The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Is The Demonisation Of Trump Part Of A Plan?

by Arthur Foxake, 30 July 2024

 At the start of this year, former President Donald Trump facing a swathe of criminal charges and legal actions as widely varied in nature of his alleged offences as they were geographically with prosecutors (who coincidentally all happeed to be Democrat activists,) in a plethora of states vying for the kudos that would go with being the person who kept Trump off the ballot for November's election. and ensure that he would not become President again. 

These actions, some speculative, some comical, embarrassed Trump but did not discredit him. His supporters and most unafilliated voters understood that with the Biden presidecy having made both party and office a laughig stock, the Democrats feared a crushing defeat and so tried to weaponise the justice system against him. The difficulty of facing multiple legal challenges on different issues cannot be understated but he appears to have ridden out the storm though further obstacles may still lie ahead. 

In Butler, Pennsylvania, a couple of weeks ago Trump narrowly avoided death when a botched effort to defend the former President by a pathetic Secret Service detail made his assassination a real possibility. From this point on, though, the inevitability of his return to the Oval Office seemed to have been well and truly cemented. 

As he stood on stage, bloodied from gunshot fire last week urging Americans to ‘fight, fight, fight’, it felt a truly momentous occasion.

A few days later doddering, demented Joe Biden stepped back from the Democratic Party candidacy and, apart from one very obviously faked video, has not been seen since.

The outgoing president's subsequent endorsement of Kamala Harris will likely be inconsequential in the outcome of the Presidential Election. The prospect of a Harris vs Trump campaign will not spook the upper echelons of the Republican Party but probably encourage them.

Currently commanding the ascendancy, supporters of Donald Trump are now approaching the forthcoming presidential election as if they are impervious to defeat. That hubris has clouded their judgment in the run up to the 2020 election has reawakened, leading them to forget the lessons they learned after 2020 and so may doom the Trump campaign to relive the same fate that befell them then once more.

As Seymour Hersh's recent reporting on the Obama-led soft coup that somehow ended Biden's candidacy only days after Dementia Man had publicly insisted that he was in it to win it, shows that Kamala, like Biden in 2020, has been installed as the democratic nominee for president  by deed of a shadowy cabal of back room operaters. This is in contradiction to achieving the distinction through the electoral process she and her party have exalted as sacrosanct to distinguish them as morally superior to their opposition though in fact, if we belive Obama has been the power behind the Presidential Seal as Biden bumbled from one gaffe to the next for four years, the Harris conspiracy could be the mechanism for securing a fourth term for Obama. Well he did say after winning his first term in 2008 that he wanted to be President for Life.

The chronology of Harris' selection harkens back to the corrupted process that in 2020 saw her latch onto Biden to become Vice President to begin with. Although the same chain of events that culminated in the 2020 election being manipulated to deny Donald Trump his re-election are emerging yet again, his supporters have become utterly oblivious and completely dismissive of the premise that the same outcome could be achieved in 2024, despite the same framework for rigging the vote already being in place.

There is little political threat from the Democrat opponent in the form of the laughing Kamala Harris, but the main opposition to Trump in this election, as in 2020, comes from the hugely corrupted electoral machine itself - the mail in votes of untold numbers of "invisible" voters, and the
equally corrupted Dominion machines which to the best of my knoledge are still in place.

Another factor that will influence the eection outcome is the unanimously left leaning, voicferous globalist media. In 2016, they painted a picture of Trump that the public soaked up, causing them dispise the man. This hate campaign was not confined to the USA but waged worldwide and  resulted in  the animosity and vileness we have been seeing whenever Tump's name is in the news since then. People who claim to hate the former president with an overwhelming passion even though they are not American and have no stake in the election, cannot explain the reason for their hatred. Since 2020, the media has been in overload to demonise the man and there will be no let up.

Trump has been on U.S. television in one role or another from the early 1980s, so plenty there don't fall for the current media spin that he is a toally evil person (plenty still do though) whereas over here they were not really exposed to the "Trump phenomenon" so are easier to brainwash. Nonetheless UK politicians seemed pretty keen on him about 15 years ago when he started looking at buying Scottish golf courses.

However when he announced he was running for the Republican presidential nomination, the insults started flying in a constant barrage.

Since 2016 when Trump was involved in the Rwepublican primares, media keep reciting the throwaway line about women and "grabbing by the pussy" which refers to an incident  20 years ago and was a not unusual joke at the time, certainly not literal. Women hang around rich men, as they do nowadays with footballers, and its not always the men that do the grabbing as I can attest based on one painful experience when a lady who's seen me order champagne for a group of colleagues decided to dispence with the small talk and just grab a handful.

Despite the media's fascination with and prudish condemnation of Trump's indiscretions there is seldom mention of Bill Clinton remarking "Hillary gets more p***y than me" about her proclivities. Also more recently about her 2016 campaign Bill said "Her campaign was that bad she couldn't sell p***y on a troop ship".

I use this as an example about people using a 20 years ago joke to denigrate Trump as an illustration of the fear and loathing the globalist left feel for Trump. That sort of comment really was common usage at the time, and still is where Bill Clinton is concerned.

While Harris was the least popular VP in American history, she is still close to Trump in polls not including Kennedy. The open question is why would Democrats pick the least popular VP in US history to replace the least popular President for 2024?

Democrats are experts at gaining power so there must be a logical explanation:

Here are my guesses:

(1) The candidate is not truly relevant when election fraud will determine the winner

(2) Kamala Harris is being tested, like Biden was tested in the Biden-Trump debate. If Kamala slips in the polls and/or reverts to her usual airhead word salads when not reading a teleprompter, she could be replaced at the DNC convention. Hillary Clinton or California state governor Gavin Newsom are ready to step up.


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