The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Biden Shocks America Wth Unprecedentedly Far Reaching Pardon Of Son Hunter - We Reveal Why He Had To Do It



Despite repeated denials that he would ever do it — the most recent only last week — outgoing US President Joe Biden this week gave his career - scumbag son Hunter the mother of all pardons a get-out-of-jail-free card that  not only clears the younger Biden on three felony charges on which Hunter had been found guilty in June in a federal case surrounding his acquisition and possession of a firearm, and pleaded guilty (using an Alford plea) to federal tax evasion charges in September.

In his statement, Biden alleged that the charges against his son were politically motivated.

Far from bringing closure to a sordid affair, it is likely to be a prelude to Donald Trump going on a rampage of revenge against his enemies. After all it was the Biden adminstration and Democratic Party operations in various US states that spent the past four years weaponsining the justice system against the Republicans in a bid to prevent Trump running against Biden for the presidency again, having allegedly been denied a second term in 2020 due to massive voter fraud in swing states by The Democrats

Once inaugurated, Trump will now be able to use as justification the very same reason President Biden has given for his extraordinary grant of clemency to his son: that America's justice system is hopelessly politicized. This is something Trump has always claimed — and which Biden, for his own self-serving reasons, now confirms.

The Hunter Biden pardon not only wipes out the gun and tax crimes, for which Hunter was likely about to serve lengthy jail sentences and which only came to light due to two whistleblowers revealing a catalogue of Hunter Biden's crimes, it covers 'all offences against the United States which he [Hunter] has committed or may have committed or taken part in' from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.

So whatever federal crimes Hunter, aided by his dodgy connections in Ukraine and China, may have committed in the last decade, including ones we as yet know nothing about, the president's son can never be held to account for them in a court of law.

Why the January 1, 2014 starting date? Simple. Hunter joined the board of Burisma, a dodgy Ukrainian energy company, in April 2014. He was paid millions for his role in the company, despite having no background or expertise in the oil or gas business.

But he traded off his father's name, referring to Dementia Joe as the 'Big Guy', who was then President Obama's vice president, in email and telephone communications during a notorious bout of influence-peddling. Hunter's shady Burisma years have spawned an avalanche of accusations, some false, more as yet unproven.

The pardon has been carefully concocted to protect him from any new evidence of criminal behavior that might emerge. In doing so it also protects his father from being swept up in any of Hunter's wrongdoing. I doubt there has ever been a greater misuse of the presidential pardon since it was devised by the Founding Fathers almost 250 years ago.

Issuing a preemptive pardon for crimes that haven’t been prosecuted, or even come to light, seems a little excessive in the spirit of the idea of presidential pardons. Most people living in the free world atr asolutely stunned to realize that a president can issue such a broad, sweeping edict as this.

This sordid episode certainly marks the end of Saint Joe, the wise elder statesman who stepped up to oppose wheeler - dealer Trump and the supposedly selfless leader who made way for Kamala Harris for the good of party and nation. Instead, he will see out his final days in the Oval Office as Sleazy Joe, prepared to pervert the pardon process to protect not just his son but himself. But who among us is so naive they did not already know that was the case.

Not quite the 'Biden Crime Family' of Republican mythology. But a step in that direction. It makes a mockery of all those Democratic cheerleaders who've tried to spin a narrative depicting Joe as a cross between George Washington and FDR.



Time To Rename Democrat Party The Hypocrite Party
As I read the news this morning I wanted to puke every time I encountered a (false) assertion that there is no substance to the claims of massive and organised fraud in the US presidential election made by Donald Trump and his supporters. As there is considerable substance to these claims, evidenced by the refusal of the General Services Administration, tasked with managing the transfer of power after election, to sanction funds for Joe Biden and the Democrats on the basis that several states are still counting votes,

Were US 2020 Elections Rigged By Dominion Voting Systems
A so-called computer “glitch” in the voting machines flipping votes during the 2020 US Elections has caused a major controversy. The source and ownership of the voting machines used in the elections has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. However, GreatGameIndia has found that the vendors and not hackers maybe behind the rigging.

US News Sites Claimed UK Nov 5th Fireworks Were To Celebrate Biden Presidency
Many of us in Britain and other developed nations spent most of last week looking on gobsmacked at the fiasco that was playing out across the pond as a nation whose inhabitants tell us if we are not doing things “The American Way” we are doing them wrongly, completely failed to back up their claims when they showed themselves to be completely incapable of running a fair and orderly democratic election.

