they wanted to, as they could have done in April 2022. Ukraine is out of weapons, money and most seriously from a humanitarian point of view, short of manpower. And yet the child sniffing clown Biden insensibly mouths prepared words and his handlers push forward policies that will guarantee the slaughter continues.

It is not too late even now go back to the painstaking task of building trade, cultural and security arrangements with Russia all of which would be the best result for the ordinary people but I suspect the political price of doing this is too high for the political establishments of the developed nations and the billionaire psychopaths who influence them to be acceptable.

After enduring the stupendous cost of the Ukraine war, and the loss of the Nordstream pipeline, the Kerch bridge and other assets, Russia will not want to engage in more military action in the near future if they can avoid doing so. We need to show them that the future lies in cooperation, collaboration and good trade rather than confrontation and conflict. Perhaps it is naive to believe this is possible when there are too many vested interests who would see no power and profit in such an approach, but with a spate of elections due this year in the USA, UK, European Union and several of its member states, We The People must use our votes to let the political oligarchs know that we do not want war, hate neither Russians nor Ukrainians and will not cooperate with any of their plans to remove likely obstacles to building a world government.


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EU Technocrats Plan To Shut Down European Agricultural Industry
European farmers will gather in Brussels on Tuesday to demand guarantees from the EU Commission that changes to policy will be made to ensure the European agricultural sector remains viable. They will also demand a relaxation of the regulatory regime, and for Brussels to abandon free trade agreements with countries outside the EU, which are now being used to bring cheap into European markets

‘We’re Not At War With Russia,’ Germany's Chancellor Scholz tells Warmongering French Ouanqeur Macron
Though Macron's recent posturing as a reincarnated Napoleon by calling on his fellow European leaders to send troops to fight alongside the Ukrainian military may have been nothing more than an ill - advised attempt to deflect attention from online conspiracy theories that his wife Brigitte is, or was at some time in the past, a man, the ploy, if that is what it was, has backfired.

Moscow Claims U S Defense Secretary's ‘Freudian slip’ Exposes Washington's intention To Go To War With Russia
Testifying to the US Congress House Armed Services Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is alleged to have revealed evidence that Washington has plans for direct military involvement with Russia. [ ... ] Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made this allegation on Friday having seen a transcript of Austin's address to the Committee hearing on Thursday. Austin reportedly said that “if Ukraine falls, I genuinely believe NATO will be fighting Russia.

And The War In Ukraine Grinds On
Due to the absence in this blog of reporting on the war in Ukraine readers may have come to the conclusion that we Boggart Bloggers no longer considered it important. That is not quite true, though we are still aware of the importance of Ukraine to the future of the liberal democracies in western Europe, we are only three old guys (with occasional contributions from friends in the alt_news community,) and have simply been overwhelmed by events closer to home.

Total Defeat Of Ukraine By Russia Is Only A Matter Of Time
Financial Times columnist and founder member of the Vobblyvoddymyr Zelensky piano playing penis fan club, Gideon Rachman has a talent for stating the obvious which he displays in a recent article on the state of play in the Ukrainian conflict 'Ukraine and its backers need a credible path to victory - archived. As the Financial Times is behind a paywall with no monthly allocation of free articles, below is a sommary of the most importyant section:

Is The West About To Abandon Ukraine?
n a fresh interview with Germany's national television service ARD on Saturday (2 December,) NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned viewers to prepare for for more "bad news" from Ukraine. Asked for his opinion on whether the situation will worsen for Ukrainian as winter sets in, after the much hyped summer counteroffensive turned into a catastrophic failure he responded, "Wars develop in phases.

The War In Ukraine Is Entering A Significant Phase - SitRep
With all the other troubles in the world its easy to overlook the news from Ukraine which suggests that conflict is entering a a crucial phase as the western allies find it inceasingly difficult to keep up with Kiev's demands for cash, weapons and ammo. Big Serge has a rather long situation report on Substack and it will not make happy reading for the Zelensky fan club in the west:

Game Over For Zelensky - NATO andEU Officials Urge Ukraine To Seek Peace
As this blog predicted early last month, following the catastrophic failure of Ukraine's 'counter offensive' to push Russian troops out of their country, American and European leaders who have previously been solidly behind the doomed Ukrainian war with its powerful neighbour, are rapidly going cool on their pledges of unlimited support for puppet - president Zelensky and his far - right masters.

