by Michael Snyder in End Of The American Dream:
While the mainstream media focuses our attention on the upcoming election, the stage is being set for the unthinkable. Chess pieces are in motion all over the planet, and global leaders continue to drag us in directions that we should not want to go. If everyone truly understood where current events were taking us, there would be massive protests in every major city right now. The comfortable lifestyles that so many of us take for granted are about to be shattered. The U.S. could soon find itself involved in several major wars simultaneously, and we are definitely not prepared for such a scenario.
Most Americans could not even pick out Taiwan on a blank map of the world, but for the Chinese the island of Taiwan is of the utmost importance.
On Thursday, a Chinese general told Jake Sullivan to his face that Taiwan is “the first red line that must not be crossed”… The Chinese are very angry.
Worth reading in full
In War Truth Is Always The First Casualty, And That Has Never Been Truer
Two weeks ago, when the Ukrainian army crossed the border into Russia's Kursk region, most well informed commentstors expected the Russia army to repel the Ukrainianexpeditionary force quickly. That did not happen because Russia did not pull troops back from the Donbas front to deal with the incursion but brought troops forward to establish a new battlefront in Kursk. This took several days and gave the Ukies time to dig in, which may have been exactly what The Kremlin hoped for
The Shooting Wars and the Currency Wars
s the shooting wars grind on in Ukrsine, Gaza, Syria, The Red Sea, Sudan and e;sewhere, the main theatre of war is now shifting from the battlefields to the financial centres of the world. Many of you will have been reading in mainstream media about de-dollarization recently, and may have been surprised to learn of the various attempts and strategies being deploted to facilitate trade among the various countries' currencies without using the US dollar,
The World Is being Dragged Towards War And Western Weakness Is To Blame
This week's news so far has focused on the worsening situation in the middle east, as western leaders appear to be accepting that there was from day one no way Ukraine could win its war with Russia and that since US and NATO leaders refused to allow Ukraine to negotiate a settlement based on the reasonable terms offered by Russia as the Istanbul talks brokered by Turkish president Recep Erdogan in April 2022 there is now no way Ukraine can avoid a crushing defeat or survive as a nation in the aftermath.
Germany Involved in NATO War Games Near Russian Border More than 5,000 soldiers from Germany, Estonia, USA, Netherlands, Great Britain, Lithuania and Latvia are currently engaged in the NATO war games, according to DWN,. Operation "Spring Storm" is taking place 30 kilometers away from the Russian border and will go on until May 20.
Lawless, Leaderless Libya Becoming Terror Hub
As the French government calls for international action to halt the development of Libya, a failed state since GFadaffi was deposed, as a hub of international terrorism, we wondr when western leaders will learn that all their interventions so far, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Mali, South Sudan etc. have caused far bigger problems that the ones they hoped to solve.
Much of the build up to the NATO summit at Newport's Celtic Manor on 4 and 5 September, which will attempt to formulate a united strategy for dealing with 'threats' to western security in Ukraine and Iraq, has been focused on the world leaders who will be attending, along with the security operation
We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House Say ISIS Leaders
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Islamic State for short has a nice line in chutzpah, which seems a very Jewish quality for Islamists. Their leaders have issued a video via Vice media which warns the United States that ...
Rape as a weapon of war and genocide is not a pleasant subject but it is one that needs to be raise, like the issue of Female Genital Mutilation. Why visit such unpleasant topics? To expose the hypocrisy of the modern political left who have more in common with Hitler's Nazis, Mussolini's Fascist or Stalin's brutal Soviet regime ...
USA Is Arming Both Sides In The Current Iraq Conflict.
Not so long ago Amerca's President was pushing the case for supporting the 'brave, dmocracy loving freedon fighter in Iraq. Only public opinion and Putin stopped Obama sending troops in to help the Sunni Muslim fanatics who wanted Syria's leader Assad out of the way so they could slaughter Syrias Shiites and Christians. Obama had to content himself with arming the rebels. Now thoise same rebels, defeated by Assad have crossed the border to wreak havoc in Iraq.
Not Waving But Drowning
Looking at the world situation and America's worsening position as it tries (but fails) to manipulate events to its advantage brings to mind Stevie Simith's poem, "Not waving but drowning." which tells of a man who swam out beyond his range and was so far from shore people did not hear his cries for help and thought he was just larking about.
America is not quite like that, rather than waving frantically as it sinks below the surface of its debt pool, it is shaking an angry fist and blaming
World On The Brink - USA And Russia Square Up In Ukraine
It looks like this might be the big one. With all America's plans to destabilise non supine nations in ruins as phase 2, the intstallation of a puppet government proved impossible, Obama who has already been bested by Putin several times cannot back down again. And this time the Russians have forced the crisis in their own backyard where the USA cannot possibly win. Interesting
Can Washington Change Three regimes At Once The FUKUS axis - let's be honest, the Obama Administration in the USA, France and the UK are just sockpuppets, may have bitten off more than they can chew in trying to deliveer regime change in three nations at one to satisfy their paymasters the global bankers. The log jam has developed because of the failure to remove assad in Syria and the resolute support of Russia, China and Iran for their ally.