As The World Hails President Not-Trump, News Media Forget He Hasn’t Won Yet
I read several times today that having been “officially” declared winner of the election and now US President elect, Joe Biden is being called on to heal the nation. It’s bollocks of course, while Joe Biden holds an apparently convincing lead in enough states to give him a majority in the electoral college, that body does not meet to formally elect the president until mid December.

Election Fun And Games In America
According to national sources such as The Epoch Times, Trump is currently at 214 electoral votes. If you add Georgia and North Carolina, both of which are obvious Trump wins, far beyond the margin of any Biden recovery, that puts Trump at 245 electoral votes. Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania, and it looks like a victory that will be aggressively defended by the President and his team.

As America votes to choose its president for the next four years, the incumbent Donald ‘Pussy grabber’ Trump or challenger Joe ‘Sniffer’ Biden and chaos threatens to follow the election no matter who wins, I’m reminded of these words from Buckminster Fuller: “If you take all the machinery in the world and dump it in the ocean, within months more than half of all humanity will die and within another six months they’d almost all be gone; if you took ...

The American Election Is Going To Be Fun.
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Is America Heading For Civil War?
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Is America Heading For Civil War?
Authored by Brandon Smith via In last week’s article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape …

Over half of Americans support using Army to aid police deal with George Floyd protests
Over 50 percent of Americans would like to see the army deployed to the streets of US cities to help police tackle the riots raging across the country following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. The US has been gripped by a massive wave of protests for over a month …

Biden the Democrats least hopeless hopeful? Or is he?
A senior U.S. Republican reportedly said recently that the most difficult ticket Donald Trump could face in the next election would be Joe Biden partnered by Elizabeth Warren. This was not, needless to say, because Biden was a brilliant debater or a lethal political adversary. “If he was any stupider, my you’d have to water him”, the anonymous Republican quipped.See also >>>

American Stupid: Hillary Clinton Says Male Leaders Scared of Greta Thunberg
It's coming up to election time again in the USA and sure enought some idiot over the pond has allowed a drop of blood to fall on the desiccated lips of Hillary Clinton and the leader of the Democratic Party undead faction has reanimated to ensure the debate, on the Democrat side at least, never risis above the level of stupid set in 2016 when Hillary famously lost to Donad Trump.

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Pentagon Struggles to Defend America’s Secret War in Niger
The government and military authorities of the USA must be suckers for punishment, already struggling to manage international opposition to their ongoing efforts to effect regime change in Syria and with the bitter taste of failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya still strong in their mouths, they are still escalating US involvement in foreign wars.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

Oprah Winfrey, Praised As A Feminist Icon, Exposed As A Fraud Within Twenty Four Hours

Tanya Gold, writing about The Golden Globes awards, praised the acceptance speech given by Oprah Winfrey who was given a lifetime achievement award presumably for fronting a television freak show, and commented on the ridiculous calls from other 'liberals' in hollywood and Washington for Oprah to run against Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.

CIA Spearheads US Bid To Control Cyberspace, We Can All Help The Resistance
For several years Western media sources have been terying to top each other's efforts to publish the most ludicrously hyperbolic articles about so-called Russian hackers while complaining about the alleged damage these hackers, of whose alleged activities no evidence is offered, have inflicted upon the American democracy The Washington Post would feature a propaganda article about Russia’s push towards the control of cyberspace. The New York Times would try to top it, while the LA Times would try to outdo both. What else should one expect from media sources owned by media corporations controlled by Wall Street hedge funds and enjoying a far too cosy relationship with US Government security agencies, if various reports across the net are to be trusted ... <a href="For a quite a while now, Western media sources have been engaged in a sort of a competition, striving to publish as many

articles about so-called Russian hackers as they possibly could, while complaining about the alleged damage those unseen hackers inflicted upon the US-style democracy.">READ MORE ON THIS >>>

Why Is The Scandal Of The Awan Brothers Being Ignored?
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.