Ukraine's Military Commander Admits Counter - offensive Has Failed And The Battlefield Position Is Stalemate
Since Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine, back in February 2022, those of us who questioed the Russia bad, Ukraine goood narrative have been targeted by torrents of abuse hurled by pseudo - patriots and armchair soldiers, and called a 'Kremlin stooges', Russian agents', 'Putin supporters', and enemies of freedom. When anybody suggested that Russia's aim was not to conquer the whole of Ukraine and from there wage war on the rest on continental Europe ...

Ukraine Too Corrupt To Join The EU Says Former EU Leader Juncker
Former EU Commission President and world class oenophile Jean-Claude Juncker, stated this week in unusually blunt terms that are perhaps a sign of the times, that Ukraine is not ready to join the EU due to its being "corrupt at all levels of society," the former European Commission president, said in unusually blunt language during an interview with Germany’s Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper this week.

There Is Only One Way Ukraine Can End The War
As Ukraine's much hyped counterattack has failed to achieved the and momentum that hoped for by American and NATO leaders including President Volodymyr Zelensky who admitted it was "slower than desired", and a range of soldiers interviewed by BBC and Sky News television reporters t on different parts of the long (probably too long given the depletion of Ukrainian military manpower,) frontline have blamed minefields laid by Russian troops for that delay. Well as is often said, in any wartruth is the first casualty.

Russia Ukraine Dirty Bomb Claim - Some Reality
As the situation in Ukraine gets more desperate with casualty numberrs mounting, half the national infrastructure in ruins and Russia upping its game in response to US / NATO military assistance privided to the neo nazi nutters in Kiev, a false flag event seems the only way to provide an excuse for direct US intervention. And the USA has a track record for fgalse flag events ...

Who Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline
So whodunnit? Sabotage of undersea gas pipe will escalate tension and move the world closer to nuclear war, but who is behind it, Russia in a bid to put more presure on Europe, Ukraine in an attempt to drag NATO into direct action, or the USA using a CIA false flag event to advance its own agenda.

Has Putin Has Pushed Europe Into Economic Depression, Hyperrinflation and Currency Collapse?
Though it was entirely predictable and indeed had been expected for some time, the news over the weekend that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline which feeds gas from Russia to northern Europe via The Baltic route had been shut down completely by The Kremlin in retaliation for the continued financial and military support given by NATO and EU member states to Ukraine in the conflict with Russia. The European Commission, governing body of the EU, immediately put the community on something close to a war footing, ...
Continue reading >>>

Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave. We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.

Is Russia Selling Its Oil To The World Through An Obscure Egyptian Port?
As this blog predicted when NATO and EU member states shot themselves in the foot by reacting to Russia's invasion of Ukraine with sanctions that prevented Russia from selling oil, gas and vital raw materials to the countries that needed them most, the NATO and EU member states, the Russians have had no problems finding alternative customers for their gas and oil and no problem getting oil into the world's commodity markets through the back door.

Are US Supplied Long Range Missiles Really Winning The War For Ukraine?
Since very soon after the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine western powers, USA, UK, EU and NATO have been doing everything possible to prolong and escalate the war. The latest move is to provide the Ukrainian military with long range HIMARS missile. Mainstream media are claiming this has tilted the balance in Ukraine's favour. But for what? To prolong the slaughter? ...

Jingoistic Western Triumphalism Will Not End The War In Ukraine Or Cripple Putin, But It Is Crippling Western Nations

As the war in Ukraine grinds on and Russia steps up its economic war against the west and in particular The European Union, claims made recently by the idiotically 'woke' leaders of Europe's main economic and military powers that the West has a once-in-a–generation chance to severely weaken Russia’s capabilities, both militarily and geopolitically, look increasingly hollow. Putin's critics have cited 'Western unity' as one of the main reasons why Russia will be economically destroyed and politically humiliated when the Ukraine's military finally claim victory.

