The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Shadow Government Desperate To Take Trump Down Before People's Pushback Spreads

Some call it The Shadow Government, some The Deep State, others prefer The New World Order. Whichever you prefer, there is no doubt these sinister people, the dark forces of hidden power, are out to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump. The man has only been in office three weeks and already a war between the elected government and the unelected government is developing. Love him or hate him, Trump (or sonebody like him) would be the only kind of president with a chance of winning such a war.

There was no never any doubt that the Trump's presidency would bring about a confrontation between the state and the people, but so soon after the inauguration goes to show how frightened the elites of global capitalism are that the current backlash in Europe and North America will destroy their plans. As mainstream media news loses credibility at an accelerating rate because of the increasingly hysterical anti - Trump propaganda being passed off as news, behind the scenes, the intelligence community are at war with President Donald Trump.

And The Donald is not ducking the punch up. He has refused to attend CIA briefings on the grounds that the spooks are feeding him misinformation; they have sabotaged efforts to build his team by leaking classified communications with the explicit aim of undermining the National Security Advisor of the new administration and stoking tensions with Russia in an attempt to return to the warmongering brinksmanship of the Obama era when America's first black president showed himself to be a puppet of the Perpetual war movement and the neo - con US Global Hegemony party.

The Removal of Gen. Mike Flynn not only challenges the power of the Trump White House but revives the false narrative that Russian hacking and cyber attacks influenced the outcome of the election and is undermining legitimate U.S. power.

Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog talked to Catherine Austin Fitts about the Game Of Thrones style intrigue and cloak-and-dagger conspiracies of the relationship between The White House and the civil and secret services, and of the reptillian establishment insiders who resent the rival claim to power over U.S. policy of elected governments. We are seeing history being made (or unmade here):

How many other Trump appointees will be mired in scandal, or ousted by CIA / NSA / Pentagon plots? When they go down, will we know why or will the public be expected to take the word of discredited agencies such as the CIA? There are many unaddressed issues with Mike Flynn, most obviously the refusal of the security services to hand over transcripts of the alleged converstations with the Russian government which are claimed to have breached diplomatic rules, but the implications are disturbing. The news media is blatantly distorted, and no mainstream accounts can be trusted anymore.

But there is no way for the public to truly know what is going on between the fixers and deal makers in Washington, without solid, accountable, trustworthy, unbiased and objective reporting of a kind that no longer exists in the west.

The interests of The CIA and NSA and the various corporate / Pentagon committees that make up the military - industrial complex (of which Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy both warned over 50 years ago) and which, along with certain banking and finance interests make up the deep state would be well served if the American people could be persuaded to believe that Putin represents an immediate threat to US national security, and that the entire Trump presidency has been a Trojan horse scheme to advance Russian interest. But, if nobody buys it (and the public don't), then they want the American people to understand who holds the real power and that there is a price to be paid for defying that power.

They will let nothing to get in the way of advancing their agenda. They are at war with Trump, and he will either bend or break, as far as they’re concerned.

If that is the case, then there is no “democracy” or “constitutional republic.” The shadow government has stolen power from the gods of the ballot like Prometheus, but have kept it to themselves rather than allowing the people to benefit.

Remember what former Congressman Dennis Kucinich told Fox Business a few days ago, warning America that the intelligence community was actively trying to undermine the Trump Administration, and are targeting his top cabinet officials. The resignation of Gen. Mike Flynn may be just the beginning:

"...the American people have to know that there's a game going on inside the intelligence community... at the bottom of all this is the fact that there are those that seek to separate US from Russia to reignite the cold war... wake up America!!" See video of full interview

American execptionalism
American Paranoia
Big American trump
Shadow Government
An Elitist Shadow Government Running America
Shadow government policy
New World Order
New World Order Omnibus
NWO Faceless Corporations
Kissinger and the New world Order
Believe The Phoney Narrative Or Be Branded a Conspiracy Theorist
Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Thorist
The Perpetuasl War Conspiracy
You’ll be surprised to learn everybody in America does not hate Trump
The Folly Of women Against Trump Protests

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