War On Syria: Standoff Shows America Is No Longer The Global Superpower
So what's happening in Syria you might well ask? After the FUKUS Axis intervention plans were thwarted by Russia and China there seems to have been a news blackout although the devastating civil war continues to devastate Syria. The really big news however (bigger that J-Lo's arse) is that America has quietly been demoted from its position as main global military power.
Will Egypt Seize Libya For Its Oil
If the conflict in Syria, currently showing signs of spreading to Turkey, Iraq and Kurdistan were to escalate into a regional war, a proxy for east and west to butt heads without sustaining too much domestic damage, is Egypt likely to take advantage of the distraction and
But jbefore you are swept up by the hype about saving the planet thake a step back and check out these interesting numbers. It takes 4171 cockroaches to produce the same amount of methane as a 1200 lb cow, 4171 cockroaches weigh just under 7 lb, cows taste better and produce several desirable products from dairy to fertilizer, cockroaches produce shit and methane and soread diseases. Termites produce more methane than cockroaches, they aren’t very tasty either but the psychopaths who govern us want to put them on the menu. No I haven’t eaten any. No dairy and no steak is a deal breaker for me, I’m a carnivore with the odd veggie dinner (portobello mushrooms stuffd with goat cheese and green pesto for example) thrown in.
Call me a Conspiracy Theorist if you like, but it beomes more and more clear to me that there really is a plan afoot among that obscenely wealth cabal I call The Billionaire Psychopaths World Domination Society to reduce the majority of humanity to something resembling medieval serfdom. Nations and social demgraphics have been brainwashed and gaslit to the point that all the powers that be have to do to kill them is to tell them to kill themselves and they do it with haste, eagerness and hostility towards those that are not killing themselves.
WAKE UP PEOPLE. Insects eat shit and carry all the dieases and parasites contained therein. And they can neither be gutted and cleaned like a fish or a chicken not butchered so that only muscle titue is eaten. You get the contents of the stomach, intestine and bowel in your cricket mince or cockroach mash.
Humans have lost all survival instincts.
It will get WORSE too. With the 5g grid and the tracking and surveillance it facilitates in place, and AI Large Language Models creating narratives, mind control is only going to get easier.
Operation Crimson Mist is an example of what is to come:
Not that anyone is going to read about Operation Crimson Mist because everybody is too busy playing online bingo, watching Porn Hub or playing stupid games on their smartphones.
The problem is when most people are too thick to see through the BS of Climate Change, COVID, Proxy war etc. and realise the (quite obvious) long term agenda of globalisation and the WEF…particularly generation Z.
If we do challenge such a narrative one iota, we are deemed far right, racist, bigoted, blah, blah …(insert another boring generalisation)…
We didn’t actually elect this government (20% of the population did…if that). Like all Socialist regimes, they come in by stealth by exploiting a weak predecessor government.
So I do hope the peoples’ vote reflects our outright rejection of this lurch towards collectivisation in our next local elections. I don’t hold out much hope…
Being ‘encouraged’ to have our wealth purged for the “benefit” of the state; being told that unchecked immigration is good for our country; feeding off insects and living in ever smaller properties, while our disposable income dwindles is NOT a future aspiration that even a young post-millennial would wish for. Wake the heck up everyone…
Please just let us have a sensible centre right government in a normal nation state. But maybe this isn’t possible in the 21st century anymore…and THAT’S not a very encouraging thought…
World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’
Food fascists and the obesity pandemicAnother way of looking at this article of course is to say that it is an admission by the WHO that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer, which while true is a dangerous thing to say because after non stop anti - tobacco propaganda for the past fifty years, such a statement would be open to being interpreted as meaning cigarette smoking does no harm.
Big Food Cartel Aims For Monopoly
Food comtaminated with toxic chemicals by food companies
Foood, health and cooking skills
Food crisis down to control freakery rather than shortages
Food giants promote bad diets
Food science fraud
GM crops will not feed the world
If GM foods are dangerous show us the evidence the Scienceology cult said. Here it is.
Health: Food and heart disease, the truth.
Big food lie, saturated fat not dangerous
Using fake science to sell GM foods.
UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way To Feed The World
Trans Pacific Partnership, Monsanto and Global Food Dominance
Big Smack – Junk Food Addict Splatters Boyfriend
The friendly face of junk food
Another dodgy meat in processed food scandal rocks government.
Supersize Snacks (make Scooby Snack like like health food)
Frying Pan FascistsNanny State and the food fascists who work for her have yelled at us about cigarettes, alcohol, sugar and idleness. Now these sad, busybody bansturbators are getting on our case about fat and fried food. But natural fat is not dangerous, only too much fat and the wronmg kind of fat is dangerous. And what is the wrong kind of fat. The highly procressed low fat spreads the bansturbators are always teling us is healthy. Science my arse.
Everything They Said Is Bad For You Is Good For YouJust when you thought it was safe to go back into the pleasuredome Nanny State's Politically Correct Thought Police are now using CAll Me Dave's Dave's nudger try to nudge us towards being better citizens, eating healthy options, drinking less booze, avoiding dangerous sports like bowls and tiddleywinks, driving less miles and being less idle ...
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