European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses
Once more we return to the political instability and economic fragility of the European Union as the conflict in Ukraine combined with loonytoons Climate Change mitigation policies, the failure of 'sustainables' to meet ever increasing demand for electricity, fod shortages and rampant price inflation put economic and social pressure on governments of member states ...

Russian Long Range Missile Test Fuels Nuclear War Fears As NATO Pushed Ukraine To Escalate Conflict
Russia tested its latest intercontinental ballistic missile yeserday, the Satan II has a range of 10,000 miles and can devastate an area of 250,000 square kilometers according to military experts. Bizarrely commentators in mainsteam and online news services portrayed this as a sign of weakness by Russia, though the same people cheered when Joe (Dementiaman) Biden threratened a nuclear response if Russia crossed his 'red lines' in Ukraine ...

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis
With typical arrogance and condescension towards the people who elected them Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and their respectiive presstitutes are trying to spin the energy crisis Europe and North America are currently facing as somehow being linked to the conflict in Ukraine and therfore blame is being attactched to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Do they really think we are stupid enough to believe such unmitigated bollocks? ...

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...

Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...

Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine
Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...

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Thursday, May 02, 2024

The Great CovId Cover Up: The mRNA Injections Are An Absolute Disaster And Should Be Completely Banned Says Professor of Immunology


Professor Angus Dalgleish is an authority on immunology and Professor of Oncology at St George’s Hospital Medical School, London. He is probably the only person in the UK who’s been a National Health Service (“NHS”) consultant in virology, immunology, general medicine and oncology.

While the narrative created by governments and their various agencies continues to promote the line that COVID mRNA vaccines are 100% safe and effective, Prof. Dalgleish, probably the best qualified of many scientists and senior medical professionals to comment on the true performance of the untested, experimental vaccines has been an outspoken critic of mRNA  vaccines, sounding alarms about vaccine-induced cancers and other side effect of the jabs which as is now acknowledged, do not make recipients immune.  He has covered other covid-related issues such as blood clots and heart problems as well.  In January, he published an article in TC W Defending Freedom titled ‘The covid booster cancer time bomb’ which is useful reading for anyone who like myself is being badgered to go and get my spring booster shot, (I keep telling the admin at the medical practice I used that haven't has my first two shots yet, but they insist my records show I am fully vaccinated and boosted!).

Because of his experience working on the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency viruses (“HIV”) and being involved in creating an HIV vaccine – which authorities rejected in favour of the ineffective HIV vaccine which is now abandoned –  when the genetic sequence of the covid virus became available, Prof. Dalgleish agreed to oversee the same process with SARS-CoV-2.

“And we started to plan a MAPA plan when they came back and said, this is not an actual virus, this has been released from the lab in Wuhan, or escaped as we then put it.  And the reasons for this was absolutely plain, is that there were charged inserts around the receptor binding site – not one or two but six – as well as the fusion site, fusion domain,” Prof. Dalgleish said in a recent interview.

“It occurred to me that these inserts, some of them, had been previously published [ ] by the Wuhan group,” he added.

Prof. Dalgleish explained that the virus had been altered so that the amino acids derived from these inserts were very positively charged; they would act like a fridge magnet and so “zap” onto human cells over and above its natural ACE receptor thus inhibiting the natural immune response. The rules of biology would have edited out those changes which is why the mRNA should never have been released for general use Prof. Dalgleish explained.

However, having created the 'killer virus' and 'existential threat to humanity' narratives, governments were not listening, and the vaccine manufacturers of the Big Pharma cartel, scenting the huge profits to be made, having admitted the vaccines would not grant immunity to people who received them, were not up for withdrawing these flawed products. Instead, with the backing of the World Health Organisation (WHO) they obtained from governments a blanket immunity from prosecution over injuries or harms resulting from the vaccines. 

The issues caused by the ‘vaccines’ have never been fully ctalogued, and additional issues might also become apparent in the future. The definition of ‘excess death’ has even been changed to hide the spike in the death rate across all developed nations since the vaccine roll out. How overt does the cover up need to be before some people will admit we have all (yes even the unvaccinated,) been victims of the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated?