Election fraud allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of ‘political correctness’, report warns France’s FN Win Regional Elections First Round. Now The Cheating Starts. Postal Voting Has Given Us Third World Politics

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Todays Headlines - 4 December 2024


IMF says lockdowns and restrictions even more severe than COVID are now needed to avoid a “climate disaster”

by Ethan Huff, Natural News

The only way to prevent a "climate disaster" from unfolding is for the governments of the world to impose lockdowns and other restrictions on humanity that dwarf those unleashed during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) claims that economy-crushing measures resulting in energy and food shortages, job losses and a total collapse of Western civilization are necessary to stop climate change.

What happened during COVID was just a test run for much worse "climate lockdowns" to come, according to the IMF. Scheduled disruptions that stop ordinary people, but not the elite, from living their lives are necessary to keep planetary temperatures stable, we are told.

"Under a 'climate lockdown,' governments would limit private vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling," explained Mariana Mazzucato, an "agenda contributor" at the World Economic Forum (WEF)

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Italian PM Meloni calls for balanced green transition, rejects economic sacrifices in the name of ideology

Remix News

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has reaffirmed her commitment to pursuing an environmentally friendly energy transition that does not come at the expense of economic development and industrial productivity.

In a video message to the Sustainable Intermodal Logistics Association (ALIS), the Italian premier emphasized the need for “technological neutrality” and called for a reevaluation of European regulations that could cripple key industries, particularly the automotive sector.

Meloni’s message resonated with the audience of logistics and transportation professionals, framing her government’s approach as a pragmatic alternative to what she described as the “ideological rigidity” of current European environmental policies. “In a desert, there is nothing green,” Meloni stated, underscoring the risks of undermining economic growth in the name of pursuing the green agenda.

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U.K. Government Pours Big Sums into Latest UN Crackdown on Climate Dissent

Daily Sceptic

The British Government is one of the main financial backers of a new international campaign designed to suppress online climate science scepticism ahead of next year’s ‘make-or-break’ COP30 in Brazil. Run by the United Nations and UNESCO, the Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change was signed off at the recent G20 Summit in Brazil. Part of its remit will fund non-profit outfits rooting out so-called disinformation and promoting ‘public awareness campaigns’. Commenting on the campaign, the UN’s global communications flack Melissa Fleming noted that a growing number of people are waking up to the harms caused by climate disinformation and “toxic information ecosystems in general”. She suggested that a global movement for “information integrity is gaining momentum”.

In fact this initiative is a desperate throw of the dice to further trash the scientific process and curb free speech and commentary. Fed by decades of failed doomsday climate predictions, fake, cherry-picked and massaged statistics, farcical weather ‘attribution’ claims and an increasingly obvious politicised ‘ban’ on sceptical discussion of the actual science, the ‘momentum’ is turning towards a demand for genuine debate.

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‘This is our moment of truth’, says Le Pen as French government on the brink


Marine Le Pen declared a vote of no confidence in Michel Barnier “the moment of truth” as MPs prepared to bring down the French government.

Speaking during a debate ahead of tonight’s vote, the leader of the National Rally (RN) defended her party’s plan to topple the French prime minister.

“We have come to the moment of truth,” she told MPs, adding she did not want to believe Mr Barnier would “just be a follower of what came before but the builder of a new future.”

France’s left and right-wing parties united to bring forward two motions against the French prime minister earlier this week after he used a rare constitutional power to force through his budget.

Mr Barnier, known for his role as the EU’s chief negotiator during the Brexit years, is not expected to survive the vote but he insisted 

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Russia Accuses Ukraine Of Supporting AQ-Linked Fighters In Syria, & There Is Some Evidence

 Zero Hedge


While the issue of potential Ukrainian government support to Syria's Al Qaeda spin-off Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has remained subject of intense speculation and rumor, Moscow has made the allegation official.

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia issued a statement accusing Ukraine of stoking the armed insurgency which seeks to take over Syrian territory and threaten Assad. "Ukrainian military instructors from the GUR are present… training HTS fighters for combat operations," Nebenzia said at the UN on Tuesday

He went on to assert that HTS has "not only not concealed the fact that they are supported by Ukraine, but they are also openly flaunting this." Reports and images of Ukrainian equipment and drones in the hands of the jihadists during the capture of Aleppo have persisted for days.

Nebenzia also turned his criticisms against UN officials for being "unable to summon the courage to call a spade a spade and to condemn these terrorist attacks" against Syria.

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