The rise of other diseases partly attributable to a lack of vaccination, cited by some oficial sources as proof the excess deaths are not vaccine related  can be squarely blamed on our porous borders. The most obvious illustration of this is the return of Tuberculosis, unknown in the developed nations for over fifty years until globalist policies unleashed waves of mass immigration.

With Big Pharma's absolutely horrendous and well documented past behaviours - the public mistrust is just about where it should be, zero. Not your ordinary zero but absolute zero. If you do not understand why your memory is deficient.

“Misinformation came from both sides…”?

This is probably your most disingenuous attempt at re-framing the narrative.

 We all witnessed between 2020 and 2023 an industry and a government blatantly, deliberately and repeatedly misrepresent and manipulate information in almost all its communications. And yet those of us who challenged this campaign of lies were dismissed as conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, climate deniers, anti - science loons, and worse. 

But the real conspiracies were the lies about the origins, lies about the deaths, lies about therapeutics and prophylactics from vitamin D to Ivermectin, the so called ‘horse medicine’, hydroxychloroquine (that centuries old, well proven and safe drug Quinine,) were dismissed with lies about their lack of efficacy. We witnessed a massive and concerted effort at censorship. not of conspiracy theorists, but of well qualified individuals like Prof. Dalglish, Dr. Robert Malone, the late Cory Mullis who developed the PCR tests that gave 80% false positives because, as its inventor, Dr. Mulis warned, it was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. And thousands of individuals like myself, whose qualifications lie in other areas, who were simply asking the questions governments, health agencies and Pharmaceutical companies did not want to have to answer in public.

Vaccinating everyone despite knowing that immunity did not result and transmission still occurred is criminal. Not only does it accelerate the virus’ ability to circumvent the vaccine, it also killed young people unnecessarily. It should have been reserved for the most vulnerable. But we didn’t really care about them, remember?

Next, what a monstrous gamble it is to unnecessarily vaccinate an entire population with a hurriedly developed, untested, experimental medication against a non-existent  probability of a human extinction event. Many of the decisions implemented in the COVID response were criminal, even more irresponsible and opportunistic.




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A Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Published By The Lancet (but quickly withdrawn,) Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccines
A review of 325 autopsies conducted on deceased persons whose deaths occurred shortly after after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine. However, for reasons undisclosed, (probably by order of the Deep State,) the leading medical journal removed the study within 24 hours of its being released.

UK Conservative MP Claims Cover Up Of Covid Vaccine Related Heart Problems By Big Pharma & Research Organisations
UK Conservative Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, who has made highly public, 'off message' criticisms of the media silence about the harms causede by COVID 19 mRNA vaccines, has now urged the government and British National Health Service to discontinue use of the vaccines as they clearly do not either prevent infection or alleviate symptoms but have so far been linked to far more cases of serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines introduced over the past thirty years.

Gates Foundation funded study punlished by The Lancet exposes failure of COVID vaccines and lockdowns
A study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, with the short title the “Global Burden of Disease” (the full title is so long its almost an article in itself,) has become the latest in a long line of peer - reviewed academic publications to expose the failure of pandemic interventions such as lockdowns and vaccines.

Thousands Of Doctors Are Now Warning To STOP THE SHOT Immediately

A Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Published By The Lancet (but quickly withdrawn,) Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccines
A review of 325 autopsies conducted on deceased persons whose deaths occurred shortly after after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine. However, for reasons undisclosed, (probably by order of the Deep State,) the leading medical journal removed the study within 24 hours of its being released.

UK Conservative MP Claims Cover Up Of Covid Vaccine Related Heart Problems By Big Pharma & Research Organisations
UK Conservative Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, who has made highly public, 'off message' criticisms of the media silence about the harms causede by COVID 19 mRNA vaccines, has now urged the government and British National Health Service to discontinue use of the vaccines as they clearly do not either prevent infection or alleviate symptoms but have so far been linked to far more cases of serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines introduced over the past thirty years.

Gates Foundation funded study punlished by The Lancet exposes failure of COVID vaccines and lockdowns
A study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, with the short title the “Global Burden of Disease” (the full title is so long its almost an article in itself,) has become the latest in a long line of peer - reviewed academic publications to expose the failure of pandemic interventions such as lockdowns and vaccines.